Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Decision to serve a mission

Lindsey asked Emily this question: How did you know you needed to serve a mission? What confirmation did you receive that "Yes I need to go"?

It was hard, Honestly I never felt like I received an answer. I prayed about it a ton and it just ended up being on my mind a lot. I couldn't really focus on school cause I just thought about going on a mission. I prayed and never received a "no" or a "yes" no matter how I asked the question. So I decided, "He who is commanded in all things is a slothful servant" I figured. . . I don't think I would ever regret going on a mission and I doubt the Lord would ever regret me going on a mission. So I did my papers figuring sometime I would receive an answer, but I never did. When I was in the MTC I had a reconfirmation of the Book of Mormon being true and then we read in Preach My Gospel and on one page there is this table of different ways the Holy Ghost communicates and there was one that said how he communicates with us by putting things is our mind frequently so I know that was my answer. I didn't know I was getting an answer at the time but I was. and It wasn't a strong answer so that makes it hard specially when I am having rough days. I think "well why am i even here, Heavenly Father never even told me to come, I am just putting myself through this." But I know that a mission will make me become the kind of person that I want to be. So even though it is hard, I am going to keep trying and doing my best because I have received an answer, I will never regret it, and I chose to do it. I would not have been disappointed in myself if I would have not gone on a mission but I chose to do it obviously for a reason. . . now i just need to stick to it and wait for something to happen that will carry me through the other hard times and teach me why I am here.

You could also pray for the gift of discernment a lot of the time we are receiving an answer but we just don't recognize it. I don't know if that helps, my decision to go was kind of like that, confusing and hard, and not really an answer.

With Love, Em

Lindsey to Emily:

Well, you might not know why you decided to go on a mission...and maybe you will never know for sure. But, I know why you decided to go. You are such a strength to our family. We have all become more missionary minded--especially me. I used to be one of those people who would completely avoid any missionaries I saw because I didn't want them to stop me and talk to me for too long about needing people to teach. Some of the ones in campus were really pushy. I didn't ever know anyone that they could teach. Now I watch for them and make it a point to say hello. They are people too and they don't like rejection any more than I do. I have a better understanding of what missionaries go through. Many don't have support from family like you do and they need people in their mission area to be that support.

Maybe you decided to go on a mission so you will be better prepared to teach the gospel to your children. I don't know the scriptures like I wish I did. You have the opportunity to study them and learn all the stories and gain a deeper testimony. I am working on this now...trying anyway. :D Your children in heaven are cheering you on and they are so grateful you decided to serve a mission.

Your future spouse will thank you one day for serving as well. Learning to deal with and live so many different companions who all have different personalities/interests/quirks will help you adjust to living with your spouse once you are married.

I know these things are not at the forefront of your mind, but they are in your future. Just keep pressing on. I know that this is probably one of the most helpful things you could do to get Morg on a mission. I wonder about him sometimes--whether he will be able to leave mom for 2 years. But, if you can survive it, it will show morg that he can too.
I love you Em! Thanks for the inspiration and giving me a greater desire to be a better disciple of Christ!

I am glad to hear that everyone is more missionary-minded. We need people to be missionary minded. Seriously I love my mission as long as I am serving people and teaching them. Member or non-member. It is the greatest thing to look at my planner and see a full day of appointments. Sometimes a person stopping to talk to us can make our whole day. Keep talking to them! you may not know who they can teach now but maybe you will someday or maybe they were sent to bless your life. Even when you do have a supportive family like I do somedays you just need a hug from your mom. Someone who loves you. and Considering Missionaries mom's are far away we need a mom in our area. Someone we can trust and love and come to them and say " I need a hug from a mom" ya know? recently I have been wanting to hear mom's voice SOOO bad and to have a hug from her. To sit on the kitchen floor and cry and have her there to listen and help me. But she is so far away and I don't feel like there is anyone in the branch that cares about me enough that I could go to. It has been a challenge but I think God is telling me either I need to love the branch more or love my new companion more. . .

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