Monday, September 30, 2013

Letter to mom 9-24-13

We have been having some pretty bad rain, but mostly it comes in the night when we are sleeping. Except one day we were out and had to sit in the rain for an appointment. The rain looked and felt like snow but it wasn't white. Weird. Other than that September days are beautiful. So sunny, no humidity, a slight breeze and just flawless temperatures for being outside. Until the sun goes down around 7:30, then it cools off.
My mission is a lot out of my comfort zone and a lot of change, but there is no where else I would rather be right now. I love Waseca. I love the gospel and want so badly to help people come closer to Jesus Christ, to get people to the temple to partake of temple blessings. I love being a missionary!
Brother P is doing great! We left one Sunday and he was in 2 Nephi 17 when we came back the next week he was in Jacob 1 which is huge for an old man who refused to read the Book of Mormon for 30 years. He always asks great questions like "what is the doctrine of Christ" and "What is baptism of fire?" He is still concerned that he hasn't received an answer to his prayers. Maybe he just needs to come to church before that happens.
There was a part member family that moved away from Waseca. We were tracking in the town they moved to, but didn't know their address. We had his moms address and figured we would stop by later in the day. So we started tracting and the first door we knocked on had their last name on it! They weren't home but later when we stopped by his mother's she told us it was the right address. We were amazed. Heavenly Father totally guided us to be there so we could get their address and still be in contact with the family. "Miracles happen once in a while, when you believe"

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