Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Email 11-25-13

I was glad to hear that Michelle Evans was Aida! She does have a good voice! The mic issues are so annoying! I love when they make sure that people can be in stuff! haha! Morgan's costume looked pretty cool in that picture you sent me :)
I loved the cozy coupe truck! He looks so cute in it!
We are going to both thanksgivings probably but the Hmong one we will probably just stop by and visit, not eat much and then really party at the Jewish one! hahah!
I felt like this week was really good! We had a lot of really amazing lessons. One specific was with Sister B. and she was a former investigator and we didn't have a lesson plan for her but we taught an incredible restoration to her where we said a lot of things we don't normally say but it ended up being really great and I really felt the spirit testifying through me! We had a couple lessons like that this week it was great! Then we went to pick up an investigator for church and she brought 8 other people with her! When something awesome like that happens the happiness you feel is really indescribable but it is awesome! It's the joy of bringing one soul unto him!
Sorry if there are a ton of spelling errors they key board I am typing on is not very good. It keeps leaving out letters so i have to push really hard. But I have been thinking and I don't know if you have already done a ton of shopping for me but I have just been thinking about a few things that you could get me for Christmas if you didn't know what to get:
1) a voice recorder (if you don't want to I can just use my camera and take videos no problemo!)
2) New Garments
3) Basically any warm clothes, specifically skirts I only have light skirts which is fine but I have to layer up underneath.

Please don't feel like you need to buy these things people just always ask for suggestions so these are suggestions. But whatever you do is fine! I love you so much! Also if you could throw in my YW's ribbons out of my scriptures and some Drill Pants in the next package you sent that has room or that needs padding that would be great! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sister Smith

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