Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Email home Jan. 27, 2014

It is so weird to hear the different rules of the different missions! haha! We would be in SO much trouble if we stayed out until 10:15. The latest we are supposed to be out is 9:30 and that is ONLY if we are teachign someone. normally in by 9. Did you say an early dinner at 5? Do the missionaries not normally eat at 5?
Speaking of Macoy and Shelly Young, I totally got a package from the ward this week that was supposed to go to the phillipines. There was a card signed for Macoy and at first I didn't realize it was for him so the card said "I love you, Mom" and It was definitely NOT your handwriting, This is where the confusion began then I opened it up and each person in the ward had signed it but no one said any names, and you had signed it "have a great day, Todd and Christy" and Bishop Brady signed it "Happy Birthday you patriot" and I was so confused! then I looked at the back of the card and there was a note that said something about mom, and being the ward missionary coordinator and I was like WHAT? my mom is not the ward missionary coordinator? What is happening then I looked at the other side of the envelope and it said "Happy Birthday Elder Young" HAHA! I laughed SO hard! So I got a card and some snacks, hopefully the gift in my package wasn't too girly. . . I have never heard of Uno Roboto.
How did your sloppy Joe recepie go? Did you make homemade rolls to eat them with? I can't believe how big Cassidy is now. we have an investigator who is her age, and she seems way older than my little Cass-A-Frass:) There is also a member that I LOVE his name is Why Why, and he is 14 too, he is the only member in his family, he comes every week, he is so cool because he is the oldest child and he just takes care of his family, because his parents don't really speak english very well. I am just amazed at how awesome he is, and he is only 14! CRAZY!
anyway, I love you!
Sister Smith

On Sun, Jan 26, Christy wrote:

I love Monday's. I love getting your emails. Some days I go a little crazy waiting for it to come, but that is normal for all missionary moms. There was a funny joke on Facebook about missionary mom's on P-day waiting for their emails. I really do check my phone and i pad like a million times until it comes. It's funny. I know Shelly Young waits up until 1 or 2 in the morning to hear from Macoy. I know they email back and forth a little. Well we got the meet the new elder tonight. They showed up at 8 for nachos and just left at 10:15. We played Uno Roboto. Have you seen it or heard of it? There is a little robot and each player records their name then the game goes on as usual Uno. Until the robot decides to tell you to switch hands or draw cards until you pick a certain color. Then you sometimes get to make up nicknames for the other players. It was so crazy. I won twice! Dad even played all night long. That is a miracle in itself. Elder Earl didn't like not winning, so we had to keep playing one more time. He was down to one card several times then the robot made him change cards with dad or draw more cards. It was funny. The new Elder is from Boise Idaho. Elder Quesada??? Something like that. He is fun just like Elder Earl. He was in the mtc in June. Has been out for about 7 1/2 months. Sound familiar??? We found out his birthday is in five days, so Morgan invited them to dinner. He requested Sloppy Joes! Can you believe that would be a favorite birthday meal request? I hope I can find an awesome recipe or at least make some homemade rolls to make them edible. That is one of our least favorite meals. We will see how it goes. They have to go to Tabiona after dinner so early 5:00 dinner. Hope dad makes it home. Maybe I better invite grandma and grandpa just in case.
Morgan said HI!!!!!
They are having a special meeting for all people in the stake who have a family history calling on Tuesday night. I am excited to hear what that is all about. They have made some awesome changes on the family search website. Do you ever get to get on? Melanie had a great week last week at the fhc. Cassidy has started coming with me then just going to mutual at 7. Can you believe she is a Mia Maid now??? Crazy.

Hope things are going well with your hispanic family and with Sister N. I put her name and yours on the prayer roll this week. Hopefully she will feel a little stronger this week as she gets extra prayers for her every session! (and you). Well I am tired and am going to hit the sack. Yeh Eh Nah Pa Doh!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Mommy

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