Friday, September 12, 2014

Lesson about attitude August 25, 2014

So nothing super eventful happened this week. Today my companion and I sang at a funeral of a recent convert. But it was not too sad for me at least, she is finally out of that nursing home and out of her body that I'm sure caused her a lot of pain. Hopefully we can stop having funerals soon. Enough about that I just want to talk about attitude and what a huge effect it can have on people. As you are aware this transfer has been a more challenging one for me. But as I think about it, in the beginning I started out with a "oh no, what is going to happen to my spiritual progression" kind of attitude which is. to necessarily bad but I was not happy thinking about it. As I changed my attitude to how can I help my companion be more happy. It became easier to love her. Often it is still not easy to accomplish all that is at hand. It is not always easy to be humble when I get ignored or when I have to do things on my own, but it is easier to love her and to say positive things about her. I never realized the effect an attitude can have on those around you. In a talk by Elder Holland (The best is yet to be) he talks about how we need to forgive and forget and when it comes to mind again, forget it again. That is the key. Keep forgetting. Something I have learned this transfer is to never say negative things. They don't benefit you or those around you. All they do is drag everyone down until everyone is miserable. I encourage each of you to reflect on the things you say. Are they about someone else? Is it negative? Hopefully Sister Shumway's tendency to be positive about everyone rubbed off on me at least a little bit. If,you want to be happy, be.
With love, Sister Smith

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