Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Week 31. Jan 27, 2014
P.S. thank you for the great birthday presents I was so excited I almost burst to get games, and pazelles, and a new build a bear. (Go give Matilda a squeeze and a change of clothes for me :), and all sorts of fun stuff! I love you so much!
Email home Jan. 27, 2014
It is so weird to hear the different rules of the different missions! haha! We would be in SO much trouble if we stayed out until 10:15. The latest we are supposed to be out is 9:30 and that is ONLY if we are teachign someone. normally in by 9. Did you say an early dinner at 5? Do the missionaries not normally eat at 5?
Speaking of Macoy and Shelly Young, I totally got a package from the ward this week that was supposed to go to the phillipines. There was a card signed for Macoy and at first I didn't realize it was for him so the card said "I love you, Mom" and It was definitely NOT your handwriting, This is where the confusion began then I opened it up and each person in the ward had signed it but no one said any names, and you had signed it "have a great day, Todd and Christy" and Bishop Brady signed it "Happy Birthday you patriot" and I was so confused! then I looked at the back of the card and there was a note that said something about mom, and being the ward missionary coordinator and I was like WHAT? my mom is not the ward missionary coordinator? What is happening then I looked at the other side of the envelope and it said "Happy Birthday Elder Young" HAHA! I laughed SO hard! So I got a card and some snacks, hopefully the gift in my package wasn't too girly. . . I have never heard of Uno Roboto.
How did your sloppy Joe recepie go? Did you make homemade rolls to eat them with? I can't believe how big Cassidy is now. we have an investigator who is her age, and she seems way older than my little Cass-A-Frass:) There is also a member that I LOVE his name is Why Why, and he is 14 too, he is the only member in his family, he comes every week, he is so cool because he is the oldest child and he just takes care of his family, because his parents don't really speak english very well. I am just amazed at how awesome he is, and he is only 14! CRAZY!
anyway, I love you!
Sister Smith
On Sun, Jan 26, Christy wrote:
I love Monday's. I love getting your emails. Some days I go a little crazy waiting for it to come, but that is normal for all missionary moms. There was a funny joke on Facebook about missionary mom's on P-day waiting for their emails. I really do check my phone and i pad like a million times until it comes. It's funny. I know Shelly Young waits up until 1 or 2 in the morning to hear from Macoy. I know they email back and forth a little. Well we got the meet the new elder tonight. They showed up at 8 for nachos and just left at 10:15. We played Uno Roboto. Have you seen it or heard of it? There is a little robot and each player records their name then the game goes on as usual Uno. Until the robot decides to tell you to switch hands or draw cards until you pick a certain color. Then you sometimes get to make up nicknames for the other players. It was so crazy. I won twice! Dad even played all night long. That is a miracle in itself. Elder Earl didn't like not winning, so we had to keep playing one more time. He was down to one card several times then the robot made him change cards with dad or draw more cards. It was funny. The new Elder is from Boise Idaho. Elder Quesada??? Something like that. He is fun just like Elder Earl. He was in the mtc in June. Has been out for about 7 1/2 months. Sound familiar??? We found out his birthday is in five days, so Morgan invited them to dinner. He requested Sloppy Joes! Can you believe that would be a favorite birthday meal request? I hope I can find an awesome recipe or at least make some homemade rolls to make them edible. That is one of our least favorite meals. We will see how it goes. They have to go to Tabiona after dinner so early 5:00 dinner. Hope dad makes it home. Maybe I better invite grandma and grandpa just in case.
Morgan said HI!!!!!
They are having a special meeting for all people in the stake who have a family history calling on Tuesday night. I am excited to hear what that is all about. They have made some awesome changes on the family search website. Do you ever get to get on? Melanie had a great week last week at the fhc. Cassidy has started coming with me then just going to mutual at 7. Can you believe she is a Mia Maid now??? Crazy.
Hope things are going well with your hispanic family and with Sister N. I put her name and yours on the prayer roll this week. Hopefully she will feel a little stronger this week as she gets extra prayers for her every session! (and you). Well I am tired and am going to hit the sack. Yeh Eh Nah Pa Doh!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Mommy
Speaking of Macoy and Shelly Young, I totally got a package from the ward this week that was supposed to go to the phillipines. There was a card signed for Macoy and at first I didn't realize it was for him so the card said "I love you, Mom" and It was definitely NOT your handwriting, This is where the confusion began then I opened it up and each person in the ward had signed it but no one said any names, and you had signed it "have a great day, Todd and Christy" and Bishop Brady signed it "Happy Birthday you patriot" and I was so confused! then I looked at the back of the card and there was a note that said something about mom, and being the ward missionary coordinator and I was like WHAT? my mom is not the ward missionary coordinator? What is happening then I looked at the other side of the envelope and it said "Happy Birthday Elder Young" HAHA! I laughed SO hard! So I got a card and some snacks, hopefully the gift in my package wasn't too girly. . . I have never heard of Uno Roboto.
