Friday, February 28, 2014

Letter home Feb 24

Well this week was an adventure. On Thursday-Friday it snowed a ton! The weather predicted 10-15 inches. I don't know exactly how much it snowed but I bet the forecast was about right. We were not able to drive (of course) so we walked about 1/2 mile in the freezing rain to a member's house to talk to them about fellowshipping some investigators we have. They invited us to stay for dinner. So we got to quickly help make dinner and after dinner the snow was coming down really hard so the members drove us home. People think just because the weather is bad, we just sit around at home, it's weird. Anyway so then we walked to the nearest members the other direction and talked to people who were out. We got to help a member who was getting ready for New Beginnings with her decorations. The snow was crazy, we basically couldn't drive our car for 3 days!
Recently I found out the most AWESOME thing ever...Brother P from Waseca totally got baptized!!!! How cool is that. I was so excited when Sister Hansen told me. Now he and his wife (who has been an active member 30 years) are preparing to be sealed in the temple. :) I love the temple. Seriously people in Utah are spoiled. There is no reason people in Utah should not be able to make it monthly. In Eau Claire it is 2 hours to get to the temple, if the weather is good. and we aren't very far. Think about the people farther in Wisconsin. They are so far away, but no matter how far the temple is worth it! The Endowment is a great blessing, so is the sealing. It's just great! Yeh Eh Na, Sister Smith

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