(Emily sent home a list of scripture masteries so we can get to work on the challenge given to us a few weeks ago.) There's a cool app you can download also to help you memorize scriptures. under resources, seminaries & institutes, scripture masteries. <3 ya. Sister Smith
And that is all she sent home this week. Guess we better get busy and now we have no excuses.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Dain and Kyle Parkinson
These pictures were taken the day before Emily left the Maple Grove Ward area. Sister Shumway and Emily were living in the basement of the Parkinson's who are also pictured here. Sister Parkinson said they were doing a wonderful service on their mission!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Email 7-21-14 President's fireside.
weekly letter replacement!
This week I am sending a weekly e-mail rather than a weekly letter, because I have to pack and do other things this p-day. anyway, this is a repeat for mom, but everyone else will get it (plus this one is more complete, because I added more on to it!)
My week was so full of awesomeness! The best thing was going to President's Fireside. Which is a fireside that my mission president has once a month and recent converts share their conversion story in 5-10 minutes, and the Spirit is so strong there. But this time I had a very special experience. For the first time I saw some investigators and members from North St. Paul, and , Sister Riley, I truly felt like Ammon, when he is reunited with Alma, and his brothers in Alma 27:
"16 And it came to pass that as [Sister Smith] was going forth into the land [of Bloomington], that [s]he and h[er] brethren met [Sister Riley, and all of her favorite Karen people], over in the place of which has been spoken; and behold, this was a joyful meeting.
17 Now the joy of [Sister Smith] was so great even that [s]he was full; yea, [s]he was swallowed up in the joy of h[er] God, even to the exhausting of h[er] strength; and he fell again to the earth.
18 Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.
19 Now the joy of [Sister Riley] in meeting h[er] brethren was truly great. . ."
My joy was full as I saw the progress of both Ann (Who came to President's Fireside) and others that I have taught, and the progress of my companion in learning the Karen language! I know that there is no other thing that can bring such great joy as I felt! Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that seals families together, and gives us the knowledge of the Celestial kingdom can bring such a lightness of heart and a sincere joy!
I also found out that a Karen investigator that I had in North St. Paul got baptized, and so did Jose and Miriam! Jose and Miriam got married and baptized(that is who the attached picture is of, just a reminder for y'all)! They were always a family I felt so close to, I knew that I knew them since day one! They fit so well into the North St. Paul ward! My heart truly rejoices in knowing that people that I know and love are coming unto Christ!
Also, I'm getting transferred. So DO NOT SEND MAIL TO HILLTOP CT ANYMORE! just send it to the mission home! I am going to Cedar Lake Ward! My new companion is so awesome! Her and I have served around each other often, and we have always wanted to be companions! So I am so super excited about it! Very bittersweet. I wanted to stay here for the rest of my mission, because I love this ward, but I know that I will love the next ward too! The church is true where ever you go!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
pictures 7-14-14
On the 4th of July we had a district preparation day and we went to the Hindu temple that is in Maple Grove with the Elders. We have an Elder in my District who is from Nepal, where the main religion is Hindu. So he was our tour guide through the temple, it was pretty neat! this is the outside.
So, You know how I like my water. . . I had left my water bottle in the car and we were waiting in the kitchen to have our meeting (we have our ward coordination meeting in the kitchen because there is no other open room at the church) Sister Shumway did not want to walk from the kitchen to the drinking fountain with me, and we could not find any cups that I could drink from. So she gave me this bowl and so I was using it like a cup but then she was laughing too hard because I reminded her of a cat drinking out of a bowl, so she found me a straw, and I used the straw and I think that made her laughter worse! haha. . . I just thought it was funny so I decided to share with you! 
This is who we had dinner with on Sunday. Both of the women's husbands were out of town, so we got to have a little girls dinner! it was so fun! these are some of my favorite sisters in the ward!
email 7-14-14 Answering my letter
My letter to Emily is posted at the bottom of her letter, so if you are confused just keep reading.
They are covered with paper becausue I want to not look at the lame planner cover all transfer, so you can put stickers, or pictures of Jesus or quotes, or anything! You like to scrapbook, it's kind of like that! Just to make it a cute background too!