How did your sloppy Joe recepie go? Did you make homemade rolls to eat them with? I can't believe how big Cassidy is now. we have an investigator who is her age, and she seems way older than my little Cass-A-Frass:) There is also a member that I LOVE his name is Why Why, and he is 14 too, he is the only member in his family, he comes every week, he is so cool because he is the oldest child and he just takes care of his family, because his parents don't really speak english very well. I am just amazed at how awesome he is, and he is only 14! CRAZY!
anyway, I love you!
Sister Smith
On Sun, Jan 26, Christy wrote:
I love Monday's. I love getting your emails. Some days I go a little crazy waiting for it to come, but that is normal for all missionary moms. There was a funny joke on Facebook about missionary mom's on P-day waiting for their emails. I really do check my phone and i pad like a million times until it comes. It's funny. I know Shelly Young waits up until 1 or 2 in the morning to hear from Macoy. I know they email back and forth a little. Well we got the meet the new elder tonight. They showed up at 8 for nachos and just left at 10:15. We played Uno Roboto. Have you seen it or heard of it? There is a little robot and each player records their name then the game goes on as usual Uno. Until the robot decides to tell you to switch hands or draw cards until you pick a certain color. Then you sometimes get to make up nicknames for the other players. It was so crazy. I won twice! Dad even played all night long. That is a miracle in itself. Elder Earl didn't like not winning, so we had to keep playing one more time. He was down to one card several times then the robot made him change cards with dad or draw more cards. It was funny. The new Elder is from Boise Idaho. Elder Quesada??? Something like that. He is fun just like Elder Earl. He was in the mtc in June. Has been out for about 7 1/2 months. Sound familiar??? We found out his birthday is in five days, so Morgan invited them to dinner. He requested Sloppy Joes! Can you believe that would be a favorite birthday meal request? I hope I can find an awesome recipe or at least make some homemade rolls to make them edible. That is one of our least favorite meals. We will see how it goes. They have to go to Tabiona after dinner so early 5:00 dinner. Hope dad makes it home. Maybe I better invite grandma and grandpa just in case.
Morgan said HI!!!!!
They are having a special meeting for all people in the stake who have a family history calling on Tuesday night. I am excited to hear what that is all about. They have made some awesome changes on the family search website. Do you ever get to get on? Melanie had a great week last week at the fhc. Cassidy has started coming with me then just going to mutual at 7. Can you believe she is a Mia Maid now??? Crazy.
Hope things are going well with your hispanic family and with Sister N. I put her name and yours on the prayer roll this week. Hopefully she will feel a little stronger this week as she gets extra prayers for her every session! (and you). Well I am tired and am going to hit the sack. Yeh Eh Nah Pa Doh!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Mommy
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Email Jan 20, 2014
It's okay if the package doesn't get to me on my birthday, I am still waiting for the present from Nic from Christmas! hahaha! I never get nervous for stuff until right before it happens. Like once a week we try to teach with the Karen Elders and I never get nervous until right before the appointment this week I got so nervous 10 minutes before the lesson I thought I might die! But I would rather be only nervous right before instead of all day long. :)
The Missionaries came to our house at 9pm? Weird. You think you'd be safe to be in your PJ's by then. . . But that is kind of funny.
I wondered how Dad is doing with his calling, it seems like a pretty big responsibility. He told me he had to teach at the jail and how he was kind of nervous for that. Why was Dad conducting the baptism meeting? Why was someone getting baptized on Sunday? I will definitely be keeping Dad in my prayers, he needs to have a day of rest. . .
Was Cassidy okay with 5th on the floor? that is really awesome that she got 2nd on the double mini! I have been thinking about her a lot lately. We just started teaching a 14 year-old girl and I can not believe that she is the same age. There is also a really great member that we all just love and he is 14. I can not imagine Cassidy being as old as these people! haha! I guess she still seems 12 to me. From the time I left home to go to college she hasn't aged since then. . . It's just crazy! How is Isaac? Do you ever see him? or hear anything about him? crazy, I really don't want Isaac to get carried away. . . he is such a good person, I just hope he pulls out of this temptation sometime.
