Hello. This is Emily Elizabeth Smith's mom. I sent a package to the mission office when I was waiting to find out if she was going to be transferred last week. It said it was delivered on Oct. 17. Did you happen to get it? I don't know how long it takes to get it to her from the mission office. I am just making sure it will get to her. She said she hasn't heard from me in a couple of weeks. Thanks, Christy Smith
Their reply:
Dear Sister Smith,
This is to let you know that your daughter Sister Emily Elizabeth Smith got her package from you yesterday. It did arrive here on the 17th. Sorry for the long delay. When a package is sent priority or first class they can be forwarded on but any packages sent parcel post (standard) or Fedex cannot be forwarded and are kept here in the office. Packages sent by UPS can sometimes be forwarded – it depends on who delivers the package.
Packages here in the office are usually taken by Zone Leaders (when they have a meeting here) or taken to their Zone by President Forbes when he goes there for interviews, etc.
I hope this helps. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. If you have any questions let me know. Have a great day.
Sister Thompson
Minnesota Minneapolis Mission
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Cassidy on drill. October 27, 2014
okay, this freaked me out. Clearly I need to see pictures of Cassidy more often because the only thing I recognized about her was her face! She is so grown up now! WEIRD!!!
Monday, October 27, 2014
October 27 email. No mail for Emily!
His was my favorite talk at conference! I have listened to it at every chance I get near a computer! haha!
I have not gotten any mail from you for 2 1/2 weeks. . . So i don't know what is up. All I have gotten for the past 2 weeks was a letter from Morgan (which I was very grateful for but I don't know why the mission office does not forward on mail from you or something strange). So, still no CD's. I have been so used to hearing from you every week and with the transfers happening and so much confusion there, and then Easton being born at the same time, It just kind of put me down, and made me feel like As soon as Lindsey had her baby you stopped writing and you are the person that cares about me! and I know that is not the case, it was just weird timing and made it really hard for me to go from getting mail every week, to nothing for 2-3 weeks. Plus there are a lot of stresses on me from the ward here. It has definitely been a really challenging few weeks, but just like ELDER JÖRG KLEBINGAT said, sometimes challenges come because this is life! I know just like he said that this is a trial I am facing right now, and I need to have confidence in myself, knowing that people love me.
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 Christy wrote:
Our conference message today was given by BY ELDER JÖRG KLEBINGAT. Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence. I want to to listen, read, study and memorize (well maybe not memorize) I really felt like it had so much good counsel for you. Did you get the cd's yet? He spoke Saturday afternoon.
Here are some of my favorite parts of his talk:
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your spiritual confidence before God? Do you have a personal witness that your current offering as a Latter-day Saint is sufficient to inherit eternal life? Can you say within yourself that Heavenly Father is pleased with you? What thoughts come to mind if you had a personal interview with your Savior one minute from now? Would sins, regrets, and shortcomings dominate your self-image, or would you simply experience joyful anticipation? Would you meet or avoid His gaze? Would you linger by the door or confidently walk up to Him?
Whenever the adversary cannot persuade imperfect yet striving Saints such as you to abandon your belief in a personal and loving God, he employs a vicious campaign to put as much distance as possible between you and God. The adversary knows that faith in Christ—the kind of faith that produces a steady stream of tender mercies and even mighty miracles—goes hand in hand with a personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right. For that reason he will seek access to your heart to tell you lies—lies that Heavenly Father is disappointed in you, that the Atonement is beyond your reach, that there is no point in even trying, that everyone else is better than you, that you are unworthy, and a thousand variations of that same evil theme.
As long as you allow these voices to chisel away at your soul, you can’t approach the throne of God with real confidence. Whatever you do, whatever you pray for, whatever hopes for a miracle you may have, there will always be just enough self-doubt chipping away at your faith—not only your faith in God but also your confidence in yourself. Living the gospel in this manner is no fun, nor is it very healthy. Above all, it is completely unnecessary! The decision to change is yours—and yours alone."
6. Accept trials, setbacks, and “surprises” as part of your mortal experience. Remember that you are here to be proved and tested, “to see if [you] will do all things whatsoever the Lord [your] God shall command [you]” (Abraham 3:25)—and may I just add, “under all circumstances.” Millions of your brothers and sisters have been or are being thus tested, so why would you be exempt? Some trials come through your own disobedience or negligence. Other trials come because of the negligence of others or simply because this is a fallen world. When these trials come, the adversary’s minions begin broadcasting that you did something wrong, that this is a punishment, a sign that Heavenly Father does not love you. Ignore that! Instead, try to force a smile, gaze heavenward, and say, “I understand, Lord. I know what this is. A time to prove myself, isn’t it?” Then partner with Him to endure well to the end. Spiritual confidence increases when you accept that “often trials and tribulations are allowed to come into [your life] because of what [you] are doing right”
Acknowledge and face your weaknesses, but don’t be immobilized by them, because some of them will be your companions until you depart this earth life. No matter what your current status, the very moment you voluntarily choose honest, joyful, daily repentance by striving to simply do and be your very best, the Savior’s Atonement envelops and follows you, as it were, wherever you go.
