Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Monthly missionary planners

Something fun that I think might be exciting is every six weeks I get a new planner and a lot of people decorate them but I don't really have time and stuff to do that. But if each six weeks someone new decorated a planner for me and sent it to me I think that would be way fun. I can't have pictures of people (like boys or family that's kinda distracting) on them but just decorate it with pictures or Christ or quotes or to look like a missionary or just to look cute anything really. let me know if that is something you guys would like to do! this transfer is already 2 weeks in so the next one would have to be done and sent out quickly but other than that 6 weeks is plenty of time!

(Christy): I asked her how that would work, if she would send planners home or if we could send her stickers and stuff to decorate.

I will send some blank ones to you! Tell Morgan he HAS to do one!!! if he just draws a picture of a truck and puts it on the front of the book I would love that so much!!! I am SOOOO excited!!! :D

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