The Atonement talks you should be able to find them online at
The pictures were fun! I did not even recognize Brynlee, she is so grown up! I hope you get your iPad worked out, by the way, I don't know if you have seen this but here is a pretty cool article about the use of iPads for missionaries, and what they have decided to do with them.
You and I are totally on the same page! Today I read a talk on family history from this last conference. By Quinten L Cook he said: "Don’t underestimate the influence of the deceased in assisting your efforts and the joy of ultimately meeting those you serve. The eternally significant blessing of uniting our own families is almost beyond comprehension." how cool is that?! It is so exciting that you found a family that went back to 1515!
I LOVE them. (new shoes) They will be really comfortable when they are broken in! I still have some mole skin from when I was in the MTC, so I should be good, they are not even too bad, they are already comfortable to wear! Cassidy mentioned it but I do not really know any details of her pageant. Is it the one that Jenn is in charge of?
It does make sense where the veterans memorial is now, I guess in my memory the land there is very little, but I do not really remember, it has been a long time since I lived in Duchesne.
I am glad Ally is more happy, she needs to write me! I miss her too. Every time Elder Peatross and I see each other we ask "has Allyson written you?" haha! it is funny, we always discuss changes that we hear about from home, like Kim being married and having a baby, etc. I have not heard from Ally at all, except a graduation announcement.
The pictures were great! i loved them! Love ya! XOXOXO
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Christy wrote:
I love Mondays! I love to hear from you and see what's new. Before I forget, your bank balance is 188.10. I have a few questions for you. You send home two planners for us to decorate. They are already covered with paper. Did you just want stickers or drawings or something else added? And I was looking over the Atonement study schedule you sent. The first part that is listed, are they talks I can get online or what? I looked, but maybe not hard enough for the talks. So I started with the scriptures and have been studying those. I took lots of pictures outside yesterday while we were outside relaxing watching the kids play. My ipad is being a pain and won't let me sent any emails out. It keeps telling me the password is wrong. I even changed it on the big computer then on the ipad to match and it still says the same thing. It is driving me crazy. I got some cute videos of Cooper playing in the cozy coupe. Won't let me send those either.
I have been working for some time 3-4 weeks on a family in family search. I have a legal size notebook with four pages of information I have found that I need to put on or people that need more information before I can put on. Like an obituary on that lists children so I have to go looking. Anyway, some days it drives me crazy. I just want to get the information put on and cross it off my notes. Last week I really prayed hard to know where to start or who needed me to work on them. When I went to the family history center on Wednesday I added William Stroupe's mom. (I found her on a census) From there it added 12 more generations to our tree! Clear back to the year 1515. It is so exciting. I have more names that need sources, but I can get help from Lindsey. I haven't really had a chance to do much looking around about them, but I love it. Now I just need to find a spouse for Dollie, William's mom. I am also amazed at how the Ensign always has an article about family history and it always happens I read it when I need it for my class. I feel the Holy Ghost guide me so much with family history.
You mentioned buying new shoes, how are the one's I sent ya? I love new shoes after they are broken in. Hopefully it won't take long to break them in. I do have some moleskin I can send you if you get blisters from breaking them in. All the girls went to Wicked at Capitol Theatre this weekend. It was so good. Cassidy wore some shoes that gave her blisters wearing them all day. Not really much new going on here. Cassidy will be in her pageant Saturday. Did anybody tell you about it already? Seems like I have, but maybe not. It is here in Duchesne.
I was going to draw you a map about the veteran's memorial here in town, but I keep forgetting. If you drive past Angella's house and cross the bridge to come back into town. Where the road splits and you can go toward Roosevelt or keep driving into town, that little triangle of land is where it is. Does that make sense?
Allyson Mckee asked me about you yesterday and when you would be home. I told her the end of December and she sighed and said, "I miss her". I told her we talk about her quite often. She is so cute. I just love her so much. She sure seems happier now than a few months ago.
Here are some of the pictures I took yesterday. Lindsey is 29 weeks now. I had to get a picture of her in her matchy dress. Brynlee and Cooper were having a demolition derby. And Kade was playing with Cooper too. They are getting big too. Hope the pictures work and you can see them. I'm not having much luck with them this week. I love you and hope you have a great day.