Well I love you! Tee Luh Tha Luh Kee (see you next time)
Sister Smith
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 mom wrote:
Hope you have a great day. Not sure when you get to email because of the holiday, so I will send out a quick note tonight. I did get the foundation out to you already. Jamie didn't have in stock what you wanted but I had her order two. But she did give me something you might like. We are working hard on new cd's that are not MOTAB. It is hard to find just the right song. I have a birthday package ready to ship out. Dang holiday got in the way, but it will ship out Tuesday. I am praying you will get it on or before your birthday.
I got to teach Relief Society today. The lesson was about the Savior. It was so hard, because there is so much information and they have kind of changed the format a little with the questions in the back. I studied all week and felt good about being guided until right before I had to teach. I don't know why i choose to get nervous then. I got done earlier than usual, around ten til, but that gave Dawnette time to leave a few comments and we got to sing the whole closing song! Most time we only have time for one verse with lots of the teachers.
Because I sent so many letters this last week, I don't have much to tell you today. Except one embarrassing moment tonight. It was around 9 and someone knocks on the door. Dad hollers come in, I am in my jammies watching Battleship with everyone and in walk the missionaries. Elder Earl and the two from Altamont. I didn't know what to do, so I excused myself to go change. They came for nachos. I had no idea, because it was so late. My mom laughed at me and said, "Teach you to get in your pj's early".
Dad is so stressed with his new calling. He had lots of responsibilities today. We didn't even see him until 5:30 pm. and he left at 9 to go to 4th ward. He doesn't like sunday's anymore and is so worried about everything. I hope it calms down a little for him. He had to go to primary and bear his testimony which was fine, but then he had to go teach at the jail. That took three hours, then he had to conduct a baptism meeting at 4. Makes me so sad that now we don't even get to see him on Sunday's. I hope He can feel Heavenly Fathers hand helping him with this calling.
Cassidy had her first tumbling meet Saturday. She took 5th out of 11 on the floor. She did so good. Got really good height and great back handsprings. Then she got 2nd on double mini. She was very happy. I'm sure she will tell you about it herself.
Allyson turned 18 this week! I can't believe she is that old already. She doesn't come to choir anymore. She said she is retiring. Merrilli said if this was how she was rebelling, that was ok with her! Chelise isn't moving home. Because she comes home every weekend, they decided to give her a calling. weird, but it's not my call. Well I'm off to bed. Yeh Eh Nah Pa Doh!!! Have a great week. Love, Mom
The Missionaries came to our house at 9pm? Weird. You think you'd be safe to be in your PJ's by then. . . But that is kind of funny.
I wondered how Dad is doing with his calling, it seems like a pretty big responsibility. He told me he had to teach at the jail and how he was kind of nervous for that. Why was Dad conducting the baptism meeting? Why was someone getting baptized on Sunday? I will definitely be keeping Dad in my prayers, he needs to have a day of rest. . .
Was Cassidy okay with 5th on the floor? that is really awesome that she got 2nd on the double mini! I have been thinking about her a lot lately. We just started teaching a 14 year-old girl and I can not believe that she is the same age. There is also a really great member that we all just love and he is 14. I can not imagine Cassidy being as old as these people! haha! I guess she still seems 12 to me. From the time I left home to go to college she hasn't aged since then. . . It's just crazy! How is Isaac? Do you ever see him? or hear anything about him? crazy, I really don't want Isaac to get carried away. . . he is such a good person, I just hope he pulls out of this temptation sometime.
Well I love you! Tee Luh Tha Luh Kee (see you next time)
Sister Smith
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 mom wrote:
Hope you have a great day. Not sure when you get to email because of the holiday, so I will send out a quick note tonight. I did get the foundation out to you already. Jamie didn't have in stock what you wanted but I had her order two. But she did give me something you might like. We are working hard on new cd's that are not MOTAB. It is hard to find just the right song. I have a birthday package ready to ship out. Dang holiday got in the way, but it will ship out Tuesday. I am praying you will get it on or before your birthday.
I got to teach Relief Society today. The lesson was about the Savior. It was so hard, because there is so much information and they have kind of changed the format a little with the questions in the back. I studied all week and felt good about being guided until right before I had to teach. I don't know why i choose to get nervous then. I got done earlier than usual, around ten til, but that gave Dawnette time to leave a few comments and we got to sing the whole closing song! Most time we only have time for one verse with lots of the teachers.
