Saturday, August 24, 2013

Family letter home 8-24-13

Christy: This one was hard for me to read. I was so sad. I just wanted to hop on a plane and go give my girl a giant hug. Oh well, I can't. I have to leave her in the Lord's hands. I know she will be ok.

Letters home this week had a different tone to them.

Sister Fink is going home and that has brought a lot of challenges for Emily. Everyone wants to talk about home with her, so that has been hard cause just thinking of home a lot. Also, it's hard to plan with someone who knows that they are leaving. Human nature tends to not care after so long. Because we make goals so often, and a lot of goals do not get met. That is really discouraging for me because if I set a goal, I want to be able to achieve it but there is always something that keeps me from achieving my goals. So I have been really discouraged with myself. Everyone always says that they loved their mission and their mission is so exciting and all the missionaries here get so excited for everything and I don't love it. I don't get excited and I don't always feel happy and excited. I just keep truckin hoping that it will get better and I will find something really great to keep me going and to give me a glimpse of why people love their missions. I was studying D&C and read chapter 50 verse 40. It reads:

"Behold, ye are little children and cannot bear all things now; ye must grow in grace and the knowledge of the truth." I love this scripture. I know I have a lot of growing to do. Heavenly Father doesn't expect me to be able to do everything now. Which is comforting. One day I will love my mission. I just have to get better and grow in grace and knowledge of the truth. I love each of you so much. Thank you for being my family and for keeping your covenants so our sealing will stay valid so we can be together forever. With love, Sister Smith

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