Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mail to grandma and grandpa 9-15-13

Helen Park wrote:

Dear Sister Smith,
How are you doing? I am glad you are enjoying tracting. The bugs sound crazy. I would probably go to bed and hear the buzzing in my sleep. When Dennis was in Georgia on his mission they had tons of cockroaches. He would send us a tape (it was in the olden days you know) and after every few words you would hear them smack a cockroach. They kept track on the wall how many they killed. At least you don't have them in your house (I hope). You probably have the same lesson as we do in Relief Society but there was a thought I really liked and it reminded me of you. It was about when the Savior asked his apostles to "Feed My Sheep". They said "Go forth with your whole heart, be devoted wholly to my cause. These people in the world are my brethren and sisters. My feelings are exercised towards them. Take care of my people. Feed my flock. Go forth and preach the gospel. I will reward you for all your sacrifices. Do not think that you can make too great a sacrifices in accomplishing this work." That is exactly what you are doing and you will definitely be blessed for your sacrifices. I think we all need be better at taking care of our brothers and sisters whether we are in the mission field or not. We can all be missionaries. Keep up the good work and your Heavenly Father will watch over you and help you as you go through each day. We love you and you are always in our prayers. Love, Grandma and Grandpa

Sister and Elder Park,
I am doing great! How are you? We have never found any of those bugs in our apartment. We found a cricket in our apartment 2 nights ago though and I almost had a heart attack until I realized what it was! haha! it was funny But Sister Hansen had to kill it for me because I am a baby.
We actually don't go to Relief Socitey, because I am the Primary Pianist in the branch so I am excited to hear this relief society thought! . . . It was really good. We really are all missionaries. It says so many times in Preach My Gospel that missionaries can not do it on their own. The members have to help. the more time I am out here the more I realize how important it is that we are all missionaries! The way that our members care for each other is what draws a lot of people to our church anyway. it is really important to show that we care about each member of the congregation. I love you too!
With Love, Sister Smith

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