Because I sent so many letters this last week, I don't have much to tell you today. Except one embarrassing moment tonight. It was around 9 and someone knocks on the door. Dad hollers come in, I am in my jammies watching Battleship with everyone and in walk the missionaries. Elder Earl and the two from Altamont. I didn't know what to do, so I excused myself to go change. They came for nachos. I had no idea, because it was so late. My mom laughed at me and said, "Teach you to get in your pj's early".
Dad is so stressed with his new calling. He had lots of responsibilities today. We didn't even see him until 5:30 pm. and he left at 9 to go to 4th ward. He doesn't like sunday's anymore and is so worried about everything. I hope it calms down a little for him. He had to go to primary and bear his testimony which was fine, but then he had to go teach at the jail. That took three hours, then he had to conduct a baptism meeting at 4. Makes me so sad that now we don't even get to see him on Sunday's. I hope He can feel Heavenly Fathers hand helping him with this calling.
Cassidy had her first tumbling meet Saturday. She took 5th out of 11 on the floor. She did so good. Got really good height and great back handsprings. Then she got 2nd on double mini. She was very happy. I'm sure she will tell you about it herself.
Allyson turned 18 this week! I can't believe she is that old already. She doesn't come to choir anymore. She said she is retiring. Merrilli said if this was how she was rebelling, that was ok with her! Chelise isn't moving home. Because she comes home every weekend, they decided to give her a calling. weird, but it's not my call. Well I'm off to bed. Yeh Eh Nah Pa Doh!!! Have a great week. Love, Mom
Jan 13, 2014 letter to mom.
Tyler asked if the Karen people were Christian. So part of this letter is in response to that.
The Karen people are either Buddhist or Baptist. Most of the ones I have found here are Baptist. I have only taught one Buddhist family so far. In the 1800's Baptist missionaries went to Burma and so a lot of people know about Christianity that way.
The lady we were teaching that brought all her family to church, we haven't had any luck meeting with her, but we taught her sister so hopefully we can just keep teaching her family until they all want to be baptized!
I love my I pod it is great to have music! I can only handle so much MOTAB so if you could find Hymns with by Eclipse, Jericho Road, or Vocal Point that would be nice to have too! (Taken care of. 4 new cd's were sent this week for her birthday!!)
We always stay warm. President Clements takes good care to make sure we stay safe, but we also layer up a lot! I love the new gloves. I wear them everyday!
There were a lot of houses with Christmas lights up, but not really around where we live because we don't really live by houses or in a nice part of town. We are mostly around apartments and businesses. We probably won't go to the Winter Festival. We don't really get to go do things like that. They did have some really cool lights up at Phalen Lake Park during Christmas.
You talked about Joseph Fielding Smith not having one baptism, that would be so hard to not even have one. I have been out for 6 months and sometimes it's hard to not be discouraged at not having a baptism yet. England is a really hard mission. I think tons of people come out without baptisms.
Man, everyone asked me what my family was doing for New Years. I told them "My family is snowmobiling for the whole weekend!" haha Oh well, people will never have to know what my family really did for New Years. I miss playing games. We don't have any, but on last Monday we were not allowed outside because of the cold and in an old missionary apartment in our same building we found Lord of the Rings Risk so I convinced Sister Riley to play it with me. By the time we got started we only had twenty minutes but it was still fun.
Love, Sister Smith
The Karen people are either Buddhist or Baptist. Most of the ones I have found here are Baptist. I have only taught one Buddhist family so far. In the 1800's Baptist missionaries went to Burma and so a lot of people know about Christianity that way.
The lady we were teaching that brought all her family to church, we haven't had any luck meeting with her, but we taught her sister so hopefully we can just keep teaching her family until they all want to be baptized!
I love my I pod it is great to have music! I can only handle so much MOTAB so if you could find Hymns with by Eclipse, Jericho Road, or Vocal Point that would be nice to have too! (Taken care of. 4 new cd's were sent this week for her birthday!!)
We always stay warm. President Clements takes good care to make sure we stay safe, but we also layer up a lot! I love the new gloves. I wear them everyday!
There were a lot of houses with Christmas lights up, but not really around where we live because we don't really live by houses or in a nice part of town. We are mostly around apartments and businesses. We probably won't go to the Winter Festival. We don't really get to go do things like that. They did have some really cool lights up at Phalen Lake Park during Christmas.
You talked about Joseph Fielding Smith not having one baptism, that would be so hard to not even have one. I have been out for 6 months and sometimes it's hard to not be discouraged at not having a baptism yet. England is a really hard mission. I think tons of people come out without baptisms.