I hope you are feeling better and forget about the last couple of crazy weeks. I love you so much. Mommy
Friday, October 24, 2014
October 20, 2014 letter home. I hate Fords!
I can honestly say that I have my own experience and I have come to know for myself that Fords are the worst vehicle EVER!!!! On my mission I have driven a Chevy Malibu, Chevy Cruz, Toyota Corolla, and a Ford Fusion. I have never had so much trouble with a car as I have now. We were without our car for a week and a half for it to get body work done. Then it has been to the dealership 5 times in the past three months, just to get the molding that fell off put back on! AND IT'S STILL NOT FIXED! UGH. I am so bugged about it. I never want to deal with a Ford dealership ever again after this experience. Also, I don't like how the car drives but worst of all...They use Snap-on Tools in the garage. :( Yuck!! I did however see one Macsimizer in the garage, so one mechanic might be a good one. :)
Anyway, this week was pretty great. An investigator we have, "Ted" was a Mormon.org referral we got to teach him a great lesson of the Restoration. Then when we got home that night I realize that I had left my scriptures at his house. So we planned a time to go by and get them. When we went over his wife was home and she wanted us to meet her! So we did, and we taught a lesson. It was so cool! When we talked about being sealed (not something we normally talk about so early but she asked) she looked at her husband and said "well we might have to do another one, then they talked about where they would hand the picture in their living room. :) It was so great. Then they both came to church and the ward was so welcome to them. Since we fasted for the trust of the ward, we've seen a lot of changes. Fasting is real. It works!
With love, Sister Smith
Anyway, this week was pretty great. An investigator we have, "Ted" was a Mormon.org referral we got to teach him a great lesson of the Restoration. Then when we got home that night I realize that I had left my scriptures at his house. So we planned a time to go by and get them. When we went over his wife was home and she wanted us to meet her! So we did, and we taught a lesson. It was so cool! When we talked about being sealed (not something we normally talk about so early but she asked) she looked at her husband and said "well we might have to do another one, then they talked about where they would hand the picture in their living room. :) It was so great. Then they both came to church and the ward was so welcome to them. Since we fasted for the trust of the ward, we've seen a lot of changes. Fasting is real. It works!
With love, Sister Smith
Monday, October 20, 2014
No transfers! Yeah. October 20, 2014
I did not get transferred! Neither Did Sister Nelson! Only the Elders in our ward left, two that had been here for over 5 months left the ward and their greenies took over the area. That is awesome way to read a talk every day and discuss it with your family! When do you read them? How do you pin kids down long enough to pull that off? I did not get conference CD's yet.
AHHH! I can't believe Alex is home! Is what is he doing for the time being, is he headed off to BYU? I love Mona, she is such a great lady!
I don't know Ginger but I do know Todd, that's cool that she is coming to church!
Well, this is kind of random, my companion hardly ever gets mail, and it is really hard to not get mail. . . Let me tell you a little about her. Her and her whole family have been in foster care. Her step father was abusive and so she was taken from her birth mom and put in foster care when she was 6 years old. She did get to live it the same houses as her siblings, but it still must be awful to be taken from your mom! Early on she got put in a LDS home and was with them for 9 years, where she got baptized. But later homes were not supportive of church, and they did not want to help her live the gospel. All 3 of her siblings were baptized, and she is the only one who is active. So as you can imagine, she has many people helping her to be able to afford a mission, but not much support otherwise. If you could write her letters everyonce in a while that would be great:)
Did you get my notice that I need a new SD card so I can keep taking pictures?
I love you so much mom, you are great!
With Love,
Sister Smith
October 19, 2014 Christy wrote:
Did you get transferred? What's new? I saw a thing on facebook about a challenge to read a conference talk everyday as a family then talk about it. So last Monday we started. There is a specific list with an order of the talks. Not just watch them in a row. I love it so far. It has been really good to share our thoughts and testimonies of different subjects. Did you get your conference CD's yet? I hope it is something you can listen to and enjoy. The messages were all so good. Lots of testimony of revelation and our prophet and how he was called of God. One talk we all really enjoyed was Linda K. Burton, Prepared in a manner that never had been known. I love how she explained with the ten virgins how it is impossible to share our oil. I always felt bad that the five wise wouldn't share their oil. We have been taught to share and serve others. They way we build up our lamps is by going to church, reading our scriptures, saying our prayers. etc. That is why we cannot give away our oil. Dad and I got the exact same thing out of that talk. It was funny.
Well Elder Farnsworth made it home last Friday. He looks exactly the same. His mom has a huge smile on her face and I don't think her feet are touching the ground yet. lol.
