Thursday, February 27, 2014

Email Feb 24, 2014

man, Morgan being sick on vacation, that's no fun. I would LOVE to feel what 80 degrees and humid feels like. I don't even remember. Last I heard it was cold all over the united states, is Florida not cold?
It sounds like you are all having so much fun! I feel kind of left out that everyone except me is going but I guess I got an even cooler trip to Minnesota that no one else got. I loved the pictures you e-mailed, they are so fun! What kind of pants was Cassidy wearing???!?! haha! I guess that's what's in style now right? I miss Cooper a lot, he is such a cutie. I am missing so much of his little life:(
your other e-mail reminded me, the 1 Nephi 17:41 part, of one of our investigators. She is having extreme money problems right now and we promised her that if she would stop drinking Coffee she would have enough money. and the only excuse she could think of was that she doesn't want to quit. When we were promising that to her it was definitely my mouth but it was not me promising. I have never felt the Spirit talk to someone so clearly through me. I know 100% that if she would live the Word of Wisdom she would be taken care of. But She would not believe that it would work so she didn't even try. It was sad. We had to drop her (stop teaching her) because she was not progressing (she's been learning for 7 years). It is just so devastating how simple the Gospel is and how people refuse to live it.
I've been reading in the end of Alma about the war chapters and how each commander of the Nephite Armies is so inspired of the Lord. They just keep winning time after time because the Lord has got their back. I love Alma 56: 16-17 but specially verse 17. This is one that Sister Clements uses a lot to motivate us. We have to give it everything we have got and be determined to conquer. Also, to give every one we meet "Great hopes and much Joy", to "Scatter Sunshine" etc. (Sister Clements is really into singing, which I love :D). Be safe in Florida, I hope you have/had fun at Sea World:)
With Love, Sister Smith

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 Christy wrote:

Hi there! How are you? We are good. All is well so far. Except for Morgan, poor thing got so sick Saturday night. Throwing up really bad stomachache.  At least we weren't trying to do a park. It was kind of in between days of the tool fair and moving to the time share. We spent the afternoon at the pool at the Gaylord. It rained on and off all day long. But what better place to be in the rain than in a pool right? The pool was like a bathtub. Water was so warm so it was way nice. The babies loved it. I felt so bad for Morgan. We was puking all night long. Let me tell you how hard it was to get up and go to the park today. He did survive and felt ok, I guess. No incidents to have to clean up. Linds and Cooper are felling pretty good too. It is just so hot here we have to be careful and not get dehydrated. Weird going from so cold, to 80's and humid. My skin is very soft though. We all take turns with the babies so it makes it fun. I rode a triceratops ride today. Just like the dumbo ride at disneyworld. I took Cassidy and dad first, then went back with Cooper, Porter, Lindsey, and Morgan. We also rode on the jeep safari ride. Saw lots of animals. Found chip and dale to pose with, and Rafiki. Tomorrow we are headed to sea world. I'm so excited. Hope my feet and back have time to heal before we have to hit the ground running. All day just kills ya.
I am taking lots of pictures. I did email one of Cooper petting a pig at Rafiki's island. We went to animal kingdom today. One of Cassidy shopping for hats, and one at the salt lake airport of the kids. Cooper is so cute. He loves to grab our hands and just go. Well I am exhausted and going to go read my scriptures and go to bed. Love you tons. Mommy

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