Monday, August 12, 2013

Letter to home Aug 10

Emily is the only pianist in the branch, because the pianist they had just left for a mission. So far she has only played in primary. The organ has songs programmed in it, so it can play itself if need be. She also got to sing in the branch. Have you ever heard of a proxy sacrament meeting talk? Well Emily gets to do one of those for an elderly lady who can't make it to church.

Last week the members fed them dinner every week!!! Yea, I'm so excited for her. She said "Heavenly Father does help us and guide us through everything"

She doesn't have access to a family history center and her companion, Sister Fink, doesn't like family history so she isn't able to do anything with family history yet. I keep her informed of my progress with family history. I found a son for Dan Arkadis who is an ancestor we found at a cemetery in Salt Lake. I sent her the death certificate with his name on it. It was very exciting for us both.

In the Preach my Gospel it says "We will attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only on the condition that we share with our Fathers other children the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ and observe the commandments that will enrich our lives here and hereafter." George Albert Smith.
I never realized sharing the gospel was a prerequisite for the Celestial kingdom...How cool!

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