Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gaining the trust of the ward. November 10, 2014

That is so weird, mail is being so funky. I am fine when I was in Maple Grove I went to the doctor twice because once they told me I had allergies, and the other time they told me I had athlete's foot (which I totally contracted from our apartment that the Elders used to live in.) But I guess that I forgot to pay something somewhere, so I just did it. Okay, January 3rd. it is final. . . gah!
Alex is a popular guy. . . haha! It is so weird that the Fosters moved. I remember them talking about moving my senior year  but it was never real, but I guess that it actually was! Yeah, this morning we woke up to tons of snow, we are not allowed to drive our cars, and it is not supposed to stop for a few hours. I broke out the last of my winter gear today:( I will be okay without the fleece lined tights for a while, you can wait until the ones from Kohl's get here. It is funny, people at the post office know me too, sometimes I have to go in to get packages, and so they know my address and they stopped checking for ID because they know who I am :)  It is so crazy that Tyler is coming home now. I think I'll be the next to come home Is that right? When does MaCoy come home?
I did get Lexi's announcement. I Put it on my fridge:) She is so pretty, and I was so happy to see that it was in the Temple!!!I had no idea that Chelise went to Peru, that is so crazy. (I guess would I expect anything less from Chelise?)
I have a hard time believeing Morgan gets up at 4:30 am! does he like it so far?
Things with the ward are still rough. I think the first step is that I need to warm up to them, because once I love them, they will have an easier time loving me. . . but it takes time. We have tried everything in the book to gain their trust and it is a challenge. They still have no plans for us for Thanksgiving. . . Who lets missionaries be alone on Thanksgiving day???? No, we will talk to the Relief Socitey President about it and I am sure we will find something! It is hard to go to a ward where you do not feel welcomed or loved.
My scripture masteries I have 4 more of D&C and I have 1/2 the Book of Mormon ones memorized:) So they are coming along!

With Love,
      Sister Smith

On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 Christy  wrote:

I don't know what's up with the mail system lately. No mail from you last week. Hopefully Monday. I checked your bank balance it is 152.24. I did notice a payment to the North Clinic for 10.00. Are you ok? I did finally get things worked out with with the travel home information. I didn't hear from President Forbes, so friday I called him back. His wife answered his phone and she gave me the number to mission travel. I called them so I could get the exact price and book it if we could afford it. The cost was 200.00 to change then the difference in the ticket price which was 42.00. I was so happy it wasn't too much. So I got things changed and have the itinerary now. You travel home January 3! I don't know if you really want to know that or not, but nevertheless now you know.
Alex talked in church today. It was pretty crowded. Mr and Mrs Foster came. I never see them anymore. I guess they built a house down south. Gayle still works in Roosevelt so they are kind of back and forth between houses. Mr Foster told me Minnesota is in for a winter storm, so I looked online. I hope you have your winter gear out again! I bought one pair of tights for you and we ordered more. I don't know what size for sure. We just got large. Lindsey found some on Kohls website. How badly do you need them? Should I wait until the ones from Kohls get here or do you want me to get the pair I have now out? I don't care either way. They love me at the post office! haha. Tyler Harper comes home Wednesday! Clayton was visiting with me one day at the post office. He was shocked that I send out mail every week and email on Mondays too. Well that's a man for you, even if he is a dad. I still like to get mail and hold the letters in my hands and read them whenever I want. I like to see your handwriting too. lol.
Lexi got married Friday. Did you get the announcement? I went to the reception. She looked beautiful. I attached one of the many pictures they have posted to facebook.  Chelise came home from Peru to be here for the wedding. Did you know Chelise went to Peru? She went to teach english for three months. Xela Rowley went with her, but for some reason she came home earlier than Chelise. So she was there alone for a month! I would die to leave you alone in a foreign country. Minnesota is far enough and I know you are in good hands.
I am so glad Lindsey is here to help sew costumes for Morgan for the play. You know he is hard to fit in any of the stuff they have in the storage closet of play stuff. I went down one Saturday and helped sew a ruffle on a skirt. I was pretty proud of myself.
I don't know if Morgan told you or not, but he has decided to start wrestling. (Probably better keep that a secret. Don't tell him I told you!) Mr Lym at the school (he took Conley Moon's place with FFA and welding, shop class) talked Morgan into wrestling. So he gets up at 4:30 AM!!!! to be at practice at 5. Can you believe that? I can't. I am sooooo glad he has a license. I can't get up that early unless i started going to bed at 9 at night. The coaches are so happy to have him there.
How are things going with the ward? Are they warming up to you two yet? I know Braken has mentioned the need to get the ward members involved. I know how important that is to have a friend at church. Even grandma mentioned she wanted to go back to Idaho, because they are always so happy to see them and here nobody said anything about being happy to see them. I know people talked to them at trunk or treat, but that is how she felt. We just get set in our ways and do our things at church. Go to sacrament, then go to class etc. I try really hard to look around and see who I haven't talked to in a while. Especially in Relief Society I always go sit my someone who is sitting alone. I hate to sit alone. We just have to look out for each other right!
I now have 10 scripture masteries memorized (i think I still know them all haha) How are yours going?
Well I think I will sign off for now. It's bed time. I love you tons. Remember who you are. Keep warm!!!!! Love, MOM

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