Hugs and kisses. Mommy
They are covered with paper becausue I want to not look at the lame planner cover all transfer, so you can put stickers, or pictures of Jesus or quotes, or anything! You like to scrapbook, it's kind of like that! Just to make it a cute background too!
The Atonement talks you should be able to find them online at
The pictures were fun! I did not even recognize Brynlee, she is so grown up! I hope you get your iPad worked out, by the way, I don't know if you have seen this but here is a pretty cool article about the use of iPads for missionaries, and what they have decided to do with them.
You and I are totally on the same page! Today I read a talk on family history from this last conference. By Quinten L Cook he said: "Don’t underestimate the influence of the deceased in assisting your efforts and the joy of ultimately meeting those you serve. The eternally significant blessing of uniting our own families is almost beyond comprehension." how cool is that?! It is so exciting that you found a family that went back to 1515!
I LOVE them. (new shoes) They will be really comfortable when they are broken in! I still have some mole skin from when I was in the MTC, so I should be good, they are not even too bad, they are already comfortable to wear! Cassidy mentioned it but I do not really know any details of her pageant. Is it the one that Jenn is in charge of?
It does make sense where the veterans memorial is now, I guess in my memory the land there is very little, but I do not really remember, it has been a long time since I lived in Duchesne.
I am glad Ally is more happy, she needs to write me! I miss her too. Every time Elder Peatross and I see each other we ask "has Allyson written you?" haha! it is funny, we always discuss changes that we hear about from home, like Kim being married and having a baby, etc. I have not heard from Ally at all, except a graduation announcement.
The pictures were great! i loved them! Love ya! XOXOXO
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Christy wrote:
I love Mondays! I love to hear from you and see what's new. Before I forget, your bank balance is 188.10. I have a few questions for you. You send home two planners for us to decorate. They are already covered with paper. Did you just want stickers or drawings or something else added? And I was looking over the Atonement study schedule you sent. The first part that is listed, are they talks I can get online or what? I looked, but maybe not hard enough for the talks. So I started with the scriptures and have been studying those. I took lots of pictures outside yesterday while we were outside relaxing watching the kids play. My ipad is being a pain and won't let me sent any emails out. It keeps telling me the password is wrong. I even changed it on the big computer then on the ipad to match and it still says the same thing. It is driving me crazy. I got some cute videos of Cooper playing in the cozy coupe. Won't let me send those either.
I have been working for some time 3-4 weeks on a family in family search. I have a legal size notebook with four pages of information I have found that I need to put on or people that need more information before I can put on. Like an obituary on that lists children so I have to go looking. Anyway, some days it drives me crazy. I just want to get the information put on and cross it off my notes. Last week I really prayed hard to know where to start or who needed me to work on them. When I went to the family history center on Wednesday I added William Stroupe's mom. (I found her on a census) From there it added 12 more generations to our tree! Clear back to the year 1515. It is so exciting. I have more names that need sources, but I can get help from Lindsey. I haven't really had a chance to do much looking around about them, but I love it. Now I just need to find a spouse for Dollie, William's mom. I am also amazed at how the Ensign always has an article about family history and it always happens I read it when I need it for my class. I feel the Holy Ghost guide me so much with family history.
You mentioned buying new shoes, how are the one's I sent ya? I love new shoes after they are broken in. Hopefully it won't take long to break them in. I do have some moleskin I can send you if you get blisters from breaking them in. All the girls went to Wicked at Capitol Theatre this weekend. It was so good. Cassidy wore some shoes that gave her blisters wearing them all day. Not really much new going on here. Cassidy will be in her pageant Saturday. Did anybody tell you about it already? Seems like I have, but maybe not. It is here in Duchesne.
I was going to draw you a map about the veteran's memorial here in town, but I keep forgetting. If you drive past Angella's house and cross the bridge to come back into town. Where the road splits and you can go toward Roosevelt or keep driving into town, that little triangle of land is where it is. Does that make sense?
Allyson Mckee asked me about you yesterday and when you would be home. I told her the end of December and she sighed and said, "I miss her". I told her we talk about her quite often. She is so cute. I just love her so much. She sure seems happier now than a few months ago.
