So after Emily had said she just wanted to hear my voice, I emailed the mission office to see if it was possible to send her a recorded letter on something like a digital recorder or cassette or even a card from walmart that you can record a short message on. Much to my surprise, I received a call today from President Clements. He assured me Emily was doing good and was having a rough time last week, but seemed to be adjusting well now. She and her companion are working well and finding people to share the gospel with. She told him to tell me not to worry about her.
So I will continue for now with the weekly emails and daily prayers. She really does have a great mission President. Seems to really care about her and any concerns I have also.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Email home 8-26-13 to mom
Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Christine Smith wrote:
So I hope you are doing better since your last letter. I was really bummed because I didn't get a personal letter this week. First time since you left. Then I read thru your letter and pretty much cried every time I thought about it. Is Sister Fink gone already or do you have to have a trunky companion for another 5 weeks? I have been asking other people for advice I can give you to help. It has been good and I hope you will get something out of what I will tell you. Mona's advice was to have you write down a rainy day testimony to keep with you. Write down what you believe and how you know it. She said that is what Alex has and uses to help him when he is down. I also talked to Mike and Janae. Mike said to tell your companion, you are still new and you want to get to work. Only thing I can think of is when you get toward the end of your mission, do you want to just coast until the day you get to fly home, or do you want to use every last minute trying to share the gospel with someone who needs it. We are praying even harder for you to have and be a good companion, for you to have the Holy Ghost guide your efforts and for you to listen to the promptings. Remember He didn't say it was going to be easy, but He said it would be worth it. You are still missing all the comforts of home and my wonderful cooking haha. But you are doing great things there for yourself and for others. This was another reference Janae gave me. As a new missionary serving in Preston, England, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley was facing a major trial in his life. He was sick when he arrived in the mission field, and he quickly became discouraged because of the opposition to the missionary work. At a time of deep frustration, Elder Hinckley wrote in a letter to his father that he felt he was wasting his time and his father’s money. A little while later, Elder Hinckley received a reply from his dad. It said, “Dear Gordon, I have your recent letter. I have only one suggestion: forget yourself and go to work.” See even the best of missionaries have times of deep frustration. I echo the words of President Hinckley's father. Forget yourself and go to work. You have a fabulous testimony to share and people that need to hear it or see it in your actions. Remember you keep telling me, sometimes we never know if we are helping people or not. We don't always see it. We may just be there to plant seeds. We love you so much and are here for you always. I feel your spirit with me often and hope you feel strength from your awesome family.
From Emily:
I basically made myself sick that I didn't write you a personal letter. It was awful. We had to end our P-Day a couple hours early, and I had a hair appiontment so we had a lot less time than usual and I wanted to write you soooo bad but ran out of time. I always save you for last because if I started with you I would not have time to write anyone else. . . I am so sorry and it will not happen again. Sister Fink is gone and I miss her so much. She was the greatest person for me at the time. She is now one of my closest friends and I feel like I have been ripped away from her as well:( I think I may have made it sound like I didn't like her in my letter. but I really do love her. It is just frustratign when we have to go tracting every day. So I am sure my negative attitude about mission experiences just came off on her. Now I have Sister Hansen who has been out for 9 Months. It is unimaginable how badly I miss you Mommy. I miss sitting on the kitchen floor crying and having you there to listen to and to talke me through it and to give my a big hug. I miss hearing your voice. But my non-ability to hear you is really forcing my to depend on the Lord and to turn to him for comfort and guidance.
I will try really hard to forget myself and go to work. We had 3 investigators, Brother O, Brother P, and Tyler, but Tyler just moved, Brother O moved to Mankato... so now we are not very busy. and We don't have anybody really progressing toward baptism. however Brother N should be getting baptized sometime next month!
I will send my next letters to idaho! I don't usually get mail on a specific day, it comes whenever. I am glad that Dad and Morgan just write me back! FINDING NEMO!
I LOVE you soo much mom, please be safe and careful.