I am starting a new class for family history. I am excited. Lana Jordan and Ginger Johnson and hopefully her husband are going to come in. Do you know Ginger? Morgan's friend Todd who seems to find a way to get in trouble? Do you know anything about Todd? Well anyway, it is his mom. She is super nice and works at the county building where you register vehicles. They used to come as a family for a while, but only Ginger comes now. I had a feeling to ask her if she wanted to take the class. She was super excited and was going to call me about it. I feel Heavenly Father guided me to ask her. She works in the young women's now. The girls really like her. Well it is getting late and I better get off to bed. I love you and hope you are doing well. Have a great week. Love you tons, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox((((hugs)))) Mommy
AHHH! I can't believe Alex is home! Is what is he doing for the time being, is he headed off to BYU? I love Mona, she is such a great lady!
I don't know Ginger but I do know Todd, that's cool that she is coming to church!
Well, this is kind of random, my companion hardly ever gets mail, and it is really hard to not get mail. . . Let me tell you a little about her. Her and her whole family have been in foster care. Her step father was abusive and so she was taken from her birth mom and put in foster care when she was 6 years old. She did get to live it the same houses as her siblings, but it still must be awful to be taken from your mom! Early on she got put in a LDS home and was with them for 9 years, where she got baptized. But later homes were not supportive of church, and they did not want to help her live the gospel. All 3 of her siblings were baptized, and she is the only one who is active. So as you can imagine, she has many people helping her to be able to afford a mission, but not much support otherwise. If you could write her letters everyonce in a while that would be great:)
Did you get my notice that I need a new SD card so I can keep taking pictures?
I love you so much mom, you are great!
With Love,
Sister Smith
October 19, 2014 Christy wrote:
Did you get transferred? What's new? I saw a thing on facebook about a challenge to read a conference talk everyday as a family then talk about it. So last Monday we started. There is a specific list with an order of the talks. Not just watch them in a row. I love it so far. It has been really good to share our thoughts and testimonies of different subjects. Did you get your conference CD's yet? I hope it is something you can listen to and enjoy. The messages were all so good. Lots of testimony of revelation and our prophet and how he was called of God. One talk we all really enjoyed was Linda K. Burton, Prepared in a manner that never had been known. I love how she explained with the ten virgins how it is impossible to share our oil. I always felt bad that the five wise wouldn't share their oil. We have been taught to share and serve others. They way we build up our lamps is by going to church, reading our scriptures, saying our prayers. etc. That is why we cannot give away our oil. Dad and I got the exact same thing out of that talk. It was funny.
Well Elder Farnsworth made it home last Friday. He looks exactly the same. His mom has a huge smile on her face and I don't think her feet are touching the ground yet. lol.
I am starting a new class for family history. I am excited. Lana Jordan and Ginger Johnson and hopefully her husband are going to come in. Do you know Ginger? Morgan's friend Todd who seems to find a way to get in trouble? Do you know anything about Todd? Well anyway, it is his mom. She is super nice and works at the county building where you register vehicles. They used to come as a family for a while, but only Ginger comes now. I had a feeling to ask her if she wanted to take the class. She was super excited and was going to call me about it. I feel Heavenly Father guided me to ask her. She works in the young women's now. The girls really like her. Well it is getting late and I better get off to bed. I love you and hope you are doing well. Have a great week. Love you tons, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox((((hugs)))) Mommy
Friday, October 17, 2014
October 13, 2014. Letter home Crazy week.
So this week we went to a nursing home. While we were waiting for an elevator an old man in a wheel chair, probably a little crazy, told us his wheels were made of Gold. We were confused so he said it again. Then he grabbed my hand and said "and we're gonna go for a spin." Then he kissed my hand! It was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. Thankfully he let go of my hand when the elevator came, which was right after he kissed my hand. Oh man, all the nurses were quietly laughing and Sister Nelson and I just laughed so hard when the elevator door closed. I have never seen sister Nelson laugh so hard, not even when we talk about how I fell off my bike. It was just a really weird week. I feel so bad stuff is happening to me, but I don't have any control.
On a more spiritual note, We are starting to gain the ward's trust. The Cedar Lake ward just combined with the Crystal Ward 5 months ago and the ward is still pretty separated. The Cedar Lake members still know and trust the Cedar Lake missionaries. It is a funny thing. But we bore our testimony and the ward members came up and talked to us. We got invited to dinner!! (which was a miracle because we haven't had a member meal in a week and a half) Then we got asked to talk in church next week! Which was so exciting! We finally found out transfer news. We are staying together for another transfer. I'm finally gonna stay in an area for a little more than 3 months!