Here are some of the pictures I took yesterday. Lindsey is 29 weeks now. I had to get a picture of her in her matchy dress. Brynlee and Cooper were having a demolition derby. And Kade was playing with Cooper too. They are getting big too. Hope the pictures work and you can see them. I'm not having much luck with them this week. I love you and hope you have a great day.
Hugs and kisses. Mommy
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Week of miracles Dated July 13, 2014
What a week! This week was great, we got fed dinner almost every night! And on Sunday I was thinking, "It's been a ling time since I have had enchiladas. That sounds so good." Then on Monday one our favorite families invited us over for dinner and they fed us enchiladas! They were creamy chicken enchiladas just like mom's! Yummy, it made me so happy!
There were many miracles this week. There is one I would like to share. It was Sunday and we had not taught many Restoration lessons this week. We were focused on finding and trying to achieve our goals. We felt inspired to go to the Relief Society Presidents house and go finding in her area. So we went to her house. Before we went out tracting, we knocked on her door and told her we would be in the area for the next 40 minutes and we wanted to come back after that time and tell her about all the miracles we found in her area. She agreed and we said a prayer with her before we went out to work. We were so blessed to be able to talk to many people. we got to teach two people and set up appointments to come back and teach two others. It was probably the most productive hour we have had all week. Then when we went back to share miracles with the Relief Society President and her less-active son asked if he could sit in and listen to the miracles that happened! Little did he know he was part of the list of miracles that night! The Lord guides us every day!
I have been making the Atonement a part o my daily study and i have been able to see a huge difference in my happiness level. Early on this week I had a rough day where I was doubting myself and questioning why we were doing so much tracting and not finding any new investigators. I have also been having a lot more headaches lately so it was just rough. We called the Ward Mission Leader, Brother Kochenderfer, and another brother in the ward and asked for a blessing. As we talked before the blessing, I realized how prideful I have been. Thinking that I don't need medicine, or that my companion and I can find investigators on our own without the members help. Since the, I have made sure to apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ more to my life, and to study it more. I have seen a huge increase in happiness and desire to do the Lord's work.
With love, Sister Smith
There were many miracles this week. There is one I would like to share. It was Sunday and we had not taught many Restoration lessons this week. We were focused on finding and trying to achieve our goals. We felt inspired to go to the Relief Society Presidents house and go finding in her area. So we went to her house. Before we went out tracting, we knocked on her door and told her we would be in the area for the next 40 minutes and we wanted to come back after that time and tell her about all the miracles we found in her area. She agreed and we said a prayer with her before we went out to work. We were so blessed to be able to talk to many people. we got to teach two people and set up appointments to come back and teach two others. It was probably the most productive hour we have had all week. Then when we went back to share miracles with the Relief Society President and her less-active son asked if he could sit in and listen to the miracles that happened! Little did he know he was part of the list of miracles that night! The Lord guides us every day!
I have been making the Atonement a part o my daily study and i have been able to see a huge difference in my happiness level. Early on this week I had a rough day where I was doubting myself and questioning why we were doing so much tracting and not finding any new investigators. I have also been having a lot more headaches lately so it was just rough. We called the Ward Mission Leader, Brother Kochenderfer, and another brother in the ward and asked for a blessing. As we talked before the blessing, I realized how prideful I have been. Thinking that I don't need medicine, or that my companion and I can find investigators on our own without the members help. Since the, I have made sure to apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ more to my life, and to study it more. I have seen a huge increase in happiness and desire to do the Lord's work.
With love, Sister Smith
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
July 4th, 2014 Meeting President and Sister Forbes
Hola family! Happy Independence Day. How did the breakfast go? I hope all went well and that the pancakes survived without me there to flip them :) we are going to a Hindu temple today then going to play frisbee in a park with our district. (Us and two sets of Elders) One of the Elders serving in my ward now is Elder Shrestha. He was in the North St. Paul ward the same time I was. It's pretty cool. He knows some words in Karen too so sometimes I get to use what I know like thank you, hello, goodnight, yes, etc.
This week we got to meet President and Sister Forbes. It was so cool. I love them. Sister Forbes is a convert and she used to be Catholic. President Forbes served a mission in Montana while he waited for his visa, then he went to Brazil. They are going to teach me so much! I'm excited!