So I hope you are doing better since your last letter. I was really bummed because I didn't get a personal letter this week. First time since you left. Then I read thru your letter and pretty much cried every time I thought about it. Is Sister Fink gone already or do you have to have a trunky companion for another 5 weeks? I have been asking other people for advice I can give you to help. It has been good and I hope you will get something out of what I will tell you. Mona's advice was to have you write down a rainy day testimony to keep with you. Write down what you believe and how you know it. She said that is what Alex has and uses to help him when he is down. I also talked to Mike and Janae. Mike said to tell your companion, you are still new and you want to get to work. Only thing I can think of is when you get toward the end of your mission, do you want to just coast until the day you get to fly home, or do you want to use every last minute trying to share the gospel with someone who needs it. We are praying even harder for you to have and be a good companion, for you to have the Holy Ghost guide your efforts and for you to listen to the promptings. Remember He didn't say it was going to be easy, but He said it would be worth it. You are still missing all the comforts of home and my wonderful cooking haha. But you are doing great things there for yourself and for others. This was another reference Janae gave me. As a new missionary serving in Preston, England, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley was facing a major trial in his life. He was sick when he arrived in the mission field, and he quickly became discouraged because of the opposition to the missionary work. At a time of deep frustration, Elder Hinckley wrote in a letter to his father that he felt he was wasting his time and his father’s money. A little while later, Elder Hinckley received a reply from his dad. It said, “Dear Gordon, I have your recent letter. I have only one suggestion: forget yourself and go to work.” See even the best of missionaries have times of deep frustration. I echo the words of President Hinckley's father. Forget yourself and go to work. You have a fabulous testimony to share and people that need to hear it or see it in your actions. Remember you keep telling me, sometimes we never know if we are helping people or not. We don't always see it. We may just be there to plant seeds. We love you so much and are here for you always. I feel your spirit with me often and hope you feel strength from your awesome family.
From Emily:
I basically made myself sick that I didn't write you a personal letter. It was awful. We had to end our P-Day a couple hours early, and I had a hair appiontment so we had a lot less time than usual and I wanted to write you soooo bad but ran out of time. I always save you for last because if I started with you I would not have time to write anyone else. . . I am so sorry and it will not happen again. Sister Fink is gone and I miss her so much. She was the greatest person for me at the time. She is now one of my closest friends and I feel like I have been ripped away from her as well:( I think I may have made it sound like I didn't like her in my letter. but I really do love her. It is just frustratign when we have to go tracting every day. So I am sure my negative attitude about mission experiences just came off on her. Now I have Sister Hansen who has been out for 9 Months. It is unimaginable how badly I miss you Mommy. I miss sitting on the kitchen floor crying and having you there to listen to and to talke me through it and to give my a big hug. I miss hearing your voice. But my non-ability to hear you is really forcing my to depend on the Lord and to turn to him for comfort and guidance.
I will try really hard to forget myself and go to work. We had 3 investigators, Brother O, Brother P, and Tyler, but Tyler just moved, Brother O moved to Mankato... so now we are not very busy. and We don't have anybody really progressing toward baptism. however Brother N should be getting baptized sometime next month!
I will send my next letters to idaho! I don't usually get mail on a specific day, it comes whenever. I am glad that Dad and Morgan just write me back! FINDING NEMO!
I LOVE you soo much mom, please be safe and careful.
Decision to serve a mission
Lindsey asked Emily this question: How did you know you needed to serve a mission? What confirmation did you receive that "Yes I need to go"?
It was hard, Honestly I never felt like I received an answer. I prayed about it a ton and it just ended up being on my mind a lot. I couldn't really focus on school cause I just thought about going on a mission. I prayed and never received a "no" or a "yes" no matter how I asked the question. So I decided, "He who is commanded in all things is a slothful servant" I figured. . . I don't think I would ever regret going on a mission and I doubt the Lord would ever regret me going on a mission. So I did my papers figuring sometime I would receive an answer, but I never did. When I was in the MTC I had a reconfirmation of the Book of Mormon being true and then we read in Preach My Gospel and on one page there is this table of different ways the Holy Ghost communicates and there was one that said how he communicates with us by putting things is our mind frequently so I know that was my answer. I didn't know I was getting an answer at the time but I was. and It wasn't a strong answer so that makes it hard specially when I am having rough days. I think "well why am i even here, Heavenly Father never even told me to come, I am just putting myself through this." But I know that a mission will make me become the kind of person that I want to be. So even though it is hard, I am going to keep trying and doing my best because I have received an answer, I will never regret it, and I chose to do it. I would not have been disappointed in myself if I would have not gone on a mission but I chose to do it obviously for a reason. . . now i just need to stick to it and wait for something to happen that will carry me through the other hard times and teach me why I am here.
You could also pray for the gift of discernment a lot of the time we are receiving an answer but we just don't recognize it. I don't know if that helps, my decision to go was kind of like that, confusing and hard, and not really an answer.
With Love, Em
Lindsey to Emily:
Well, you might not know why you decided to go on a mission...and maybe you will never know for sure. But, I know why you decided to go. You are such a strength to our family. We have all become more missionary minded--especially me. I used to be one of those people who would completely avoid any missionaries I saw because I didn't want them to stop me and talk to me for too long about needing people to teach. Some of the ones in campus were really pushy. I didn't ever know anyone that they could teach. Now I watch for them and make it a point to say hello. They are people too and they don't like rejection any more than I do. I have a better understanding of what missionaries go through. Many don't have support from family like you do and they need people in their mission area to be that support.
Maybe you decided to go on a mission so you will be better prepared to teach the gospel to your children. I don't know the scriptures like I wish I did. You have the opportunity to study them and learn all the stories and gain a deeper testimony. I am working on this now...trying anyway. :D Your children in heaven are cheering you on and they are so grateful you decided to serve a mission.
