Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aug 12, 2013 Letter's between Em and Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa,
I love family reunions it would have been fun to be there! That is terrible that he said see you in 2 years! That is enough to make anyone cry. Preach My gospel is a great book and the Christlike attributes is a great chapter. One thing I love about Preach My Gospel is that it gives you activities to do to develop those Christlike attributes. I never realized how great of an example my parents were until I left home and realized that all LDS families are not like mine. My parents really did a good job of teaching us the things we needed to know. So many families are struggling and the parents don't teach their kids the gospel and it is so sad, daily I grow more grateful for my parents and the values they have.
There are a lot of farmers out here too and they are all so busy nobody really wants to meet with us ( mostly the members are farmers) then the investigators we have all work at places where the hours are from 6pm to 6am so they sleep all day so it is just funny the things we do to be able to meet with people right now. the Birds Eye food company is here in Waseca and a lot of their workers have super crazy hours, specially right now cause the Corn started coming in. Thank you for always being a great example of faith and strength to me. I love you!
Sister Smith

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Helen Park <> wrote:

Dear Sister Smith,
We just got home from the family reunion a little while ago. It was fun to be with family but we sure missed you and your sweet spirit. It was also hard to say goodbye to Braken when he said I'll see you in two years. But I know he will be a great missionary and we are so blessed to have so many and such great missionaries in our family who are doing the Lord's work. We went to church in Bear Lake this morning and they talked about missionaries and especially section 6 of Preach My Gospel (I think that is the right number) and what attributes we need to develop to become closer to Christ and what we can do right now to be missionaries whatever stage of life we are in. Faith, hope, charity, patience, etc. are definitely attributes we should all strive to achieve and to improve on. The lady said that now she is in the stage of rasing her children and that is where she can be a missionary to her family. Your mom and dad did such a great job teaching all of you the gospel by word and by example and now you have the opportunity to share your testimony and what you have been taught with the people in Minneapolis. They are so lucky to have you! I love to read the things you write. I can definitely tell how your testimony is growing each day.
I am so glad that the members are taking better care of you. They better or I will just have to come have words with them! ha ha. They started harvesting grain on Saturday so they are glad grandpa is back to help them. I probably won't see him much for the next few weeks but I know he is doing what he needs to be doing. I didn't know until we got up here that they had added a 4th principle to the mission of the church and that is to help the poor and needy. Of course, that is something the Savior taught by example from the beginning. I am glad that we have the opportunity to do our part in that cause. Take care, we love you and pray that you might find those people who need the gospel in their lives. Love you, Grandma and grandpa

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