How are your scripture masteries going? Mine are going pretty good. We are having a challenge with the missionaries verses the seminary students at the end of summer, so I have to keep practicing so I can be ready for that too.
With love, Sister Smith
This week we got to meet President and Sister Forbes. It was so cool. I love them. Sister Forbes is a convert and she used to be Catholic. President Forbes served a mission in Montana while he waited for his visa, then he went to Brazil. They are going to teach me so much! I'm excited!
How are your scripture masteries going? Mine are going pretty good. We are having a challenge with the missionaries verses the seminary students at the end of summer, so I have to keep practicing so I can be ready for that too.
With love, Sister Smith
Monday, July 7, 2014
Letter to mom dated July 4, 2014. Technology ruins everything
In one of your letters you asked if I was in danger of flooding where I live. Everywhere is in danger of flooding here, but it is getting less wet hopefully. I'm glad you had lots of help on the 4th. You need to tell Chad to email me back! He is a stinker! Teaching Cass and Morgan to weed will definitely help them on their missions. We weed a ton!
Technology ruins everything. I am so annoyed at how people use technology. I can not tell you how often I have been eating at a members home and Everyone is on the phone, and watching tv while we sit at the table eating dinner. It is so awkward and uncomfortable. Technology is either going to make or break all of the youth of the church. I can not believe my little sister is one of those kids who will never give up her phone. You don't take a cell phone to YW camp! How silly. Putting technology away at 7:00 is the best idea ever. Is dad in on this too? I'll make sure to talk about technology in my next letter to her.
Wow, sounds like the scouts are going thru some challenges too right now. I am glad you shared that with me. It really is not about the numbers, it's about the people (Morgan's scout leader is determined to run the program to the letter and not worry too much about the boys needs or desires)
Lowell Caldwell died? I thought he was going to live forever. The Church is amazing. There is a sister here who had her basement flood and none of her family or friends helped her, but all of the members of the church did. Now she is coming to church regularly and she wants to pay her tithing for the first time in 50 years! It is cool to watch how the church helps everyone else out! I am glad the boys liked their Father's day shirts. We spent an hour at Walgreens trying to pick them out.
With love, Sister Smith
Technology ruins everything. I am so annoyed at how people use technology. I can not tell you how often I have been eating at a members home and Everyone is on the phone, and watching tv while we sit at the table eating dinner. It is so awkward and uncomfortable. Technology is either going to make or break all of the youth of the church. I can not believe my little sister is one of those kids who will never give up her phone. You don't take a cell phone to YW camp! How silly. Putting technology away at 7:00 is the best idea ever. Is dad in on this too? I'll make sure to talk about technology in my next letter to her.
Wow, sounds like the scouts are going thru some challenges too right now. I am glad you shared that with me. It really is not about the numbers, it's about the people (Morgan's scout leader is determined to run the program to the letter and not worry too much about the boys needs or desires)
Lowell Caldwell died? I thought he was going to live forever. The Church is amazing. There is a sister here who had her basement flood and none of her family or friends helped her, but all of the members of the church did. Now she is coming to church regularly and she wants to pay her tithing for the first time in 50 years! It is cool to watch how the church helps everyone else out! I am glad the boys liked their Father's day shirts. We spent an hour at Walgreens trying to pick them out.
With love, Sister Smith
July 7, 2014 Headaches and Sympathy Headaches
I had headaches for about 2 weeks regularly, they are less regular and less intense now. I actually think it was that my shoes were giving me no support, they were OLD, and so were the padded inserts, so it was causing pain all over my whole body. Also, I am sure carrying my heavy bag around all day every day was contributing. But I got new shoes (that would be pair #4 on my mission, I have never gone through a pair of shoes so fast in my life!), and new inserts, and I started carrying my bag around a lot less.
Funny that you mentioned sympathy headaches, because I started having foot pain a couple weeks ago and I mentioned that I was having sympathy pain for Sister Shumway, she had never heard of that before, she thought I was full of bologna. . . but sympathy pain is real! haha! Don't worry the foot pain is no more. That is what made me think it was my shoes that was the issue, because first my feet hurt so bad, then i could feel the pain creeping up my body, to me knees, then my back, then my head. . . So I am on the mend!