Man, everyone asked me what my family was doing for New Years. I told them "My family is snowmobiling for the whole weekend!" haha Oh well, people will never have to know what my family really did for New Years. I miss playing games. We don't have any, but on last Monday we were not allowed outside because of the cold and in an old missionary apartment in our same building we found Lord of the Rings Risk so I convinced Sister Riley to play it with me. By the time we got started we only had twenty minutes but it was still fun.
Love, Sister Smith
Monday, January 13, 2014
Wallet found!!!! Week 29
Christy wrote:
I went to check the mail last Wednesday, January 8. There was a package for Emily with our street address on it. I couldn't imagine what it was. I was with Bobbi and she said, "Maybe it's Emily's wallet" I said "What would make you say that?" Well she was right. Some wonderful person returned the wallet to me. The cash was gone, but the check from Grandma Dixie and everything else was in it. I started crying. I couldn't believe it found it's way home. Heavenly Father does hear and answer prayers. I came right home and called the mission office so they could tell Emily the good news. I wish I could have called her, but I can imagine her reaction was somewhat like mine.
I went to check the mail last Wednesday, January 8. There was a package for Emily with our street address on it. I couldn't imagine what it was. I was with Bobbi and she said, "Maybe it's Emily's wallet" I said "What would make you say that?" Well she was right. Some wonderful person returned the wallet to me. The cash was gone, but the check from Grandma Dixie and everything else was in it. I started crying. I couldn't believe it found it's way home. Heavenly Father does hear and answer prayers. I came right home and called the mission office so they could tell Emily the good news. I wish I could have called her, but I can imagine her reaction was somewhat like mine.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Jan 6th letter to mom. Week 28

Sunday, January 5, 2014
Phone call from Emily
So I got to hear her voice again today!!! Except is was just business as she lost her wallet and needed to cancel her debit card. Don't really like those circumstances, but we will get through it.
email 1/4/14
Happy New Year!!!!
If you could encourage the family to write me more that would be great, missionary life is hard and when I only get one letter a week it makes it kind of sad. i am so grateful to get a letter from you every week but you are the only person writing me. SO my Companion gets like 4 letters a day and I get 1 a week. Kind of how they like to get mail from me. . .I like to get mail from them.
Also, I have currently lost my wallet with everything in it, so if you will please stop my debit card so no one can use it that would be super great!
anyway this week was fun we played volleyball with the Z family on New Years Day and I have been SO SORE ever since! haha! I will write a bigger letter but we don't have much time so That's all for now,
Yeh Eh Nah
Sister Smith
Merry Christmas to me! |
Christmas 2013 |
Friday, January 3, 2014
letter to mom dated January 1, 2014
I don't have a lot to say this week because I just talked to you a week ago and I emailed two days ago. But on my six month mark, we taught a lesson 100% Karen by ourselves! It was rough we read everything we wanted to say and they didn't understand everything, but it was to a member so they understood what we were teaching anyway. We also started teaching Sister N. Her husband is a member. She is so great and she really wants to be baptized. I am so excited for her to keep learning. She will be such a good member!
Today is a holiday, so it is our P-Day and once every transfer we can hang out as a district and we are doing it today. So we went to the Coffee Cup for breakfast at 6:00 am. I got pancakes, I could only eat one and they were a stack of three. The two leftovers filled the to go box overflowing! It was fun. Later we are going to play volleyball and boardgames with the Z family from the ward! Love, Emily
Today is a holiday, so it is our P-Day and once every transfer we can hang out as a district and we are doing it today. So we went to the Coffee Cup for breakfast at 6:00 am. I got pancakes, I could only eat one and they were a stack of three. The two leftovers filled the to go box overflowing! It was fun. Later we are going to play volleyball and boardgames with the Z family from the ward! Love, Emily
email Dec 30, 2013
I liked our Skype, it was so good to see you all! Do I look more chubby? tell me the truth! I don't want to come back chubbier than I left! haha!
How many missionaries are out from our ward? I just got an e-mail from Alex!!! it was so good to hear from him! I am ready to start a new year, not much changes. . . It just means my mission os flying by, which I am not sure I like but it happens. Is there really no snow there? Not even in Daniels? How is Morgan Surviving? Sickness ran its course through the district in November. So every once in a while I get stomach aches and stuff but I just think it is from stress.
We don't get to spend much time doing family history but one day we just got to do it before they drove us to the temple:)
Did I tell you that I got a Christmas card from Jerry? haha! He wrote me a nice little note in it about how he appreciates what I am doing etc. It was quite a surprise!