Love Y'all, Sister Smith
On a more spiritual note, We are starting to gain the ward's trust. The Cedar Lake ward just combined with the Crystal Ward 5 months ago and the ward is still pretty separated. The Cedar Lake members still know and trust the Cedar Lake missionaries. It is a funny thing. But we bore our testimony and the ward members came up and talked to us. We got invited to dinner!! (which was a miracle because we haven't had a member meal in a week and a half) Then we got asked to talk in church next week! Which was so exciting! We finally found out transfer news. We are staying together for another transfer. I'm finally gonna stay in an area for a little more than 3 months!
Love Y'all, Sister Smith
Monday, October 13, 2014
College or no college. That is the question. October 13, 2014
We don't know If I am getting transferred yet. . .
I am not worrying about it but it is something that does have to be on my mind, I have to have a plan for the future or else I will stress, and I will not focus at all. It will be much harder for me to focus if I feel uneasiness about my future. However if I make some plans and have an Idea of what I want to do then I will be confident that I will be okay after my mission and I will still be busy and doing important things. I promise I am not letting it be a distraction but I do need to think about this because USU has to know in advance when I am coming back. Also, I have to sign up for classes if I am coming back winter semester. It is not making my mission any harder. We actually have to write a letter to the President before we leave the mission about plans and goals for our future.(that means I need to have some!) President Clements(especially near the end of his mission) was always telling us how this is preparation for the future, and that we do need to be thinking about our future as we make choices today.
I didn't really feel like I got any answers as I fasted. I feel like USU is still a good place for me to be but I feel like January 7th is too soon. January 7th is the day that I am supposed to be coming home. I want to be around for a while before I go to college too but also, I do not want my life to be put on hold. I do not want to get off my mission, where I am always doing something, where I always have a purpose. Then get home in January and have nothing to do, no purpose. There is nothing for me in Duchesne right now (of course besides my family). There's not really jobs that are worthwhile, there's no singles wards, etc.
Sister Riley and I have been talking, she just went home, and then started school 2 days later she did say that it was hard. I don't really want to go back to school the day I get home from my mission. But I do not want to live in Duchesne for 8 months while I wait for school to start again either. I will keep praying about it.
I always warned Cassidy to not get involved in too many things because then she would be always running around like a chicken with her head cut off, and I had already started everything that I did and I loved all of it, so it was too late for me to stop, but I warned her before she got started with so much to not do too much! haha! We are our father's daughters! We want to be busy and work, and we are sure we can fit everything in. . . but it might not always work.
That's neat that Grandma reached her goal! I got to do some indexing a couple weeks ago too! It is so exciting to me that they are building a house in Vernal! ahh! My current Bishop has a daughter that lives in Vernal, and he just went to visit. He is planning a trip in February also to Vernal. He was telling me all about how I better come visit him when he comes to Vernal! Also, how he will send his daughter to my homecoming in January. haha! He is so funny!
I did get to go to the temple! The session was FULL (so full we had to bring in chairs for people to sit in) and I did not see one person without a family name!! It was just so neat. They weren't all their own family names but I did not see any temple names given out to anyone!
I promise I am not worrying, I am just preparing for the future. I do need a plan, and I can't just wait until I get home, because then it will be too late. I can't just get on the USU website and figure it out, So I have to ask you to find some info for me. Sorry to freak you out.
p.s. will you send me an SD card, mine is full again. . .
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 Christy wrote:
You said transfers was this week. Are you getting transferred?
Well I did some checking and school starts at USU on January 7. Did you learn much while you fasted today? Dad feels like you should concentrate on your mission and you should worry about it when you get home. He doesn't want you to stress out about things now. Do you know when you are coming home? I don't want you to have to be thinking about such things now, I know it makes it hard. You just keep working and doing the Lord's work and we will get things worked out later. I might be being a little selfish by saying I don't want you to leave the second you get home. I would love for you to get to know your nephews and be around a little before heading off to college again. Ty said if it is really close to the day school starts, it would be really hard to go.
Enough of that.
So how are you doing? It has been a really cold windy day, so maybe it's headed your way too. For our anniversary on the 10th of October, we went to see the Little Mermaid at Tuacahn. I checked the calendar and didn't see any school things so bought tickets for me, dad, Morgan and Cassidy. Well about Monday of that week Kellee decided to call a Saturday practice from 8am-2pm. I was so mad. We had to leave her home. I really hate that she is too busy to come anywhere with us. I know she is growing up and getting busy with school, but it is really bothering me and dad. Oh man, he was so mad he was going to have her quit drill. Practices on Saturday? After last week and the homecoming dance being on Saturday of General Conference. They had to decorate after the first session for the dance and weren't done until 5:30 at night. So not only did she miss the second session of conference Saturday, but we all headed over to see Lindsey and Easton at the hospital and she couldn't even go. I don't know why any of this didn't bother me when you girls all did it. Maybe cause she is the youngest and I know how fast time flies. I just love my family time and hate things to get in the way! I just keep thinking about the good, better, and best things talk from conference years ago and maybe being so busy at school is taking away our family time. Oh well enough of my rant.