That is really exciting that the Ivie's came to our ward. How is Raechel? I have not heard from anyone while I have been on my mission, except Emma. I got like 2 letter from Jayson at the beginning but no more. . . Is Raechel still going to school in Ogden? The girls went to the lake for YW's camp? that is super lame. Who is the YW President? boating at camp would be fun though.
I am so glad that I was not part of all the ice stuff! that sounds nuts! it just sounds like you worked all day long. did you get to go out to the lake at all? was anyone out there in Duchesne to help you with breakfast and fireworks? I heard Mel and Trent and Jamie were in Idaho. I like you e-mailing pictures to me, that way I do not have to worry about what to do with so many pictures printed out. A mixture is nice:) I like both done!
I loved President Uchtdorf's talk at conference about gratitude, it was so good! It is really hard to accept his will sometimes but we just have to do it! My fast and testimony meeting was really good too! it was more of just watching the interaction between the members as they would pass each other on the stand one going to bear testimony and one just finishing that really touched me today. they were just willing to give help and the other person was willing to accept the help. that is one HUGE thing I have learned on my mission is to learn to accept help and to ask for it when I need it. I am not superwoman. and it is so frustrating to me wanting to help so many people but they will not let me because they can not accept help! AHHHHHH!
Do we have a lot of ancestors who were in the military? oh I know the bad smell from flooding. . . almost every house here is flooding because of so much rain. this June broke all of the records for the most rainy June in all of Minnesota, ever. So we live with the dehumidifier on so it does not smell bad. . . Who even knew de-humidifier's exist? ahywho, I love you so much! have a great week!
With Love,
Sister Smith
Funny that you mentioned sympathy headaches, because I started having foot pain a couple weeks ago and I mentioned that I was having sympathy pain for Sister Shumway, she had never heard of that before, she thought I was full of bologna. . . but sympathy pain is real! haha! Don't worry the foot pain is no more. That is what made me think it was my shoes that was the issue, because first my feet hurt so bad, then i could feel the pain creeping up my body, to me knees, then my back, then my head. . . So I am on the mend!
That is really exciting that the Ivie's came to our ward. How is Raechel? I have not heard from anyone while I have been on my mission, except Emma. I got like 2 letter from Jayson at the beginning but no more. . . Is Raechel still going to school in Ogden? The girls went to the lake for YW's camp? that is super lame. Who is the YW President? boating at camp would be fun though.
I am so glad that I was not part of all the ice stuff! that sounds nuts! it just sounds like you worked all day long. did you get to go out to the lake at all? was anyone out there in Duchesne to help you with breakfast and fireworks? I heard Mel and Trent and Jamie were in Idaho. I like you e-mailing pictures to me, that way I do not have to worry about what to do with so many pictures printed out. A mixture is nice:) I like both done!
I loved President Uchtdorf's talk at conference about gratitude, it was so good! It is really hard to accept his will sometimes but we just have to do it! My fast and testimony meeting was really good too! it was more of just watching the interaction between the members as they would pass each other on the stand one going to bear testimony and one just finishing that really touched me today. they were just willing to give help and the other person was willing to accept the help. that is one HUGE thing I have learned on my mission is to learn to accept help and to ask for it when I need it. I am not superwoman. and it is so frustrating to me wanting to help so many people but they will not let me because they can not accept help! AHHHHHH!
Do we have a lot of ancestors who were in the military? oh I know the bad smell from flooding. . . almost every house here is flooding because of so much rain. this June broke all of the records for the most rainy June in all of Minnesota, ever. So we live with the dehumidifier on so it does not smell bad. . . Who even knew de-humidifier's exist? ahywho, I love you so much! have a great week!
With Love,
Sister Smith
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Goodbye to President And Sister Clements
Happy July 4th! This week we said goodbye to President and Sister Clements :( It was so sad, but it was a much needed break for them. Sister Clements said she had only gotten two hours of sleep the. Isn't before. I think it's more common than we realize.
Last night we did a conference call with the Forbes. As soon as we heard their voices, it felt right and I felt so peaceful. I was really scared to switch mission presidents but after hearing their voices, all fear is gone. I just love them and cannot wait to meet them for reals!
