Thursday, January 2, 2014

Letter to mom 12-25-13

Merry Christmas! I only remember going to see the lights of Temple Square twice, and once was last Christmas when I went with my college friends. I am gold you liked my Christmas card. We had a lot of fun making it. I get to email on Pday from the library in Maplewood. For our Skype we are going somewhere else though.
I can't believe on Dec 14 you didn't have any outside decorations up yet! Did you ever get them up? The chairs you made out of pallets sound really really cool. How was the Smith Christmas party? She sent me a card with some pictures in it of her feeding a kangaroo, and of the Sydney Opera House. I missed the Cavatelli, but I found pazelles! They weren't as good as grandma's but still pretty good.
I loved how covered in decorations our tree was. Since when does the Duchesne Arts Council do plays? That sounds really fun. I have missed listening to them this year, but I have found other good music.
I completely forgot I sent home a Shutterfly coupon. I am glad that you got your book finished. Shutterfly is not my favorite but it is nice. What did you put in the photo book? (Funny thing here is I made her a book of what we have been doing since she left on June 26!)
We are only allowed to read scriptures, PMG, True to the Faith, Our search for happiness, Our Heritage, and Jesus the Christ. I would love to hear your thoughts from your studying of 12 gifts for Christ.
You did so great on a present for Sister Riley. It was so great! Our Christmas Eve was so fun. We had a missionary meeting during the day and we taught some lessons then we went and spent the night with the ward mission leaders family. They invited all the missionaries in our ward. So the missionaries there were more numerous than the family members. We had mexican food for dinner, then we did a very musical production of the Story of Christ's birth. I was Joseph, because my companions was the only one who could fit into the Mary costume and all the member's children are boys. They figured it was best to have me be Joseph! :) Then we did this cool thing with the symbol tree. Everyone picks an ornament and shares what the ornament symbolizes for them. It was so spiritual. I loved it! I want to incorporate the symbols tree into my Christmas Eve tradition. Anyway, I will talk to you in approximately one hour and a half from the time I wrote this letter. Sister Smith

p.s. I did make cheeseballs and butterfingers. Yum! Thank you. I loved all my presents. I LOVED the footie pj's. I actually had a dream that I got some of those for Christmas a couple of weeks ago!!! I love you.

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