We only stayed home for this conference, because I had to tend Cooper. It was one of the few times we missed going to Idaho. It was awful to not be there with grandma and grandpa. But Dennis and his family got to go. So I felt a lot better about not being there. I don't think they have ever gone up and stayed with grandma and grandpa.
The picture I sent last week of Porter sitting in the motorhome between dad and Rick was just a ride we took to Upper Still Water. It's fun to all go in the motorhome.
Grandma called me tonight to tell me she reached her goal of indexing over 2500 names this year while at the farm! I am so proud of her. She is awesome!!! I need lessons on indexing. I like doing it, but don't ever do it. I am going up to Idaho some time this week to help grandma pack up. I guess they are moving home on Saturday. I am so excited. I hope they can all get along with Lindsey and Ty and the schedules they have for the babies. No tv for Coop will probably be the hardest. He does get a few movies a day, but dad thinks he can't breathe without it on, even if he isn't watching it. lol. Lindsey's house is moving right along. Suppose to be done by the end of the month. We will see.
Did you get to go to the temple? We did while we were in St George. Me and dad did initiatory for our family. 7 women and 7 men. It was soooo awesome. I cried during two of mine. I was just so happy for them and knew they were happy too. I love that feeling.
Well I am off to bed, take care of yourself. Don't worry, be happy ........ love you tons, Mommy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
I am not worrying about it but it is something that does have to be on my mind, I have to have a plan for the future or else I will stress, and I will not focus at all. It will be much harder for me to focus if I feel uneasiness about my future. However if I make some plans and have an Idea of what I want to do then I will be confident that I will be okay after my mission and I will still be busy and doing important things. I promise I am not letting it be a distraction but I do need to think about this because USU has to know in advance when I am coming back. Also, I have to sign up for classes if I am coming back winter semester. It is not making my mission any harder. We actually have to write a letter to the President before we leave the mission about plans and goals for our future.(that means I need to have some!) President Clements(especially near the end of his mission) was always telling us how this is preparation for the future, and that we do need to be thinking about our future as we make choices today.
I didn't really feel like I got any answers as I fasted. I feel like USU is still a good place for me to be but I feel like January 7th is too soon. January 7th is the day that I am supposed to be coming home. I want to be around for a while before I go to college too but also, I do not want my life to be put on hold. I do not want to get off my mission, where I am always doing something, where I always have a purpose. Then get home in January and have nothing to do, no purpose. There is nothing for me in Duchesne right now (of course besides my family). There's not really jobs that are worthwhile, there's no singles wards, etc.
Sister Riley and I have been talking, she just went home, and then started school 2 days later she did say that it was hard. I don't really want to go back to school the day I get home from my mission. But I do not want to live in Duchesne for 8 months while I wait for school to start again either. I will keep praying about it.
I always warned Cassidy to not get involved in too many things because then she would be always running around like a chicken with her head cut off, and I had already started everything that I did and I loved all of it, so it was too late for me to stop, but I warned her before she got started with so much to not do too much! haha! We are our father's daughters! We want to be busy and work, and we are sure we can fit everything in. . . but it might not always work.
That's neat that Grandma reached her goal! I got to do some indexing a couple weeks ago too! It is so exciting to me that they are building a house in Vernal! ahh! My current Bishop has a daughter that lives in Vernal, and he just went to visit. He is planning a trip in February also to Vernal. He was telling me all about how I better come visit him when he comes to Vernal! Also, how he will send his daughter to my homecoming in January. haha! He is so funny!
I did get to go to the temple! The session was FULL (so full we had to bring in chairs for people to sit in) and I did not see one person without a family name!! It was just so neat. They weren't all their own family names but I did not see any temple names given out to anyone!
I promise I am not worrying, I am just preparing for the future. I do need a plan, and I can't just wait until I get home, because then it will be too late. I can't just get on the USU website and figure it out, So I have to ask you to find some info for me. Sorry to freak you out.
p.s. will you send me an SD card, mine is full again. . .
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 Christy wrote:
You said transfers was this week. Are you getting transferred?
Well I did some checking and school starts at USU on January 7. Did you learn much while you fasted today? Dad feels like you should concentrate on your mission and you should worry about it when you get home. He doesn't want you to stress out about things now. Do you know when you are coming home? I don't want you to have to be thinking about such things now, I know it makes it hard. You just keep working and doing the Lord's work and we will get things worked out later. I might be being a little selfish by saying I don't want you to leave the second you get home. I would love for you to get to know your nephews and be around a little before heading off to college again. Ty said if it is really close to the day school starts, it would be really hard to go.
Enough of that.
