Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014 Headaches and Sympathy Headaches

I had headaches for about 2 weeks regularly, they are less regular and less intense now.  I actually think it was that my shoes were giving me no support, they were OLD, and so were the padded inserts, so it was causing pain all over my whole body. Also, I am sure carrying my heavy bag around all day every day was contributing. But I got new shoes (that would be pair #4 on my mission, I have never gone through a pair of shoes so fast in my life!), and new inserts, and I started carrying my bag around a lot less.

Funny that you mentioned sympathy headaches, because I started having foot pain a couple weeks ago and I mentioned that I was having sympathy pain for Sister Shumway, she had never heard of that before, she thought I was full of bologna. . . but sympathy pain is real! haha! Don't worry the foot pain is no more. That is what made me think it was my shoes that was the issue, because first my feet hurt so bad, then i could feel the pain creeping up my body, to me knees, then my back, then my head. . . So I am on the mend!

That is really exciting that the Ivie's came to our ward. How is Raechel? I have not heard from anyone while I have been on my mission, except Emma. I got like 2 letter from Jayson at the beginning but no more. . . Is Raechel still going to school in Ogden? The girls went to the lake for YW's camp? that is super lame. Who is the YW President? boating at camp would be fun though.

I am so glad that I was not part of all the ice stuff! that sounds nuts! it just sounds like you worked all day long. did you get to go out to the lake at all? was anyone out there in Duchesne to help you with breakfast and fireworks? I heard Mel and Trent and Jamie were in Idaho. I like you e-mailing pictures to me, that way I do not have to worry about what to do with so many pictures printed out. A mixture is nice:) I like both done!

I loved President Uchtdorf's talk at conference about gratitude, it was so good! It is really hard to accept his will sometimes but we just have to do it! My fast and testimony meeting was really good too! it was more of just watching the interaction between the members as they would pass each other on the stand one going to bear testimony and one just finishing that really touched me today. they were just willing to give help and the other person was willing to accept the help. that is one HUGE thing I have learned on my mission is to learn to accept help and to ask for it when I need it. I am not superwoman. and it is so frustrating to me wanting to help so many people but they will not let me because they can not accept help! AHHHHHH!

Do we have a lot of ancestors who were in the military? oh I know the bad smell from flooding. . . almost every house here is flooding because of so much rain. this June broke all of the records for the most rainy June in all of Minnesota, ever.  So we live with the dehumidifier on so it does not smell bad. . . Who even knew de-humidifier's exist? ahywho, I love you so much! have a great week!

With Love,
      Sister Smith

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