Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Jehovah's Witnesses. March 22, 2014
Another transfer goes by...but not much changes for me! I get to stay in Eau Claire with Sister Beeson! This week we had a funny experience. We were sitting doing some weekly planning, and my desk faces the window, so we were watching out the windows as people got out of a car and began knocking on our neighbors doors. Soon they came to our door. We totally had Jehovah's Witnesses knock on our door. It was 100% weird! They tried to give us a pamphlet and we tried to switch with them, but they refused and so we did too. haha. We kind of got a taste of our own medicine this week. I was reminded of what if feels like when strangers knock on your door, but our message is way better than theirs. After they left later that day, I was thinking "Why did they even come here?" All they did was share 2 verses of the bible and try to get us to take their pamphlet, but they were not persistent at all. Sometimes it is hard or me to be persistent and to jump into teaching someone as soon as we meet them. But this experience really reminded me how important it is to show people what our purpose is. We are here to teach people. As soon as we meet, we teach and invite to be baptized. We don not leave them wondering why we came to their door and I am grateful for that! This week I had another reminder how awesome our family is. Thank you for being loving and followers of Christ. With love, Sister Smith
Email week 40
I have been pondering a lot about the gift of the Holy Ghost and how crucial the gift is. I can not imagine having to go through life with out it. and I wish I could do better to teach people how important this gift is. and How we receive it at baptism and how their baptism isn't complete because they don't have the gift of the Holy Ghost! We NEED it!
This week one of our investigators asked what we thought of people making it into Heaven, like is there a certain amount of people who can make it? and our Joint teacher said, it is there for anyone who wants it. which I loved, all of the blessings of the gospel are available for those who want it.
It's cool that someone confided in you. It is very surprising what people will tell you when you are just following the promptings of the Spirit. I cannot tell you how many people we just barely meet and they tell us everything the other day we honestly met this girl, said our names, asked one question, and she said, " Now I have to tell you my life story." and then she proceeded to tell us everything about her life. sometimes we walk out our door, say hello to our neighbor and they start telling us how their marriage is on the rocks and they are going to counseling, etc. it is just crazy. We have decided that whether they want to admit it or not people know that there is something different about us Latter-Day Saints, and we are easier to talk to or something. . . But some of the things people say to other church members is so hurtful. It is so sad.
The Mexican meal was a couple weeks ago but it was delicious! I love you too!
This week one of our investigators asked what we thought of people making it into Heaven, like is there a certain amount of people who can make it? and our Joint teacher said, it is there for anyone who wants it. which I loved, all of the blessings of the gospel are available for those who want it.
It's cool that someone confided in you. It is very surprising what people will tell you when you are just following the promptings of the Spirit. I cannot tell you how many people we just barely meet and they tell us everything the other day we honestly met this girl, said our names, asked one question, and she said, " Now I have to tell you my life story." and then she proceeded to tell us everything about her life. sometimes we walk out our door, say hello to our neighbor and they start telling us how their marriage is on the rocks and they are going to counseling, etc. it is just crazy. We have decided that whether they want to admit it or not people know that there is something different about us Latter-Day Saints, and we are easier to talk to or something. . . But some of the things people say to other church members is so hurtful. It is so sad.
The Mexican meal was a couple weeks ago but it was delicious! I love you too!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Sad day
Good thing I got an email from Sister Pulham last week, because I got no letter last week and the one I got today said, "Sorry I spent all my time at the salon getting my hair dyed and we have an early dinner appointment." Good thing for email Mondays.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Email 3-17-14 Week 38
I did not yet get my Down East shirts. . . I am glad to know you sent them! But I did get your fun St. Patty's day package! I did not have green eggs or green milk for breakfast. We don't have any eggs, Sister Beeson ate them all. . . and we don't have food coloring. Corned beef is a big thing, we had it last night for dinner, and it was super good! I like it a lot!
You taught both lessons in one day? You are a champ! I don't think I ever heard the talk by John Bytheway. I don't know where it would be. Jamie e-mailed and said your lesson was really good:) Just a random request, both my companion and I are trying to watch what we eat so maybe next holiday instead of sending candy that we have to look at could you do like what you did on Valentines and send ingredients for us to make a meal, or even the movie, the Testaments. People feed us so much junk and I am kind of candied out, I still have candy from last conference, and I just figure you might as well spend money buying and sending something that I will put to good use rather than something that will sit in my cupboards, ya know? I LOVE the St. Patty's package I have been needing a new razor but too cheap to buy a new one:D and Candy every once in a while is always good but all things in moderation:)
That is so cool that Justin took his family to the temple! I can't believe all the amazing things that are happening in Duchesne! I am so glad to hear that Lindsey and Ty got a job out in Vernal but I am also sad that they will not be in Logan if I go back there:( Well, This week is transfers. . . No worries I am staying:) So is Sister Beeson. We still have work to do here!