Your future spouse will thank you one day for serving as well. Learning to deal with and live so many different companions who all have different personalities/interests/quirks will help you adjust to living with your spouse once you are married.
I know these things are not at the forefront of your mind, but they are in your future. Just keep pressing on. I know that this is probably one of the most helpful things you could do to get Morg on a mission. I wonder about him sometimes--whether he will be able to leave mom for 2 years. But, if you can survive it, it will show morg that he can too.
I love you Em! Thanks for the inspiration and giving me a greater desire to be a better disciple of Christ!
I am glad to hear that everyone is more missionary-minded. We need people to be missionary minded. Seriously I love my mission as long as I am serving people and teaching them. Member or non-member. It is the greatest thing to look at my planner and see a full day of appointments. Sometimes a person stopping to talk to us can make our whole day. Keep talking to them! you may not know who they can teach now but maybe you will someday or maybe they were sent to bless your life. Even when you do have a supportive family like I do somedays you just need a hug from your mom. Someone who loves you. and Considering Missionaries mom's are far away we need a mom in our area. Someone we can trust and love and come to them and say " I need a hug from a mom" ya know? recently I have been wanting to hear mom's voice SOOO bad and to have a hug from her. To sit on the kitchen floor and cry and have her there to listen and help me. But she is so far away and I don't feel like there is anyone in the branch that cares about me enough that I could go to. It has been a challenge but I think God is telling me either I need to love the branch more or love my new companion more. . .
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Family letter home 8-24-13
Christy: This one was hard for me to read. I was so sad. I just wanted to hop on a plane and go give my girl a giant hug. Oh well, I can't. I have to leave her in the Lord's hands. I know she will be ok.
Letters home this week had a different tone to them.
Sister Fink is going home and that has brought a lot of challenges for Emily. Everyone wants to talk about home with her, so that has been hard cause just thinking of home a lot. Also, it's hard to plan with someone who knows that they are leaving. Human nature tends to not care after so long. Because we make goals so often, and a lot of goals do not get met. That is really discouraging for me because if I set a goal, I want to be able to achieve it but there is always something that keeps me from achieving my goals. So I have been really discouraged with myself. Everyone always says that they loved their mission and their mission is so exciting and all the missionaries here get so excited for everything and I don't love it. I don't get excited and I don't always feel happy and excited. I just keep truckin hoping that it will get better and I will find something really great to keep me going and to give me a glimpse of why people love their missions. I was studying D&C and read chapter 50 verse 40. It reads:
"Behold, ye are little children and cannot bear all things now; ye must grow in grace and the knowledge of the truth." I love this scripture. I know I have a lot of growing to do. Heavenly Father doesn't expect me to be able to do everything now. Which is comforting. One day I will love my mission. I just have to get better and grow in grace and knowledge of the truth. I love each of you so much. Thank you for being my family and for keeping your covenants so our sealing will stay valid so we can be together forever. With love, Sister Smith
Letters home this week had a different tone to them.
Sister Fink is going home and that has brought a lot of challenges for Emily. Everyone wants to talk about home with her, so that has been hard cause just thinking of home a lot. Also, it's hard to plan with someone who knows that they are leaving. Human nature tends to not care after so long. Because we make goals so often, and a lot of goals do not get met. That is really discouraging for me because if I set a goal, I want to be able to achieve it but there is always something that keeps me from achieving my goals. So I have been really discouraged with myself. Everyone always says that they loved their mission and their mission is so exciting and all the missionaries here get so excited for everything and I don't love it. I don't get excited and I don't always feel happy and excited. I just keep truckin hoping that it will get better and I will find something really great to keep me going and to give me a glimpse of why people love their missions. I was studying D&C and read chapter 50 verse 40. It reads:
"Behold, ye are little children and cannot bear all things now; ye must grow in grace and the knowledge of the truth." I love this scripture. I know I have a lot of growing to do. Heavenly Father doesn't expect me to be able to do everything now. Which is comforting. One day I will love my mission. I just have to get better and grow in grace and knowledge of the truth. I love each of you so much. Thank you for being my family and for keeping your covenants so our sealing will stay valid so we can be together forever. With love, Sister Smith
Pictures 8-24-13
This is the "E" family. We spend a lot of time with them. We recently challenged them to read the Book of Helaman in 26 days. Three columns a day and if they did, they got a pizza party. So as you can see here, we are having a pizza party!
I love dipped ice cream. Yummy!!!
This is the lady I gave a talk for in sacrament meeting.
Time for transfers. We got another set of Elders. The only ones staying in my district are me (obviously) and Elder Graves on the far right.