So how are you doing? It has been a really cold windy day, so maybe it's headed your way too. For our anniversary on the 10th of October, we went to see the Little Mermaid at Tuacahn. I checked the calendar and didn't see any school things so bought tickets for me, dad, Morgan and Cassidy. Well about Monday of that week Kellee decided to call a Saturday practice from 8am-2pm. I was so mad. We had to leave her home. I really hate that she is too busy to come anywhere with us. I know she is growing up and getting busy with school, but it is really bothering me and dad. Oh man, he was so mad he was going to have her quit drill. Practices on Saturday? After last week and the homecoming dance being on Saturday of General Conference. They had to decorate after the first session for the dance and weren't done until 5:30 at night. So not only did she miss the second session of conference Saturday, but we all headed over to see Lindsey and Easton at the hospital and she couldn't even go. I don't know why any of this didn't bother me when you girls all did it. Maybe cause she is the youngest and I know how fast time flies. I just love my family time and hate things to get in the way! I just keep thinking about the good, better, and best things talk from conference years ago and maybe being so busy at school is taking away our family time. Oh well enough of my rant.
We only stayed home for this conference, because I had to tend Cooper. It was one of the few times we missed going to Idaho. It was awful to not be there with grandma and grandpa. But Dennis and his family got to go. So I felt a lot better about not being there. I don't think they have ever gone up and stayed with grandma and grandpa.
The picture I sent last week of Porter sitting in the motorhome between dad and Rick was just a ride we took to Upper Still Water. It's fun to all go in the motorhome.
Grandma called me tonight to tell me she reached her goal of indexing over 2500 names this year while at the farm! I am so proud of her. She is awesome!!! I need lessons on indexing. I like doing it, but don't ever do it. I am going up to Idaho some time this week to help grandma pack up. I guess they are moving home on Saturday. I am so excited. I hope they can all get along with Lindsey and Ty and the schedules they have for the babies. No tv for Coop will probably be the hardest. He does get a few movies a day, but dad thinks he can't breathe without it on, even if he isn't watching it. lol. Lindsey's house is moving right along. Suppose to be done by the end of the month. We will see.
Did you get to go to the temple? We did while we were in St George. Me and dad did initiatory for our family. 7 women and 7 men. It was soooo awesome. I cried during two of mine. I was just so happy for them and knew they were happy too. I love that feeling.
Well I am off to bed, take care of yourself. Don't worry, be happy ........ love you tons, Mommy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Tempe trip. October 13, 2014
This was my district at the temple. Some Elders make picture taking with Sisters VERY awkward and some don't hahaha! As you can tell by the 2 foot space between my companion and the Elders and the normal space between me and the other Elders. We actually have another set of sisters and a senior couple in our district too but they left before the picture:(
With Love,
Sister Smith
Me and Sister Nelson at the Minnesota temple
With Love,
Sister Smith
Me and Sister Nelson at the Minnesota temple
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Conference and finally I have a new nephew
Well, I am glad Lindsey finally had her baby! I've been waiting!! haha! I don't have much time to write today. We had a zone p-day today. We had an obstacle/relay race, played ultimate frisbee and capture the flag. My team mostly lost, but we aren't suppose to keep score anyway. We have an elder in our zone who is Polynesian, and he taught us the Haka (look up Rugby and see what they do) So we have been running all day long and I am tired, but it was also tons of fun.
I almost fell off my bike again . . . this is the 4th time I have almost fallen off. I am a total disaster and should be banned from riding my bike. It is 100% ridiculous!
But anyway, conference was amazing. Can you believe that is my 3rd one on my mission? Have you missed me yet? ;) wink.
Elder Godoy's talk really touched me. first I Loved that people spoke in their native languages in conference. I love listening to other languages, they are so beautiful! Elder Godoy came to my mission a while ago and so I feel like I know him. I honestly do not remember what he said at all. I just know that it was for me. I received so much revelation while he was speaking about how we ned to council with the Lord in everything that we do. I realized how I need to depend on the Lord much more and live with a focus of blessings that have been promised to me in my patriarchal blessing. All of you that have yours read it this week and ask yourself "if I keep living the way I am will the blessings of my patriarchal blessing be fulfilled?" I love you all. I know we listened to God's words this weekend. Review them and keep them in your heart! With love, Sister Smith
Well, I am glad Lindsey finally had her baby! I've been waiting!! haha! I don't have much time to write today. We had a zone p-day today. We had an obstacle/relay race, played ultimate frisbee and capture the flag. My team mostly lost, but we aren't suppose to keep score anyway. We have an elder in our zone who is Polynesian, and he taught us the Haka (look up Rugby and see what they do) So we have been running all day long and I am tired, but it was also tons of fun.
I almost fell off my bike again . . . this is the 4th time I have almost fallen off. I am a total disaster and should be banned from riding my bike. It is 100% ridiculous!
But anyway, conference was amazing. Can you believe that is my 3rd one on my mission? Have you missed me yet? ;) wink.
