Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 1, 2014. Biking and Captain Moroni

I have had such a fun week. On Thursday we took our car into the shop to have some body work done. There they told us we would not get our car back til next Thursday. A whole week without a car! Needless to say, we've been biking. First day we biked ten miles. The second day we got stuck in a flash flood storm so our bikes stayed locked up in the same area for a long time and I was worried about my bike. The area was not the greatest neighborhood and the words of my father kept coming to mind "we got you the cheapest bike because it's just going to get stolen." This week I kept thinking about that while we were running for sheltered places. Then that night when we got back to where we locked our bikes, guess what happened? No bikes stolen! Both of us had our bike lights stolen. Mine was a rear light and the Elders had a spare one, so all is well it was just funny. On the third day we bikes all the way downtown. The days total was ten miles again. Sunday and Monday weren't bad we found a ride to church and to shop. It is such an adventure! My companion tries to complain or get sympathy from the Elders in the ward, but they are on bikes all the time so it's just funny. Also today was transfer week and Sister Fullwood is leaving. My new companion is Sister Nelson. I know her already. She is super happy and sweet.
How are the scripture masteries coming? Hopefully well! A scripture that I loved that I read this week was Alma 48:12-13. It talks about Captain Moroni "a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God for the many privileges and blessings which he bestowed on his people; a man who did labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people. Yea and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ." I want to be able to be described that way! Firm in the faith, my heart full of thanksgiving.
This week we began to plan a baptism! We have a great investigator. She loves to study and after only two lessons she asked how much does baptism cost? Obviously she is excited for her baptism and so are we!
With love, Sister Smith

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