With Love, Sister Smith
You taught both lessons in one day? You are a champ! I don't think I ever heard the talk by John Bytheway. I don't know where it would be. Jamie e-mailed and said your lesson was really good:) Just a random request, both my companion and I are trying to watch what we eat so maybe next holiday instead of sending candy that we have to look at could you do like what you did on Valentines and send ingredients for us to make a meal, or even the movie, the Testaments. People feed us so much junk and I am kind of candied out, I still have candy from last conference, and I just figure you might as well spend money buying and sending something that I will put to good use rather than something that will sit in my cupboards, ya know? I LOVE the St. Patty's package I have been needing a new razor but too cheap to buy a new one:D and Candy every once in a while is always good but all things in moderation:)
That is so cool that Justin took his family to the temple! I can't believe all the amazing things that are happening in Duchesne! I am so glad to hear that Lindsey and Ty got a job out in Vernal but I am also sad that they will not be in Logan if I go back there:( Well, This week is transfers. . . No worries I am staying:) So is Sister Beeson. We still have work to do here!
With Love, Sister Smith
email to Jamie
There was a really good talk about being prepared while traveling in a recent Ensign ("What's So Important In That Bag" in December 2013) the most important part of being prepared is to be prepared to give it away. A lot of the time if we are running low on Book of Mormon's or something sometimes I think, "is this who I need to give it to, what if there is someone later who needs it more and this is just a decoy?" but when I think of how terrible I would feel If I didn't give it away and I didn't find anyone later and I usually give it. Sometimes it is just hard to bring it up but once we do we never regret it!
Something That I Just thought of was a member of the ward here told me that around 80% of the people who are less active are only waiting for an invitation to come back. "Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ." (Preach My Gospel, Chapter 1). No one expects us to convert and baptize millions but our role is just to invite. and Fear is a huge barrier that still gets the best of me all the time but as we lay aside our fear and consecrate our all to the Lord then we are living the covenants we made to live the law of consecration. The Lord doesn't just expect all of our physical means but he expects us to give him our fear, and worry, and our challenges too, he wants it all! (including our sin, there is no need for us to hang on to that stuff either:)
The snow is beginning to melt here! YAY for the past two days I got to put my marshmallow coat in the closet and just take my pea coat. It's been around 30 degrees! Which has never felt so amazing in my whole life!
I love you and I know you can talk to anyone about the Gospel!
Mosiah 28:3 and 1 Nephi 3:7
Love, Sister Smith
Friday, March 14, 2014
Photos from Sister Pulham
Sister Pulham in the middle is serving with her husband and was at a district pday and sent these pictures home to me!
What a cutie!!!
What??? Shorts. Too funny. They must have Spring fever.
Go Aggies!
Emily's response to the photos:
It was 50 degrees which is AMAZINGLY WARM when you have been living in subzero temperatures for the past 5 months! and we were not going home after the District P day so I just decided to wear my boots so I had less to carry:)
Emily's response to the photos:
It was 50 degrees which is AMAZINGLY WARM when you have been living in subzero temperatures for the past 5 months! and we were not going home after the District P day so I just decided to wear my boots so I had less to carry:)
Monday, March 10, 2014
Email March 10, 2014
The pictures are so fun! (I have been sending her pictures of our Florida trip)
I wish I was still there to go flying with Dad too, That was kind of our thing:) I love to go flying! haha! The Senior couple here was talking about flying with dad, and they were asking my all about his plane and what routes we take and where we go. It was fun:) Lindsey did not tell me about the job offers.
Ben and Megan will have some amazing children to raise in the millennium! but I hope she will be able to have more kids too.
Your new calling sounds awesome! How are you liking it so far? I do wish you the best of luck! How is Vionne? You should definitely read a family history every week then tell me about it! I would love to hear stories! Also, if you could find out how we are related to Joseph Smith and see if there are any stories about that line of our ancestors that would be great, people keep asking and I feel SO LAME not knowing anything. We do have a family history center but not much time to do it.
Emma is awesome! She will be a great missionary! She is getting a lot of cool preparation experiences! Is she not going to school? Is she just working?
Anyway I love you so much, and today is district P-Day so we won't have much time for letter writing, just so you know!