Elder Godoy's talk really touched me. first I Loved that people spoke in their native languages in conference. I love listening to other languages, they are so beautiful! Elder Godoy came to my mission a while ago and so I feel like I know him. I honestly do not remember what he said at all. I just know that it was for me. I received so much revelation while he was speaking about how we ned to council with the Lord in everything that we do. I realized how I need to depend on the Lord much more and live with a focus of blessings that have been promised to me in my patriarchal blessing. All of you that have yours read it this week and ask yourself "if I keep living the way I am will the blessings of my patriarchal blessing be fulfilled?" I love you all. I know we listened to God's words this weekend. Review them and keep them in your heart! With love, Sister Smith
Monday, October 6, 2014
Questions and answers October 6, 2014
I sent her a picture of Morgan making his homecoming cake. Lindsey had to step in and smooth things out. Emily's reply was: I was waiting for signs of Lindsey! haha! Morgan looks so much like Dad it is weird!!! and I love the Cake, how did he do in the pageant?
I sent pictures of Easton. Her reply was: He is adorable! As I was looking at him I just started to cry because I love him already!
I sent pictures of the flooded front yard after two days of rain. Her reply was: We got it too. . . try doing missionary work in this weather. . . it was ridiculous!
I sent pictures of Easton. Her reply was: He is adorable! As I was looking at him I just started to cry because I love him already!
I sent pictures of the flooded front yard after two days of rain. Her reply was: We got it too. . . try doing missionary work in this weather. . . it was ridiculous!
What to do with my life. October 6, 2014
not picture overload, I have been waiting for pictures to come for 3 weeks!!!!! Thank's for the bank balance. . .
Conference spurred in me a lot of questions about what I should do with my future. Elder Carlos A. Godoy (did you know that I know him? he came to our mission) but he talked about how our lives can be dramatically changed by an error of only a few degrees. . . So am starting to think about what to do. I need to know when school at USU starts. I feel like a huge financial burden on you and dad. Missions are really expensive, and so is college and I do not have any scholarships. I am kind of feeling like I just need to evaluate if I need to be at USU in January, or if I need to work for a while before. I was talking to Sister Riley who recently went home and she was telling me how hard it was to just jump right into school. About a month ago I felt a strong impression that I need to learn more about Speech Therapy, so that is also another factor. I don't know anything about it but I need to learn. How would I even go about learning about it? So I am just presented with a lot of options that I am pondering and of course I would love input that you and dad have. I will be fasting about it this Sunday and I would love it if you would join me in a fast. I feel so bad that I have to depend on you so much but what are parents for? I know you don't mind I would just love input from my parents as I am trying to make some decisions for the next year. Thanks so much, I love you.
There probably will not be much of a great letter this week, we have zone p-day. . . But I do love you so much!
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 , Christy wrote:
I know you are on picture overload this week, but I just wanted to say hi. I am sure you will be spending your time this morning looking at all the pictures we have been sending. I checked your bank balance this morning too. Hope you are doing well. We will have to share our fav. conference messages via snail mail unless you have time today to share. I love you tons. Thanks so much for the pictures. I love them. So exciting that you got to see Sister Beeson and Sister Richardson. I especially love the giraffe picture. You are so beautiful!!! Can't wait to see that beautiful smile again. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Love, Momsy
Conference spurred in me a lot of questions about what I should do with my future. Elder Carlos A. Godoy (did you know that I know him? he came to our mission) but he talked about how our lives can be dramatically changed by an error of only a few degrees. . . So am starting to think about what to do. I need to know when school at USU starts. I feel like a huge financial burden on you and dad. Missions are really expensive, and so is college and I do not have any scholarships. I am kind of feeling like I just need to evaluate if I need to be at USU in January, or if I need to work for a while before. I was talking to Sister Riley who recently went home and she was telling me how hard it was to just jump right into school. About a month ago I felt a strong impression that I need to learn more about Speech Therapy, so that is also another factor. I don't know anything about it but I need to learn. How would I even go about learning about it? So I am just presented with a lot of options that I am pondering and of course I would love input that you and dad have. I will be fasting about it this Sunday and I would love it if you would join me in a fast. I feel so bad that I have to depend on you so much but what are parents for? I know you don't mind I would just love input from my parents as I am trying to make some decisions for the next year. Thanks so much, I love you.
There probably will not be much of a great letter this week, we have zone p-day. . . But I do love you so much!
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 , Christy wrote:
I know you are on picture overload this week, but I just wanted to say hi. I am sure you will be spending your time this morning looking at all the pictures we have been sending. I checked your bank balance this morning too. Hope you are doing well. We will have to share our fav. conference messages via snail mail unless you have time today to share. I love you tons. Thanks so much for the pictures. I love them. So exciting that you got to see Sister Beeson and Sister Richardson. I especially love the giraffe picture. You are so beautiful!!! Can't wait to see that beautiful smile again. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Love, Momsy
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Quick note with news of the week September 29, 2014
I read this one first, so I read Dietz passed away and I was just like WHAT??? that's all the info I get? then I read the other note about how he got in a car wreck, Who knew that someone could have so much wrong with him. I did know him we were friends in High school. How long had he been off his mission? I will keep his family in my prayers. I can't believe she has not had her baby yet! AHH!