You were the person I was most excited for, When we were trying to record it I thought for sure you knew something was up and I was just hoping you would forget about it by Christmas time. haha! We were so nervous, i know I am not very good at lying so thank you for not asking any questions during the summer that I had to lie to you about!
We thought about what songs to do for a long time, we even changed our minds a couple of times but we figured what we did was the best, the ones you would like most:) All of my clothes fit perfectly I LOVE them! I was so excited to have new clothes! Sister Riley loved her presents they were so perfect. We specially loved our headbands you gave us! We bothe love headbands so it was great!
The picture of Sister Riley's family from Dawnette's Christmas card is when her brother just got home from his mission, they had a cardboard cut out of Sister Riley! haha! We got the card too! Sister Riley knows/has connections to everyone, it is just nuts!
I love you, thank you for the encouragement and positive attitude always! Yeh Eh Nah
Sister Smith
Mom emailed to Emily:
I can't believe the time went by so quickly on Christmas Day. I just keep getting out my camcorder and rewatching it. It was soooooo good to see you. What did you think of our skype? I'm just so glad we got it to work. You look fabulous.
I got a call this morning at 820 bishop wanted me to do a 3-5 min report on you in sacrament meeting. They had some speakers that didn't show up, so they scrambled for people to fill in. They had all the missionary parents talk. They left me the last five min to talk. It was kind of a bummer, everyone else took at least ten min. I just told about your Karen language and area and eating chicken feet! I told everyone how happy you were with your choice to serve. Also about your teaching the lesson on the first vision and the lady saying that had happened twice to her. Pretty much ran out of time after that. Are you ready to start a new year? I guess we are just staying home and going to party here. There is no snow out at Daniels and I can't be in it anyway if there was any. I have to wear this boot for another three weeks or so.
This past week we have had so many different sicknesses going around. Morgan got a case of his bronchitis stuff, which he shared with me. Chad, Millie, and Ty all had stomach issues. Cassidy threw up Christmas morning and pretty much spent the day home. Then yesterday
Cooper got a fever and he is so stuffed up he can't breathe. Today dad and Lindsey are starting with the sneezing and runny noses. It is pretty bad around here. Hope you are well and not getting sick. You have too many things to be taking care of.
Great news we got to go to the temple and finish up the work for John Mallos. He is the husband to Anna Johanna thompson's sister sarina paulina Thompson. We need to go get them sealed but it sure was great. Dad felt pretty good about doing the work. That John was happy about it. I love doing temple work. On your program you said the ward family history consultants let you work on family history at their house. Do you get much time there? I can send you things I have found that we need to clean up. I have a list. Also if you get on, check out Anna and Dan Arkadis. I have added nick and his first wife. I still need to add Dorothy, his second wife and also our new friend jerry (nick's son) from Seattle. I need to get back to work at the fhc. We have been closed for for two weeks.
Again I want to thank you for the wonderful Christmas gifts. I love my necklace, and our matching bracelets. The cd is the best thing next to the skype visit. It is so beautiful. I have it
loaded on the hard drive in my car so I can listen anytime I want. It makes me cry, but I love to hear your voice! You picked some great songs. You know me so well. I hope all your clothes fit and will keep you warm. Did Sister Riley like her presents? Funny thing, I told our ward today about her grandparents being Richard and marie spencer from Duchesne. Dawnette Browning brought over a Christmas card tonight and it was from Sister Riley's mom to Dawnette. Sister Riley's face was photoshopped in. They know each other from school. It was pretty funny. Well I am going to bed. I love you so much. We are very blessed to have you for our daughter. You are a great example to us all. Keep up the good work, remember who you are. Love you tons, mommy
How many missionaries are out from our ward? I just got an e-mail from Alex!!! it was so good to hear from him! I am ready to start a new year, not much changes. . . It just means my mission os flying by, which I am not sure I like but it happens. Is there really no snow there? Not even in Daniels? How is Morgan Surviving? Sickness ran its course through the district in November. So every once in a while I get stomach aches and stuff but I just think it is from stress.
We don't get to spend much time doing family history but one day we just got to do it before they drove us to the temple:)
Did I tell you that I got a Christmas card from Jerry? haha! He wrote me a nice little note in it about how he appreciates what I am doing etc. It was quite a surprise!
You were the person I was most excited for, When we were trying to record it I thought for sure you knew something was up and I was just hoping you would forget about it by Christmas time. haha! We were so nervous, i know I am not very good at lying so thank you for not asking any questions during the summer that I had to lie to you about!