With Love, Sister Smith
I wish I was still there to go flying with Dad too, That was kind of our thing:) I love to go flying! haha! The Senior couple here was talking about flying with dad, and they were asking my all about his plane and what routes we take and where we go. It was fun:) Lindsey did not tell me about the job offers.
Ben and Megan will have some amazing children to raise in the millennium! but I hope she will be able to have more kids too.
Your new calling sounds awesome! How are you liking it so far? I do wish you the best of luck! How is Vionne? You should definitely read a family history every week then tell me about it! I would love to hear stories! Also, if you could find out how we are related to Joseph Smith and see if there are any stories about that line of our ancestors that would be great, people keep asking and I feel SO LAME not knowing anything. We do have a family history center but not much time to do it.
Emma is awesome! She will be a great missionary! She is getting a lot of cool preparation experiences! Is she not going to school? Is she just working?
Anyway I love you so much, and today is district P-Day so we won't have much time for letter writing, just so you know!
With Love, Sister Smith
Friday, March 7, 2014
March 3, 2014 Week of miracles
Whew, this week was amazing! We got lots of member referrals, and we saw lots of miracles. The sister we were teaching with the word of wisdom problems called us this week and she knew she needed to come back to church! She could definitely tell a difference when we were not there. We still aren't teaching her until she reaches out more though. We got to go to YW New Beginnings, which was really amazing! It was exactly what I needed. Then on Sunday we were fasting specifically for an investigator (Sister M) and how to help her better. Her family situation is rough and we were praying she would know what to do and that we would too. As soon as we ended our fast, she called us and told us that she had made a decision and she is ready to be baptized! So we are working with her about that. Fasting is so cool and really inspired.
There was a CES fireside that we got to go to with an investigator and the speaker was talking a lot about how we can be more influenced by the Spirit and how we need to move forward with faith. It showed 3 video clips in the middle that illustrated how we have to move forward with faith and trust in the Spirit and also how the Lord doesn't always answer the way we expect or when we want it. But ya, it was good. The rest of the week was good too. We did a lot of service. We got to clean a lot and even got to shovel snow once. It was fun. We don't get to shovel much because my companion has a bad back and is not suppose to. 3 Nephi 5:13, 20 and 3 Nephi 4:33. We have much reason to rejoice! With love, Sister Smith
There was a CES fireside that we got to go to with an investigator and the speaker was talking a lot about how we can be more influenced by the Spirit and how we need to move forward with faith. It showed 3 video clips in the middle that illustrated how we have to move forward with faith and trust in the Spirit and also how the Lord doesn't always answer the way we expect or when we want it. But ya, it was good. The rest of the week was good too. We did a lot of service. We got to clean a lot and even got to shovel snow once. It was fun. We don't get to shovel much because my companion has a bad back and is not suppose to. 3 Nephi 5:13, 20 and 3 Nephi 4:33. We have much reason to rejoice! With love, Sister Smith
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Pictures week 36
I think the snow is up to my thigh if I were to step in it. CRAZY!
Beautiful Wisconsin! <3 |
Email to Jamie 3-3-14
I am doing incredible! This week was really amazing! We received a lot of member referrals, and I had a lot of experiences that I needed right at the moment, we had a lot of miracles with our investigators. and I do love my companion. We decided that I am like her mom. I always have an extra pair of socks to give her so she is warm and I help her learn to cook and to eat healthy, and I sewed her gloves up for her it is just really funny! We both enjoy it.
That lady that we had to quit teaching called us this week. Last week she went to a different church and we hadn't heard from her all week until Saturday night she called us and said that she needed to come back to church because things are not going right and she said she had a renewed desire to live the Word of Wisdom. So we are still not going to teach her unless she contacts us about it, but she at least now recognizes the difference that going to the right church makes. :) People always ask why coffee, but if people realized how many humans are addicted to coffee there would be no question why coffee is a part of the word of Wisdom. . . it honestly grosses me out how many people drink coffee.
There is a really good video about addictions that we watched this week with one of our investigators who also has an addiction issue it is called "You Will Be Freed" There was another one we watched that wasn't about addiction that I LOVED it gave me the chills when I watched it it's called "Dare To Stand Alone" Super good!
That lady that we had to quit teaching called us this week. Last week she went to a different church and we hadn't heard from her all week until Saturday night she called us and said that she needed to come back to church because things are not going right and she said she had a renewed desire to live the Word of Wisdom. So we are still not going to teach her unless she contacts us about it, but she at least now recognizes the difference that going to the right church makes. :) People always ask why coffee, but if people realized how many humans are addicted to coffee there would be no question why coffee is a part of the word of Wisdom. . . it honestly grosses me out how many people drink coffee.