This has been a crazy week. We had a zone p-day and went to a bbq place. Each person got a rack of ribs, beans, ramen salad, potatoes, and bread pudding. I still have leftovers!! haha.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Letter home Aug 17, 2013
So there was a lot of finding time this week, so we walked around Clear Lake Park again. The mosquitoes were driving Sister Fink crazy. The day was kind of cloudy and colder than normal so there wasn't a lot of people out. We found some people to talk to. They were happy to talk about the birds. We tried to bring up religion and they changed the subject back to the birds. When we tried to change the subject back to religion, she kinda got mad and said, "Can we not do this, religion is a private thing." How sad! My religion is not private. I love it. I'd share it with anyone who will listen :)
This week was a week of miracles! We have a progressive investigator, which means we meet with them regularly and they keep commitments. He also has a baptism date set. It is kind of a ways away, but we can move it up if he is ready sooner. His name is Lawrence. He doesn't speak english very well, but he understands everything he reads, so it is good. He use to have a serious drinking problem but he says he has quit already and we have only met with him twice! I am so excited about what is happening with him. We had two investigators at church Sunday. Lawrence and Tyler. Also during the week we have met with a less active sister, Sister G. Before we met we were planning what to teach her. I was asking my companion for some background info on her and she wouldn't tell me anything besides, "she is less active." So I was flipping through the commandments in lesson 4 of PMG. Tithing stuck out to me, so I said tithing. I felt totally silly, why would she pay tithing if she didn't even go to church? But we decided that is what we should teach her. The next day we were preparing a detailed lesson plan for her and I didn't feel good about tithing. Sister Fink said we were going to do it anyway. I was SO nervous. When I asked her if she would live the law of tithing she said YES. She told us "I've been praying to know where to donate my 10%. I guess God answers prayers." At that point I realized it was revelation to teach her that lesson. The next day our Branch President called us to see if we had met with Sister G. We told him we had. He told us he just got a very generous tithing check from her in the mail. WOW! I know that Heavenly Father is using us to bless the lives of others, whether we realize we are blessing them or not. He will never let any of His children go alone and not taken care of. He loves us. This week we watched "Finding Faith in Christ" with Brother N. and it made me cry. God loves us so much! Pray for missionary opportunities and take them when they present themselves. I love you all so much! Thanks for your letters and support, it means more than you know!! xoxoxoxoxox
Sister Smith
This week was a week of miracles! We have a progressive investigator, which means we meet with them regularly and they keep commitments. He also has a baptism date set. It is kind of a ways away, but we can move it up if he is ready sooner. His name is Lawrence. He doesn't speak english very well, but he understands everything he reads, so it is good. He use to have a serious drinking problem but he says he has quit already and we have only met with him twice! I am so excited about what is happening with him. We had two investigators at church Sunday. Lawrence and Tyler. Also during the week we have met with a less active sister, Sister G. Before we met we were planning what to teach her. I was asking my companion for some background info on her and she wouldn't tell me anything besides, "she is less active." So I was flipping through the commandments in lesson 4 of PMG. Tithing stuck out to me, so I said tithing. I felt totally silly, why would she pay tithing if she didn't even go to church? But we decided that is what we should teach her. The next day we were preparing a detailed lesson plan for her and I didn't feel good about tithing. Sister Fink said we were going to do it anyway. I was SO nervous. When I asked her if she would live the law of tithing she said YES. She told us "I've been praying to know where to donate my 10%. I guess God answers prayers." At that point I realized it was revelation to teach her that lesson. The next day our Branch President called us to see if we had met with Sister G. We told him we had. He told us he just got a very generous tithing check from her in the mail. WOW! I know that Heavenly Father is using us to bless the lives of others, whether we realize we are blessing them or not. He will never let any of His children go alone and not taken care of. He loves us. This week we watched "Finding Faith in Christ" with Brother N. and it made me cry. God loves us so much! Pray for missionary opportunities and take them when they present themselves. I love you all so much! Thanks for your letters and support, it means more than you know!! xoxoxoxoxox
Sister Smith
August 17 pictures
This is how Emily spends her Pday. Making a mess of her living room writing letters and watching approved DVD's like The District or The Testaments.
The grove of trees behind Emily is a Nature park along the Clear Lake Park pathway.
There is a bike trail behind the girls they considered going on. The mosquitoes were awful and they really love Sister Fink. She thought she was going to die cause of all the mosquitos.
Name that movie. Emily found these flowers this week while tracting. They reminded her of the Lorax.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Aug 12, 2013 Letter's between Em and Grandma and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa,
I love family reunions it would have been fun to be there! That is terrible that he said see you in 2 years! That is enough to make anyone cry. Preach My gospel is a great book and the Christlike attributes is a great chapter. One thing I love about Preach My Gospel is that it gives you activities to do to develop those Christlike attributes. I never realized how great of an example my parents were until I left home and realized that all LDS families are not like mine. My parents really did a good job of teaching us the things we needed to know. So many families are struggling and the parents don't teach their kids the gospel and it is so sad, daily I grow more grateful for my parents and the values they have.
