So, You know how I like my water. . . I had left my water bottle in the car and we were waiting in the kitchen to have our meeting (we have our ward coordination meeting in the kitchen because there is no other open room at the church) Sister Shumway did not want to walk from the kitchen to the drinking fountain with me, and we could not find any cups that I could drink from. So she gave me this bowl and so I was using it like a cup but then she was laughing too hard because I reminded her of a cat drinking out of a bowl, so she found me a straw, and I used the straw and I think that made her laughter worse! haha. . . I just thought it was funny so I decided to share with you! 
This is who we had dinner with on Sunday. Both of the women's husbands were out of town, so we got to have a little girls dinner! it was so fun! these are some of my favorite sisters in the ward!
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