We thought about what songs to do for a long time, we even changed our minds a couple of times but we figured what we did was the best, the ones you would like most:) All of my clothes fit perfectly I LOVE them! I was so excited to have new clothes! Sister Riley loved her presents they were so perfect. We specially loved our headbands you gave us! We bothe love headbands so it was great!
The picture of Sister Riley's family from Dawnette's Christmas card is when her brother just got home from his mission, they had a cardboard cut out of Sister Riley! haha! We got the card too! Sister Riley knows/has connections to everyone, it is just nuts!
I love you, thank you for the encouragement and positive attitude always! Yeh Eh Nah
Sister Smith
Mom emailed to Emily:
I got a call this morning at 820 bishop wanted me to do a 3-5 min report on you in sacrament meeting. They had some speakers that didn't show up, so they scrambled for people to fill in. They had all the missionary parents talk. They left me the last five min to talk. It was kind of a bummer, everyone else took at least ten min. I just told about your Karen language and area and eating chicken feet! I told everyone how happy you were with your choice to serve. Also about your teaching the lesson on the first vision and the lady saying that had happened twice to her. Pretty much ran out of time after that. Are you ready to start a new year? I guess we are just staying home and going to party here. There is no snow out at Daniels and I can't be in it anyway if there was any. I have to wear this boot for another three weeks or so.
This past week we have had so many different sicknesses going around. Morgan got a case of his bronchitis stuff, which he shared with me. Chad, Millie, and Ty all had stomach issues. Cassidy threw up Christmas morning and pretty much spent the day home. Then yesterday
Cooper got a fever and he is so stuffed up he can't breathe. Today dad and Lindsey are starting with the sneezing and runny noses. It is pretty bad around here. Hope you are well and not getting sick. You have too many things to be taking care of.
Great news we got to go to the temple and finish up the work for John Mallos. He is the husband to Anna Johanna thompson's sister sarina paulina Thompson. We need to go get them sealed but it sure was great. Dad felt pretty good about doing the work. That John was happy about it. I love doing temple work. On your program you said the ward family history consultants let you work on family history at their house. Do you get much time there? I can send you things I have found that we need to clean up. I have a list. Also if you get on, check out Anna and Dan Arkadis. I have added nick and his first wife. I still need to add Dorothy, his second wife and also our new friend jerry (nick's son) from Seattle. I need to get back to work at the fhc. We have been closed for for two weeks.
Again I want to thank you for the wonderful Christmas gifts. I love my necklace, and our matching bracelets. The cd is the best thing next to the skype visit. It is so beautiful. I have it
loaded on the hard drive in my car so I can listen anytime I want. It makes me cry, but I love to hear your voice! You picked some great songs. You know me so well. I hope all your clothes fit and will keep you warm. Did Sister Riley like her presents? Funny thing, I told our ward today about her grandparents being Richard and marie spencer from Duchesne. Dawnette Browning brought over a Christmas card tonight and it was from Sister Riley's mom to Dawnette. Sister Riley's face was photoshopped in. They know each other from school. It was pretty funny. Well I am going to bed. I love you so much. We are very blessed to have you for our daughter. You are a great example to us all. Keep up the good work, remember who you are. Love you tons, mommy
Thursday, January 2, 2014
So lucky to be able to Skype. Mommy needed to hear her sweet voice and see her. She looks so great and is so happy. Very blessed.
Letter to mom 12-25-13
Merry Christmas! I only remember going to see the lights of Temple Square twice, and once was last Christmas when I went with my college friends. I am gold you liked my Christmas card. We had a lot of fun making it. I get to email on Pday from the library in Maplewood. For our Skype we are going somewhere else though.
I can't believe on Dec 14 you didn't have any outside decorations up yet! Did you ever get them up? The chairs you made out of pallets sound really really cool. How was the Smith Christmas party? She sent me a card with some pictures in it of her feeding a kangaroo, and of the Sydney Opera House. I missed the Cavatelli, but I found pazelles! They weren't as good as grandma's but still pretty good.
I loved how covered in decorations our tree was. Since when does the Duchesne Arts Council do plays? That sounds really fun. I have missed listening to them this year, but I have found other good music.
I completely forgot I sent home a Shutterfly coupon. I am glad that you got your book finished. Shutterfly is not my favorite but it is nice. What did you put in the photo book? (Funny thing here is I made her a book of what we have been doing since she left on June 26!)
We are only allowed to read scriptures, PMG, True to the Faith, Our search for happiness, Our Heritage, and Jesus the Christ. I would love to hear your thoughts from your studying of 12 gifts for Christ.