There are a lot of farmers out here too and they are all so busy nobody really wants to meet with us ( mostly the members are farmers) then the investigators we have all work at places where the hours are from 6pm to 6am so they sleep all day so it is just funny the things we do to be able to meet with people right now. the Birds Eye food company is here in Waseca and a lot of their workers have super crazy hours, specially right now cause the Corn started coming in. Thank you for always being a great example of faith and strength to me. I love you!
Sister Smith
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Helen Park <> wrote:
Dear Sister Smith,
We just got home from the family reunion a little while ago. It was fun to be with family but we sure missed you and your sweet spirit. It was also hard to say goodbye to Braken when he said I'll see you in two years. But I know he will be a great missionary and we are so blessed to have so many and such great missionaries in our family who are doing the Lord's work. We went to church in Bear Lake this morning and they talked about missionaries and especially section 6 of Preach My Gospel (I think that is the right number) and what attributes we need to develop to become closer to Christ and what we can do right now to be missionaries whatever stage of life we are in. Faith, hope, charity, patience, etc. are definitely attributes we should all strive to achieve and to improve on. The lady said that now she is in the stage of rasing her children and that is where she can be a missionary to her family. Your mom and dad did such a great job teaching all of you the gospel by word and by example and now you have the opportunity to share your testimony and what you have been taught with the people in Minneapolis. They are so lucky to have you! I love to read the things you write. I can definitely tell how your testimony is growing each day.
I am so glad that the members are taking better care of you. They better or I will just have to come have words with them! ha ha. They started harvesting grain on Saturday so they are glad grandpa is back to help them. I probably won't see him much for the next few weeks but I know he is doing what he needs to be doing. I didn't know until we got up here that they had added a 4th principle to the mission of the church and that is to help the poor and needy. Of course, that is something the Savior taught by example from the beginning. I am glad that we have the opportunity to do our part in that cause. Take care, we love you and pray that you might find those people who need the gospel in their lives. Love you, Grandma and grandpa
I love family reunions it would have been fun to be there! That is terrible that he said see you in 2 years! That is enough to make anyone cry. Preach My gospel is a great book and the Christlike attributes is a great chapter. One thing I love about Preach My Gospel is that it gives you activities to do to develop those Christlike attributes. I never realized how great of an example my parents were until I left home and realized that all LDS families are not like mine. My parents really did a good job of teaching us the things we needed to know. So many families are struggling and the parents don't teach their kids the gospel and it is so sad, daily I grow more grateful for my parents and the values they have.
There are a lot of farmers out here too and they are all so busy nobody really wants to meet with us ( mostly the members are farmers) then the investigators we have all work at places where the hours are from 6pm to 6am so they sleep all day so it is just funny the things we do to be able to meet with people right now. the Birds Eye food company is here in Waseca and a lot of their workers have super crazy hours, specially right now cause the Corn started coming in. Thank you for always being a great example of faith and strength to me. I love you!
Sister Smith
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Helen Park <> wrote:
Dear Sister Smith,
We just got home from the family reunion a little while ago. It was fun to be with family but we sure missed you and your sweet spirit. It was also hard to say goodbye to Braken when he said I'll see you in two years. But I know he will be a great missionary and we are so blessed to have so many and such great missionaries in our family who are doing the Lord's work. We went to church in Bear Lake this morning and they talked about missionaries and especially section 6 of Preach My Gospel (I think that is the right number) and what attributes we need to develop to become closer to Christ and what we can do right now to be missionaries whatever stage of life we are in. Faith, hope, charity, patience, etc. are definitely attributes we should all strive to achieve and to improve on. The lady said that now she is in the stage of rasing her children and that is where she can be a missionary to her family. Your mom and dad did such a great job teaching all of you the gospel by word and by example and now you have the opportunity to share your testimony and what you have been taught with the people in Minneapolis. They are so lucky to have you! I love to read the things you write. I can definitely tell how your testimony is growing each day.
I am so glad that the members are taking better care of you. They better or I will just have to come have words with them! ha ha. They started harvesting grain on Saturday so they are glad grandpa is back to help them. I probably won't see him much for the next few weeks but I know he is doing what he needs to be doing. I didn't know until we got up here that they had added a 4th principle to the mission of the church and that is to help the poor and needy. Of course, that is something the Savior taught by example from the beginning. I am glad that we have the opportunity to do our part in that cause. Take care, we love you and pray that you might find those people who need the gospel in their lives. Love you, Grandma and grandpa
Monday, August 12, 2013
Email home August 12, 2013
About the blog, we have to be very careful President Clements said we can not have names of anyone we are teaching cause anti-LDS places can find them and target them. So if you have any names of anyone I have talked about just delete the names you can call them Brother N, Sister P, whatever. Or you can call them by their first name if it is a general name, which I will let you know.
