Monday, May 26, 2014

Email 5-26-14

(Cassidy's letter she sent in the mail came back. I was a little worried about sending her more mail until we cleared it up.)

The weird thing is that I have got some mail. I got a letter from Brianna, and a letter from you about the kids at the high school on lock down, and I got one from Shelly Young. . . So i guess it is probably just hit and miss with the mail. But I think we did get it fixed:) it only takes an extra day or two to get it from the mission office I think, not too much longer:)

I am so not missing doing ice again! haha. The other day we got to help someone weed and plant flowers. it was so cool! We were walking down the road and we saw this lady so we stopped to talk and we offered to help and she let us help! it was the coolest thing ever! and of course we taught her as we weeded and it was all great! I never realized people use gloves when they work in the yard until about 2 weeks ago, we were doing service in a garden and everyone was getting out their gloves, it was so weird. . .who uses gloves??? How big is Lindsey? Does she have an obvious baby bump? Is she still sick? I have not heard from her much.

Brynlee turned 8?? WHAT? She was just born! We don't usually get yelled at. . . Minnesota nice. Everyone here is at least semi-friendly.

Do we have a tradition for Memorial day? I have a serious mission veil, I can hardly remember anything from before my mission. Of course I remember random stories and stuff but I do not remember holiday traditions or anything like that.

In my new area we are allowed to go to the temple once a quarter, so we are planning on going on Wednesday!!! YES! this will be my first time since December. Hopefully we will get to see the newest video, I still have not seen that one yet.

that is great that Ben got a job not too far away, I know Megan was kind of worried about where they would end up. I think that is awesome that they are fairly close. What is the closest temple to Pocatello?

Anyway this week went well, we had a lot of fun, I will tell you more in the family letter!

love ya!

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