You did so great on a present for Sister Riley. It was so great! Our Christmas Eve was so fun. We had a missionary meeting during the day and we taught some lessons then we went and spent the night with the ward mission leaders family. They invited all the missionaries in our ward. So the missionaries there were more numerous than the family members. We had mexican food for dinner, then we did a very musical production of the Story of Christ's birth. I was Joseph, because my companions was the only one who could fit into the Mary costume and all the member's children are boys. They figured it was best to have me be Joseph! :) Then we did this cool thing with the symbol tree. Everyone picks an ornament and shares what the ornament symbolizes for them. It was so spiritual. I loved it! I want to incorporate the symbols tree into my Christmas Eve tradition. Anyway, I will talk to you in approximately one hour and a half from the time I wrote this letter. Sister Smith
p.s. I did make cheeseballs and butterfingers. Yum! Thank you. I loved all my presents. I LOVED the footie pj's. I actually had a dream that I got some of those for Christmas a couple of weeks ago!!! I love you.
I can't believe on Dec 14 you didn't have any outside decorations up yet! Did you ever get them up? The chairs you made out of pallets sound really really cool. How was the Smith Christmas party? She sent me a card with some pictures in it of her feeding a kangaroo, and of the Sydney Opera House. I missed the Cavatelli, but I found pazelles! They weren't as good as grandma's but still pretty good.
I loved how covered in decorations our tree was. Since when does the Duchesne Arts Council do plays? That sounds really fun. I have missed listening to them this year, but I have found other good music.
I completely forgot I sent home a Shutterfly coupon. I am glad that you got your book finished. Shutterfly is not my favorite but it is nice. What did you put in the photo book? (Funny thing here is I made her a book of what we have been doing since she left on June 26!)
We are only allowed to read scriptures, PMG, True to the Faith, Our search for happiness, Our Heritage, and Jesus the Christ. I would love to hear your thoughts from your studying of 12 gifts for Christ.
You did so great on a present for Sister Riley. It was so great! Our Christmas Eve was so fun. We had a missionary meeting during the day and we taught some lessons then we went and spent the night with the ward mission leaders family. They invited all the missionaries in our ward. So the missionaries there were more numerous than the family members. We had mexican food for dinner, then we did a very musical production of the Story of Christ's birth. I was Joseph, because my companions was the only one who could fit into the Mary costume and all the member's children are boys. They figured it was best to have me be Joseph! :) Then we did this cool thing with the symbol tree. Everyone picks an ornament and shares what the ornament symbolizes for them. It was so spiritual. I loved it! I want to incorporate the symbols tree into my Christmas Eve tradition. Anyway, I will talk to you in approximately one hour and a half from the time I wrote this letter. Sister Smith
p.s. I did make cheeseballs and butterfingers. Yum! Thank you. I loved all my presents. I LOVED the footie pj's. I actually had a dream that I got some of those for Christmas a couple of weeks ago!!! I love you.
Merry Christmas!
I love you all so much! the past week has been crazy! I don't really remember what I already told you so sorry if this is a repeat, the weeks kind of mesh together for me. But this week we went to do an hour, maybe two, of service for a lady in our ward. We ended up staying for 5 hours! We first cleaned her kitchen and bathroom, then we wrapped her Christmas presents, and we had to decorate them. All of her presents had to be super cute. It was just nuts. Sister Riley wrapped while I decorated and put to & from tags on. I loved it so much! We watched the Christmas devotional while we wrapped, I felt so Christmasee :).
I was with the Thibadeau family for Christmas Eve and they have a symbol tree which is full of ornaments that remind them of Jesus and one ornament was a handyman belt and the whole time I was looking at it because it reminded me of Dad and I was trying to relate it to Christ. Then someone there talked about how Christ spent his childhood learning how to fix things and how to improve things. How His atonement is the same way, the Lord can fix anything! I love talking to older people, they are so wise and good at thinking of things in a different way. I love you and I hope you had a Merry Christmas. With love, Em
I was with the Thibadeau family for Christmas Eve and they have a symbol tree which is full of ornaments that remind them of Jesus and one ornament was a handyman belt and the whole time I was looking at it because it reminded me of Dad and I was trying to relate it to Christ. Then someone there talked about how Christ spent his childhood learning how to fix things and how to improve things. How His atonement is the same way, the Lord can fix anything! I love talking to older people, they are so wise and good at thinking of things in a different way. I love you and I hope you had a Merry Christmas. With love, Em
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