This P-Day we are going to have a Zone P-day in Mankato so we only have an hour to shop, eat, and write letters so I might not have time to write a whole lot but I will do my best. So don't think i didn't get letters you sent if you don't get a reply back this week. And Sorry I haven't sent you any cool Minnesota stuff yet in a small town like Waseca they don't really have touristy places, they don't really have stuff that says Minnesota on it. . . But i am working on it :) all in good time I guess!
So far I have sang in church 2x, born my testimony, and given a talk (the talk was for an elderly woman who could not make it to church, I just shared her words for her, and then bore my testimony), and we also got asked to sing next week, but I don't know if that was serious. . . Oh, and the only pianist they had in the branch just left to go to the MTC, the organ has capabilities to play itself but the piano in the primary room doesn't so for now I am also attempting to play piano for primary:) If I had time to practice it would be great but it is nerve racking when i haven't practiced. Tell Cass if she wants to serve a mission to learn how to play all the hymns and children songbook songs, or to just get good at sight reading:D
Well, I love you very much and every day I grow more grateful for the Gospel in my life and for the parents that I have that taught me right from wrong, and how to be a faithful member of the church. I am grateful for the testimony I have and that It will continue to grow every day of my life as long as I nourish it. I am greatful to have a father with the Priesthood power and the countless ways that power has blessed me throughout my life. I know that Joseph Smith restored that power to the earth and Jesus wants every male to have it so they can bless all of God's children. Jesus is my Savior, and I love him very much, I am grateful for his mercy and love he shows for us.
With love, Sister Smith
Letter to home Aug 10
Emily is the only pianist in the branch, because the pianist they had just left for a mission. So far she has only played in primary. The organ has songs programmed in it, so it can play itself if need be. She also got to sing in the branch. Have you ever heard of a proxy sacrament meeting talk? Well Emily gets to do one of those for an elderly lady who can't make it to church.
Last week the members fed them dinner every week!!! Yea, I'm so excited for her. She said "Heavenly Father does help us and guide us through everything"
She doesn't have access to a family history center and her companion, Sister Fink, doesn't like family history so she isn't able to do anything with family history yet. I keep her informed of my progress with family history. I found a son for Dan Arkadis who is an ancestor we found at a cemetery in Salt Lake. I sent her the death certificate with his name on it. It was very exciting for us both.
In the Preach my Gospel it says "We will attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only on the condition that we share with our Fathers other children the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ and observe the commandments that will enrich our lives here and hereafter." George Albert Smith.
I never realized sharing the gospel was a prerequisite for the Celestial kingdom...How cool!
Last week the members fed them dinner every week!!! Yea, I'm so excited for her. She said "Heavenly Father does help us and guide us through everything"
She doesn't have access to a family history center and her companion, Sister Fink, doesn't like family history so she isn't able to do anything with family history yet. I keep her informed of my progress with family history. I found a son for Dan Arkadis who is an ancestor we found at a cemetery in Salt Lake. I sent her the death certificate with his name on it. It was very exciting for us both.
In the Preach my Gospel it says "We will attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only on the condition that we share with our Fathers other children the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ and observe the commandments that will enrich our lives here and hereafter." George Albert Smith.
I never realized sharing the gospel was a prerequisite for the Celestial kingdom...How cool!
The Best is yet to be.
I have been studying a talk given by Elder Holland this week. It is called "The Best is yet to be." It is really important that we look to the future with hope and faith that God has something better in store for us than what we have now. Even if what we have now is good. We need to keep the faith that there is something better. I love the paragraph about let the people repent. I have seen a lot of this here. There is a man named Brother "N", he was excommunicated. He is so humble and kind and loving. The branch members I can tell don't believe he has changed. They remember what he was, not where he is now. He had his Stake interview and he got the ok to be baptized again. Some of the ward council heard this and was surprised. It broke my heart that they couldn't see who is is now. I am sure it is hard, I never knew him any other way then how he is now. I know we can be forgiven because God loves us. I know there are always better things in store for us if we keep having faith.
Some of the highlights of the talk by Elder Holland are: Remember Lot's wife? What was so wrong with her looking back? Apparently what was wrong wasn't just that she looked back, in her heart she wanted to go back. She looked back longingly. Her attachment to the past outweighed her confidence in the future. The past is to be learned from but not lived in. She doubted the Lord's ability to give her something better than what already had. She was looking back perhaps resenting the Lord for what He was asking her to leave behind. When we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future.
Forgive and Forget: There is something in many of us that particularly fails to forgive and forget earlier mistakes in life-either ours or the mistakes of others. When something is over and done with, when it has been fully repented of, it is not right to go back and open some ancient wound that the Son of God himself died to heal. Let people repent. Let people grow. Believe that people can change and repent. Dismiss the destructive, and keep dismissing it until the beauty of the Atonement of Christ has revealed to you your bright future. God doesn't care nearly as much about where you have been as He does about where you are and with His help, where you are willing to go.
