Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Family letter home August 4, 2014 new bike rule!

Hi family!
     With a new mission president comes many changes. One of those changes being we have to spend 10-15 hours on our bikes WEEKLY!!! WHAT?  Yeah, I guess I will be on my bike a lot more often now. It actually isn't too bad. I am lucky to not have been sore from all the bike riding we have done recently. It was the end of the month and we were running out of miles, so we biked a lot.
This week something awesome that happened was we saw a lady at a bus stop, and so we started to teach her. Half-way through the Restoration her bus came and she got on the bus, but we gave her the pamphlet and turned around a took a few steps. The bus inched forward and the bus driver yelled to us "Hey, do you have another one of those? I need something to read" So we gave him a pamphlet too.
     Also this week we taught the guy that chased us down and had all the questions about the Bible. (I told you about him last week) He is so solid! He will love the church once he gets more involved. He sees how terrible the world is getting and he hides from it, but he just needs to make the right friends. He needs the support system that this gospel brings! Everything he says he believes is also a belief that our church has. It is really cool to see how he already has all of the beliefs, he just doesn't know that we believe the same things he does!
     This week I was studying Alma 19:33 and how they all professed that "their hearts had been changed." I encourage each of you to consider and reflect on how and when your heart has changed. Write down those experiences if you have not already. How has the gospel changed you?
     Also, for those of you who have been sealed, why don't we ever talk about it? Will each of you write me a letter about the day you got sealed to our spouse? what was the weather like? How did you feel? Was it what you were expecting? Who was there? Why was it important to you to be sealed? How has your understanding of it changed over time? This week I realized I know NOTHING about the day my family became eternal. My companion is not sealed to her family. She was asking me all these questions about our family and when my parents were sealed and I knew nothing! How sad. So that won't happen again!!!
Love, Sister Smith

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