Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Email 9-9-13

I LOVE hearing about the things you are doing! I am glad to hear that someone is keeping you busy! :D MMMM the canning and picking sounds so great! I can't believe that it took so long to box all the potatoes! CRAZY! I am glad to hear you are keeping busy. P.S. thanks SOOO much for the jam you sent that made my day!
I am so glad to hear that Elder Mclaws is thoughtful! haha! I am doing much better. having a companion that is extremely optomistic helps :) I don't have to marry him, he could just be a good family friend anyway! LOL!
I did hear about that accident in Idaho, it made my stomach turn too. I will be extremely careful. I have made it a goal to not ever get a ticket while on my mission. I don't even go 5 over the speed limit even more usually. I promise I will be extremely careful!
The Lord really does want us to learn on our own who he is. So many things here I wish he would just tell me. Tell me what to teach to Brother P, Tell me whether or not to push Sister G to come to church, Tell me what to do for Joann. . .But I need to learn to make good decisions on my own, that IS why we came to the earth. . . recently our already small pool of investigators has became even smaller which was very discouraging but it made me think "okay what do we do?" I feel like it is something saying "focus more on the less-actives, don't forget about them." With investigators it has always been our job to make appointments but I forget that we need to call, text, stop by the less- active members too. We need to set up the appointments and invite them to come closer to Jesus again. I feel more at peace with not having as many investigators because I do need to focus on not being selfish, and serving others memeber, less active, and nonmembers. everyone is important. Yes I still want to find investigators and to teach people but there are other things to do too.
I am so sad that Bryson came home. He is so great and I want him to have a personal conversion. He had already been out for 3 months! the worst was basically over! I hope that he will stay strong in the gospel. :( that makes me want to cry. I would never be able to live with myself if I came home early. Yes this is hard but so is college, so is life, no matter what life is gonna be hard, why not help people?? I was really hard to not call you when I had the phone but I had chosen to be obedient. choosing before you HAVE to has generally been a really good idea. becasue then when the temptation has come, you already have your decision made!
Tell Raelynn to be patient the first couple p-days are basically STRESSFUL. I think I was more stressed on P-day than any other day for the first while. BUt that is crazy taht he hasn't written his family much yet. I get an e-mail from him weekly! YAY! I love you so much! Thank you for the packages, and letters and prayers, and thoughts through out the week!
With Love, Em!
p.s. i just found another e-mailing rule. I am only allowed to reply to one e-mail per reipient per week. So if you send multiple e-mails throughout the week don't be alarmed if you only get one back, I will just do my best to combine them and I LOVE getting all the pictures! they are so fun!

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