Some of the highlights of the talk by Elder Holland are: Remember Lot's wife? What was so wrong with her looking back? Apparently what was wrong wasn't just that she looked back, in her heart she wanted to go back. She looked back longingly. Her attachment to the past outweighed her confidence in the future. The past is to be learned from but not lived in. She doubted the Lord's ability to give her something better than what already had. She was looking back perhaps resenting the Lord for what He was asking her to leave behind. When we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future.
Forgive and Forget: There is something in many of us that particularly fails to forgive and forget earlier mistakes in life-either ours or the mistakes of others. When something is over and done with, when it has been fully repented of, it is not right to go back and open some ancient wound that the Son of God himself died to heal. Let people repent. Let people grow. Believe that people can change and repent. Dismiss the destructive, and keep dismissing it until the beauty of the Atonement of Christ has revealed to you your bright future. God doesn't care nearly as much about where you have been as He does about where you are and with His help, where you are willing to go.
Pictures August 10, 2013
Sister Fink and Emily just chilling around Clear Lake. Found an investigator and taught him the Restoration lesson. Said he didn't want a return appointment, but they know where he lives!!
This crane was just sitting on the dock. Everything is so still it looks fake.
Found a mexican place to eat, and had to try the Fried Ice Cream!!
Monday, August 5, 2013
email to Cassidy Aug 5, 2013
I have been thinking about Star Wars all day today, thinking man I wish I could watch them. You are awesome!!! First attendant is great. Just never complain about wearing your sash cause it's great!!!! Way to win TALENT!!!! No one else told me about the pageant, so you won't have to kill anyone ;)
Cool experiences happen all the time, but yesterday we were studying and I read this talk by Elder Holland and it talked a lot about looking to the future and having faith that God ha something better for you in the future than the things you already have. I got reading that and forgot to prepare what we had planned to prepare for Brother N. Sister Fink also forgot to prepare so we had to make something up and we went to a meeting with him. He just moved into the branch and so we were just getting to know him, talking to him, seeing if he needs help, etc. He was telling us about his past a little and then he was like I jut need to look to the future, just keep moving. Turns out for me to read that talk was totally inspired. Brother N needed to hear that God definitely has better things in store for him than what the past holds. It was really cool to see an actual, real, inspired moment/lesson. We met one new person but he wasn't interested. I am rarely homesick. If I do get homesick it is on P-day when I have nothing to do. As long as I am busy I just love it here. I am basically over homesickness, but it is easier to be homesick on hard days. I love you and I love that you love Star Wars. You will watch 4,5, and 6 with Rick ASAP!!!! (Star Wars hand gesture) ;) ttyl
Cool experiences happen all the time, but yesterday we were studying and I read this talk by Elder Holland and it talked a lot about looking to the future and having faith that God ha something better for you in the future than the things you already have. I got reading that and forgot to prepare what we had planned to prepare for Brother N. Sister Fink also forgot to prepare so we had to make something up and we went to a meeting with him. He just moved into the branch and so we were just getting to know him, talking to him, seeing if he needs help, etc. He was telling us about his past a little and then he was like I jut need to look to the future, just keep moving. Turns out for me to read that talk was totally inspired. Brother N needed to hear that God definitely has better things in store for him than what the past holds. It was really cool to see an actual, real, inspired moment/lesson. We met one new person but he wasn't interested. I am rarely homesick. If I do get homesick it is on P-day when I have nothing to do. As long as I am busy I just love it here. I am basically over homesickness, but it is easier to be homesick on hard days. I love you and I love that you love Star Wars. You will watch 4,5, and 6 with Rick ASAP!!!! (Star Wars hand gesture) ;) ttyl
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Letter to mom July 29, 2013
I can't believe you still haven't got the new computers for the family history library. If the numbers go up without the new computers, there would not be enough working computers for everyone anyway. That is what's exciting about church work, It is never finished. Not until the end when Jesus comes. Alma 13:24 is a good scripture, there are a lot of different ways to look at the meaning of angels. They can be missionaries, actual angels, family history assistants to the director, and every member who is declaring the word in word or action. Alma 6:6 is great! If people were more aware of non-members it would make missionary jobs a lot more productive. They need to have member friends, the ward or branch needs to feel comfortable to them and they need to have friends.
You should read page 163 of Preach My Gospel the whole section of Family History. You are a missionary too mom! You are an angel ministering to those on both sides of the veil! I do love the members here. There are not a lot of active families, they are mostly single or part-member families. I wish we could help in the family history center, but there isn't really one here. And we don't have investigators to each about family history.
You should read page 163 of Preach My Gospel the whole section of Family History. You are a missionary too mom! You are an angel ministering to those on both sides of the veil! I do love the members here. There are not a lot of active families, they are mostly single or part-member families. I wish we could help in the family history center, but there isn't really one here. And we don't have investigators to each about family history.
