Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 1, 2014, Letter to mom

The zucchini did make it ok and I ate it right up! We don not do a ton of service for the members. We actually found a lady that is not a member that we serve. We help her with Kody's Closet. You can look it up online to see more details.
Driving usually goes well. Except on Sunday we were charging the GPS at the church because we cannot charge it in the car, it doesn't work. When we went to get it, it was gone. :( So now I have to drive in the city with no GPS and no map. We should get a map! Our apartment is surrounded by other apartments. The Elders actually live in an apartment building nearby (which is nice for when we need our bikes fixed!)
Elder Shrestha did go home, back to Nepal. But Sister Shumway said he is planning on going to BYU-I next year, so he should be back in the states eventually.
My favorite scripture mastery is Ether 12:6. It is a good one.
You asked who gave the blessing after my bike wreck. It was Brother Hawes, the ward mission leader and his dad. There are like four Brother Hawes in the ward, so confusing.
My companion is very short. In the picture I am squatting down! haha So she is really short. I think maybe 5 ft. 1", if even that.
Does everyone read every letter that I send home no matter who it's addressed to?
My companion has never done family history. She is not even connected to parents . . .  so my main focus when we go the the FHC is to help her. I index in between me helping her.
When do they decide if Cassidy or Shaylee is in the Jazz dance? Is Shaylee in the same grade as Cassidy or is she older? So exciting that you have 54 names to get done at the temple. This week I'll go and get the one you sent me done.
You will definitely meet Gretchen. I'll come back in a year when she gets her endowment and you can meet her then. She wants to go on a mission so badly! She is AWESOME! With Love, Sister Smith

p.s. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the bread and jam. I seriously crave homemade bread every Sunday. That is one thing I miss a lot and it was the best thing ever to have some!

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