Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27 email. No mail for Emily!

His was my favorite talk at conference! I have listened to it at every chance I get near a computer! haha!

I have not gotten any mail from you for 2 1/2 weeks. . . So i don't know what is up. All I have gotten for the past 2 weeks was a letter from Morgan (which I was very grateful for but I don't know why the mission office does not forward on mail from you or something strange). So, still no CD's. I have been so used to hearing from you every week and with the transfers happening and so much confusion there, and then Easton being born at the same time, It just kind of put me down, and made me feel like As soon as Lindsey had her baby you stopped writing and you are the person that cares about me! and I know that is not the case, it was just weird timing and made it really hard for me to go from getting mail every week, to nothing for 2-3 weeks. Plus there are a lot of stresses on me from the ward here. It has definitely been a really challenging few weeks, but just like ELDER JÖRG KLEBINGAT said, sometimes challenges come because this is life! I know just like he said that this is a trial I am facing right now, and I need to have confidence in myself, knowing that people love me.

With Love,

Sister Smith

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 Christy wrote:

Our conference message today was given by BY ELDER JÖRG KLEBINGAT. Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence. I want to to listen, read, study and memorize (well maybe not memorize) I really felt like it had so much good counsel for you. Did you get the cd's yet? He spoke Saturday afternoon.

Here are some of my favorite parts of his talk:

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your spiritual confidence before God? Do you have a personal witness that your current offering as a Latter-day Saint is sufficient to inherit eternal life? Can you say within yourself that Heavenly Father is pleased with you? What thoughts come to mind if you had a personal interview with your Savior one minute from now? Would sins, regrets, and shortcomings dominate your self-image, or would you simply experience joyful anticipation? Would you meet or avoid His gaze? Would you linger by the door or confidently walk up to Him?

Whenever the adversary cannot persuade imperfect yet striving Saints such as you to abandon your belief in a personal and loving God, he employs a vicious campaign to put as much distance as possible between you and God. The adversary knows that faith in Christ—the kind of faith that produces a steady stream of tender mercies and even mighty miracles—goes hand in hand with a personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right. For that reason he will seek access to your heart to tell you lies—lies that Heavenly Father is disappointed in you, that the Atonement is beyond your reach, that there is no point in even trying, that everyone else is better than you, that you are unworthy, and a thousand variations of that same evil theme.

As long as you allow these voices to chisel away at your soul, you can’t approach the throne of God with real confidence. Whatever you do, whatever you pray for, whatever hopes for a miracle you may have, there will always be just enough self-doubt chipping away at your faith—not only your faith in God but also your confidence in yourself. Living the gospel in this manner is no fun, nor is it very healthy. Above all, it is completely unnecessary! The decision to change is yours—and yours alone."

6. Accept trials, setbacks, and “surprises” as part of your mortal experience. Remember that you are here to be proved and tested, “to see if [you] will do all things whatsoever the Lord [your] God shall command [you]” (Abraham 3:25)—and may I just add, “under all circumstances.” Millions of your brothers and sisters have been or are being thus tested, so why would you be exempt? Some trials come through your own disobedience or negligence. Other trials come because of the negligence of others or simply because this is a fallen world. When these trials come, the adversary’s minions begin broadcasting that you did something wrong, that this is a punishment, a sign that Heavenly Father does not love you. Ignore that! Instead, try to force a smile, gaze heavenward, and say, “I understand, Lord. I know what this is. A time to prove myself, isn’t it?” Then partner with Him to endure well to the end. Spiritual confidence increases when you accept that “often trials and tribulations are allowed to come into [your life] because of what [you] are doing right”

Acknowledge and face your weaknesses, but don’t be immobilized by them, because some of them will be your companions until you depart this earth life. No matter what your current status, the very moment you voluntarily choose honest, joyful, daily repentance by striving to simply do and be your very best, the Savior’s Atonement envelops and follows you, as it were, wherever you go.

I hope you are feeling better and forget about the last couple of crazy weeks. I love you so much. Mommy

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