There is a really good video about addictions that we watched this week with one of our investigators who also has an addiction issue it is called "You Will Be Freed" There was another one we watched that wasn't about addiction that I LOVED it gave me the chills when I watched it it's called "Dare To Stand Alone" Super good!
I am staying warm, and doing well!
With Love, Sister Smith
With Love, Sister Smith
Monday, March 3, 2014
Oh my goodness when you said Lindsey was sick my heart dropped, Last Monday or Tuesday I had a nightmare about Lindsey being really sick so I have been super worried about her all week. But I was glad to hear that it was just flu and pregnant sickness.
I love Cooper and I miss him so much, but my oh my, I have the CUTEST nephews in the whole world! I love all of the pictures you sent! oh p.s. the computers I have now the videos work:) I love our family too, they are great! haha!
With Love, Sister Smith
I love Cooper and I miss him so much, but my oh my, I have the CUTEST nephews in the whole world! I love all of the pictures you sent! oh p.s. the computers I have now the videos work:) I love our family too, they are great! haha!
With Love, Sister Smith
On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 Christy wrote:
Well it's Sunday and I am headed home from Logan. I told you in a letter but you won't have it yet, so I will tell you again. Lindsey was pretty sick the day we got home from our trip. Maybe a touch of what Morgan had. It didn't hit her until she got home but we did have to get up at 4:30 am to get to our 7 am flight. She wasn't pregnant when I booked the flight. I know it's early, but that's what worked for us. I had to be home by 6 for fhc shift. Anyway the soonest I could get up there to help was Friday. Grandma and pa went to Idaho for the weekend, so I hitched a ride. By the time I got there the flu business was gone, not the preg sickness though. I washed clothes, helped plan a menu for the week and grocery shopped. Cooper is so cute. He loves to grab my finger and take me exactly where he wants me to go. Mostly on the floor in the front room to play cars. And he drags me down until I sit to play. He even cried for me one night to rock him to sleep. I love that kid! At Disneyworld he got to ride a little train. I got a few little videos on my phone. He made us watch them over and over. His whole body just shaking with excitement. It rained every day I was in Logan so we didn't get to go anywhere. No tv and no outside. I was going a little stir crazy one day. Ty took Cooper to Brigham city to play with his cousins from California Friday night and Linds went to bed at 8:00. I was in my pjs, but seriously debated getting dressed and going shopping. I didn't. Read my scriptures and ensign instead. Saturday night was much better we put Cooper to bed and watched a movie. We have the best family in the world. Every time I think about my blessings our family is first on the list. I am so glad to know that we can be together in heaven. We just have to work hard to be obedient so we can all be there. No one gets left behind. That would break my heart. So you get out,there and work hard to help people understand that. Family is what matters. I love you tons and pray for you daily, hourly, love, mommy
Well it's Sunday and I am headed home from Logan. I told you in a letter but you won't have it yet, so I will tell you again. Lindsey was pretty sick the day we got home from our trip. Maybe a touch of what Morgan had. It didn't hit her until she got home but we did have to get up at 4:30 am to get to our 7 am flight. She wasn't pregnant when I booked the flight. I know it's early, but that's what worked for us. I had to be home by 6 for fhc shift. Anyway the soonest I could get up there to help was Friday. Grandma and pa went to Idaho for the weekend, so I hitched a ride. By the time I got there the flu business was gone, not the preg sickness though. I washed clothes, helped plan a menu for the week and grocery shopped. Cooper is so cute. He loves to grab my finger and take me exactly where he wants me to go. Mostly on the floor in the front room to play cars. And he drags me down until I sit to play. He even cried for me one night to rock him to sleep. I love that kid! At Disneyworld he got to ride a little train. I got a few little videos on my phone. He made us watch them over and over. His whole body just shaking with excitement. It rained every day I was in Logan so we didn't get to go anywhere. No tv and no outside. I was going a little stir crazy one day. Ty took Cooper to Brigham city to play with his cousins from California Friday night and Linds went to bed at 8:00. I was in my pjs, but seriously debated getting dressed and going shopping. I didn't. Read my scriptures and ensign instead. Saturday night was much better we put Cooper to bed and watched a movie. We have the best family in the world. Every time I think about my blessings our family is first on the list. I am so glad to know that we can be together in heaven. We just have to work hard to be obedient so we can all be there. No one gets left behind. That would break my heart. So you get out,there and work hard to help people understand that. Family is what matters. I love you tons and pray for you daily, hourly, love, mommy
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