I learned something cool this week. We stopped by a less active, part member family and they weren't home. Normally we drive away or drive to the other family on the list that lives on the same street. But we decided to walk this time. As we walked and knocked on some doors and talked to everyone that is outside after we crossed the street and walked up a driveway to talk to some people. There were some neighbors that were sitting far from their driveway, so we just talked to them from where we were. They were not interested so we knocked on their neighbors door. And we taught them. He has a wife and four kids we can teach hopefully! Then we kept walking and we saw a Hmong man smoking on his porch so we went to talk. He was actually interested and wanted to know more about the Book of Mormon. So we got to teach him too! That day was a huge testimony to me that a lot of the time as we rush from place to place we often miss out on things, but when we take the time to walk instead of drive, or to notice he people on the "sidelines" of your life God blesses us with opportunities to share what we know and share the gospel. Chances are all around us, we just have to slow down enough to notice them! With love, Sister Smith
Last night we did a conference call with the Forbes. As soon as we heard their voices, it felt right and I felt so peaceful. I was really scared to switch mission presidents but after hearing their voices, all fear is gone. I just love them and cannot wait to meet them for reals!
I learned something cool this week. We stopped by a less active, part member family and they weren't home. Normally we drive away or drive to the other family on the list that lives on the same street. But we decided to walk this time. As we walked and knocked on some doors and talked to everyone that is outside after we crossed the street and walked up a driveway to talk to some people. There were some neighbors that were sitting far from their driveway, so we just talked to them from where we were. They were not interested so we knocked on their neighbors door. And we taught them. He has a wife and four kids we can teach hopefully! Then we kept walking and we saw a Hmong man smoking on his porch so we went to talk. He was actually interested and wanted to know more about the Book of Mormon. So we got to teach him too! That day was a huge testimony to me that a lot of the time as we rush from place to place we often miss out on things, but when we take the time to walk instead of drive, or to notice he people on the "sidelines" of your life God blesses us with opportunities to share what we know and share the gospel. Chances are all around us, we just have to slow down enough to notice them! With love, Sister Smith
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Letter to mom dated June 29, 2014. The good and bad of the week.
Morgan has a job? Does he like it? He is growing up so fast. He is taking responsibility for things. I feel like his testimony is growing a lot too, which I am grateful for. Why don't you teach Cassidy to mow the lawn? It would be a good skill for her to have. I have no idea how to mow a lawn because it was always yours and Morgans job. Now I wish I knew how to mow a lawn.
It is so great that Morgan got his Eagle. I'm so proud of him. Things are going well, we teach about 5 restoration lessons to new people each week. (Last two weeks we got 6 restos!) but sadly the percentage of those people that actually turn into investigators is 0. We have been here for 8 weeks and we started with two and are now down to 1 because one moved to Rochester, Mn. The best thing that happened this week was on Sunday we got to teach a Hmong guy named Jerry. He was super eager to read the Book of Mormon and go to church. He lives in Minneapolis so we won't be able to continue teaching him but it was the best to see his desire and excitement to learn. We very rarely get that!
The worst thing that happened is my headaches are back. I don't know why. Possibly because my shoes and inserts are wore out. I got both new shoes and supports so hopefully I should be on the mend! I'm so glad you found Bruno! It's sad that he ran away. With love, Sister Smith
It is so great that Morgan got his Eagle. I'm so proud of him. Things are going well, we teach about 5 restoration lessons to new people each week. (Last two weeks we got 6 restos!) but sadly the percentage of those people that actually turn into investigators is 0. We have been here for 8 weeks and we started with two and are now down to 1 because one moved to Rochester, Mn. The best thing that happened this week was on Sunday we got to teach a Hmong guy named Jerry. He was super eager to read the Book of Mormon and go to church. He lives in Minneapolis so we won't be able to continue teaching him but it was the best to see his desire and excitement to learn. We very rarely get that!
The worst thing that happened is my headaches are back. I don't know why. Possibly because my shoes and inserts are wore out. I got both new shoes and supports so hopefully I should be on the mend! I'm so glad you found Bruno! It's sad that he ran away. With love, Sister Smith
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