WAY TO GO MOM!!! this week with scripture masteries I reviewed some that I used to know and made a more effective plan for how I was going to work on them. . .
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 Christy wrote:
As of right now, no baby! She is still home. Also Dietz passed away. You did know him right? I do have good news though, I have 8 scripture masteries memorized! Go me. I am amazed. 1 Corinthians kicked my butt! Maybe I already told you that. Anyway, I am working on Mosiah 4:30 now. It really helps to read the chapter and know what's going on. I will keep plugging away. Thanks for all you do. Love you tons, mommy
WAY TO GO MOM!!! this week with scripture masteries I reviewed some that I used to know and made a more effective plan for how I was going to work on them. . .
With Love,
Sister Smith
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 Christy wrote:
As of right now, no baby! She is still home. Also Dietz passed away. You did know him right? I do have good news though, I have 8 scripture masteries memorized! Go me. I am amazed. 1 Corinthians kicked my butt! Maybe I already told you that. Anyway, I am working on Mosiah 4:30 now. It really helps to read the chapter and know what's going on. I will keep plugging away. Thanks for all you do. Love you tons, mommy
This is my new coat. The one that won't kill me! |
October 1, 2014, Letter to mom
The zucchini did make it ok and I ate it right up! We don not do a ton of service for the members. We actually found a lady that is not a member that we serve. We help her with Kody's Closet. You can look it up online to see more details.
Driving usually goes well. Except on Sunday we were charging the GPS at the church because we cannot charge it in the car, it doesn't work. When we went to get it, it was gone. :( So now I have to drive in the city with no GPS and no map. We should get a map! Our apartment is surrounded by other apartments. The Elders actually live in an apartment building nearby (which is nice for when we need our bikes fixed!)
Elder Shrestha did go home, back to Nepal. But Sister Shumway said he is planning on going to BYU-I next year, so he should be back in the states eventually.
My favorite scripture mastery is Ether 12:6. It is a good one.
You asked who gave the blessing after my bike wreck. It was Brother Hawes, the ward mission leader and his dad. There are like four Brother Hawes in the ward, so confusing.
My companion is very short. In the picture I am squatting down! haha So she is really short. I think maybe 5 ft. 1", if even that.
Does everyone read every letter that I send home no matter who it's addressed to?
My companion has never done family history. She is not even connected to parents . . . so my main focus when we go the the FHC is to help her. I index in between me helping her.
When do they decide if Cassidy or Shaylee is in the Jazz dance? Is Shaylee in the same grade as Cassidy or is she older? So exciting that you have 54 names to get done at the temple. This week I'll go and get the one you sent me done.
You will definitely meet Gretchen. I'll come back in a year when she gets her endowment and you can meet her then. She wants to go on a mission so badly! She is AWESOME! With Love, Sister Smith
p.s. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the bread and jam. I seriously crave homemade bread every Sunday. That is one thing I miss a lot and it was the best thing ever to have some!
Driving usually goes well. Except on Sunday we were charging the GPS at the church because we cannot charge it in the car, it doesn't work. When we went to get it, it was gone. :( So now I have to drive in the city with no GPS and no map. We should get a map! Our apartment is surrounded by other apartments. The Elders actually live in an apartment building nearby (which is nice for when we need our bikes fixed!)
Elder Shrestha did go home, back to Nepal. But Sister Shumway said he is planning on going to BYU-I next year, so he should be back in the states eventually.
My favorite scripture mastery is Ether 12:6. It is a good one.
You asked who gave the blessing after my bike wreck. It was Brother Hawes, the ward mission leader and his dad. There are like four Brother Hawes in the ward, so confusing.
My companion is very short. In the picture I am squatting down! haha So she is really short. I think maybe 5 ft. 1", if even that.
Does everyone read every letter that I send home no matter who it's addressed to?
My companion has never done family history. She is not even connected to parents . . . so my main focus when we go the the FHC is to help her. I index in between me helping her.
When do they decide if Cassidy or Shaylee is in the Jazz dance? Is Shaylee in the same grade as Cassidy or is she older? So exciting that you have 54 names to get done at the temple. This week I'll go and get the one you sent me done.
You will definitely meet Gretchen. I'll come back in a year when she gets her endowment and you can meet her then. She wants to go on a mission so badly! She is AWESOME! With Love, Sister Smith
p.s. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the bread and jam. I seriously crave homemade bread every Sunday. That is one thing I miss a lot and it was the best thing ever to have some!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Zone Conference and Zoo September 29, 2014 letter
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Me at the Como Zoo |
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Sister Beeson! |
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