Friday, August 22, 2014

got lucky this week with two emails! August 18, 2014

Namaste! (that is Nepali)
I have learned how to say hello in tons of new languages on my mission! I love other cultures now!
that is so funny that you always go to baseball games, my companion always talks about the Chuckers (unsure of spelling there). It is hard not to judge sometimes, but it truly is true that you never know what someone's life is like. Repentance is great!
haha! That is so funny, Lindsey always thinks she does not have a lot to say but she always does have lots to say! her letters are always long too! hahah! that is so funny that she took the whole time.
I will reply to your question in a letter, we have to get going because we have a zone p-day today, and we are already late:)

My companion and I just have different definitions of what obedience is so we are working on merging our obedience levels/definitions and so it is a challenge, but each companionship is. If you are with someone literally 24/7 there are bound to be conflicts. Then as soon as you get used to one companion. . . Transfers!
I really am doing well, there are tons of miracles happening here! I love you!

With Love,
      Sister Smith

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 , Christy wrote:
I am always looking for ways to say hi or to start out new letters. I am in Idaho Falls. It was the only chance I had to get Morgan and Cassidy up here before school starts. Grandpa is busy at the farm, but hopefully he can take Tuesday off to go to a ball game. Church today was really good and it have me so many good things to think about. They must have all gone to my subliminal memory because we were talking after church and nobody could remember what was said during sacrament. It is still driving me crazy. Cassidy was telling me her friend Josie doesn't think I like her. I was probably feeling bad and trying to figure out what I could do to change. She is in drill with Cassidy and every once in a while when I go to pick Cass up from drill, Josie asks if she can come because her parents are out of town. It bugs me that her parents do that. I ask her what she will do if I say no. She is one who never has money to buy stuff when we go anywhere so people end up paying for her. I had some serious repentance in my heart today. I don't want Josie to feel that from me anymore. Wake up call. I don't really know what her home life is like and I can't judge. She is not a member and I need to be a better person toward her.
I don't know if Lindsey told you she had a talk in sacrament meeting last week. There was a youth speaker, musical number then Linds and Ty were to talk. Lindsey totally took the whole time and left Ty with nothing. It was so funny. At noon she looked at the clock and said oh look Ty I almost took all the time, then she just kept going. Bishop told us all for a continuation of the talk, come back next week and Ty will speak. Only they went to Logan to hear one of Ty's boys at his mission farewell talk. Maybe next week.
Our Sunday school lesson was about the difference between knowledge and wisdom. It referenced Proverbs 3:5-7. (My scripture mastery) it then asked the question: What experiences have taught you to trust The Lord? So that is my question for you this week.
Everyone keeps asking me about your new companion. Why are things so stressful? Is she not positive or what's going on?
Take care of yourself. I love you and hope you are doing better.
Yeh eh nah pa doh. Mommy ((((((( )))))))

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