Saturday, July 5, 2014

Goodbye to President And Sister Clements

Happy July 4th! This week we said goodbye to President and Sister Clements :( It was so sad, but it was a much needed break for them. Sister Clements said she had only gotten two hours of sleep the. Isn't before. I think it's more common than we realize.
Last night we did a conference call with the Forbes. As soon as we heard their voices, it felt right and I felt so peaceful. I was really scared to switch mission presidents but after hearing their voices, all fear is gone. I just love them and cannot wait to meet them for reals!
I learned something cool this week. We stopped by a less active, part member family and they weren't home. Normally we drive away or drive to the other family on the list that lives on the same street. But we decided to walk this time. As we walked and knocked on some doors and talked to everyone that is outside after we crossed the street and walked up a driveway to talk to some people. There were some neighbors that were sitting far from their driveway, so we just talked to them from where we were. They were not interested so we knocked on their neighbors door. And we taught them. He has a wife and four kids we can teach hopefully! Then we kept walking and we saw a Hmong man smoking on his porch so we went to talk. He was actually interested and wanted to know more about the Book of Mormon. So we got to teach him too! That day was a huge testimony to me that a lot of the time as we rush from place to place we often miss out on things, but when we take the time to walk instead of drive, or to notice he people on the "sidelines" of your life God blesses us with opportunities to share what we know and share the gospel. Chances are all around us, we just have to slow down enough to notice them! With love, Sister Smith

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