Monday, June 2, 2014

email June 2, 2014 to Jamie

Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014

I did hear the Ben got a job in Pocatello, still close enough to visit often:) that is great!
The work is going well. Last week we were teaching an investigator and we were more bold with her than we ever had before and we had prayerfully considered specific blessings we could promise her. This week, was the next time we saw her and the difference was amazing! She had read her assignment in the Book of Mormon, and understood it all. The most amazing part though, was that she also received personal revelation! She learned something that the chapter did not talk about at all and it was so exciting to see her learning on her own and finding her own answers. Then as we went through the lesson, she had so many great questions that the join teacher answered all of them! The Spirit was strong as we were in a member home and the member was testifying to the investigator about her concerns. Then she came to church this week, the ward just made her feel right at home! It was such a blessing to have a ward we feel comfortable bringing investigators to because we know the ward will be good at taking care of them!

Also, The testimony meeting in the Maple Grove ward this week seemed like it was tailored to fit my needs. We have been spending a lot of time finding, and I have been sort of discouraged with the lack of people that we find that actually turn into investigators. There is a young man in the ward who is leaving on his mission on Tuesday and he shared how he knew that there were people he promised in the pre-earth life that he would find them. As he shared that I was rejuvenated! I feel so strongly that there is a reason I am here in Maple Grove, A family I need to find, and many lessons I need to learn from my companion and from the ward members here. Then as a youth went up and shared a simple testimony of the Book of Mormon, and the church being true, the Spirit came and witnessed to me that what she said was true. Her testimony was so simple, literally, "I know this church is true, I know the Book of Mormon is true" and after she said it I was holding back tears. a testimony does not always have to be grand and long and wordy, ya know? Simplicity is great! Recently I have begun searching for a confirmation every day and that was definitely my confirmation for the day! I was spiritually re-fueled at church!

President Forbes comes in 7 weeks. We have more time with President Clements! yay! I am sure whatever needs to happen in your life will happen:)
Random video but I love it and it is so good!

With Love,
      Sister Smith

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