I am praying for the people of Waseca too. I hope that we can find those that are ready. I just need to keep having faith that we are helping people whether we see the results or not. Can you believe it has already been one month! Wow, crazy. Well I love you very much. I miss you alot, but I have faith that God will protect and watch over you while I am away. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Love, Emily
Christy: She has grown so much in this short period of time. Always encouraging us to be better. We share a lot of our favorite scriptures and thoughts and I love it. We also pray for the people of Waseca. For the Lord to soften their hearts and open their doors to my little girl! She has so much to share and will love them right into the gospel!
Letter 8-3-13
Christy: I am trying very hard to keep this updated. I have been playing catch up because I have been busy with Cassidy and her pageant. This letter was received today.
Genisis 21:6 reads "And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me." In the footnote for laugh it also says to rejoice. I thought this was fitting for our family because we have that contagious laugh. God made us to be happy and help others be happy. This gospel is what makes us happy (the gospel and our attitudes). We need to share it and also to choose to be happy. Choose to laugh instead of yell. Seeing so many dysfunctional families has made me realize even more how much I love our family. We are so great!
Read Preach my gospel page 146 the quote in the orange box by M. Russell Ballard. (for those of you who might not have this book, I will add the quote)
"I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life."
I encourage each of you to set goals to be more cheerful and happy as you go through your day. Sometimes it is hard, but we can do it. We are told as missionaries to have a permanent smile on our faces, which is hard but doing it helps me to have a better attitude. God has made us to laugh. Also, make other goals, write them down and strive to reach them.
I love each of you and I pray for you often. Be SAFE. I love you and hope to hear from you soon! With love, Sister Emily Smith
Pictures 8-3-13
Sister Fink thought they needed to walk in the rain storm. Look at all the water in the gutter. They walked for two hours. They found 3 people to talk to, none were interested but they did talk to them. You never know what might happen. So they marched through the rain singing Hymns and getting soaked.
This is the meeting house
Gorgeous sunsets
These sisters are serving in Austin, MN (home of Spam) They did exchanges with Emily and her companion. The one in the "dress" went with Emily. They handed out a Book of Mormon and taught a restoration lesson. Had some success knocking on doors. Very exciting!
Letter dated July 15, 2013
Christy: I had told her i was happy for her, but i was also missing her terribly. I also told her I wasn't sure if telling her that would make her sad. This letter was in response to that.
It's okay that you don't know what you feel cause I don't know what I feel either. How I feel is constantly changing but everyone says that is normal so, I guess here goes 18 months of not knowing how to feel :/ jk after the first transfer, I've heard its good after that. I cry whether you tell me you miss me or not, there is no stopping the tears if they want to come! but I miss you too. I don't miss bagging ice though! haha!
I really like D&C 108 too! I love verses 6-8. I already do feel His help and His presence. One night I was praying and telling Heavenly Father that I can't do this on my own and i asked Him to send me help. Instantly I felt Great-Grandma there for me, guiding me. It may have been all in my head, but I know that grandma would be a great person to send to guide me. She was so sweet and really just a great person. And she already knows me and loves me physically and probably spiritually too if she is watching.
I actually did almost get ran over today by my companion, Sister Fink. If I do get really sick then I get to come home early. (wink) I am just kidding. I will be safe and careful in all my doings.
Mom, thanks for raising me in this church and for being the mom you are. I know I tell you that a lot, but I just really have great parents! Thank you for helping me and supporting me so I am able to serve the Lord.
I guess I will tell you about my area. I am in Waseka, Minnesota. It is a small town. We also cover Waterville, Elysian (said like A-Legion) and surrounding areas. Waseca is not as small as Duchesne, but probably a little smaller than Roosevelt. I will send a picture of our meeting house. It is TINY. but the branch is really small and the active members are very few. But we tract a lot and we have only had two people listen to us so far. We made appointments with both to come back, but one ditched and the other was drunk when we made the appointment. He really looked and seemed sincere, I hope he really listens. He even has 3 kids, full custody of 2 of them. I hope we can help him improve his life. There is no doubt that this is a hard area with not a lot of baptisms, which is okay. I will still do my best to find and teach, but mostly I like visiting the less active or inactive members and helping them come closer to Christ. Maybe my next area will be a baptizing area or maybe the Lord will prepare these people to hear the word and this will become a high baptizing area. If the members would invite their friends to learn that would be helpful!
Thanks for having the missionaries over at home, I know their moms are grateful for the members feeding their babies! We don't get a lot of member meals. Not yet anyway, but hopefully soon. Last week we were cleaning a members house for her. She has a family history room! It was awesome. She just has life stories/memorabilia EVERYWHERE. That will be you and me mom when we get old! We will have so much family history we will have to have a special room for it!! Anyway me and Sister Evers (the member we were helping) talked about family history for 2 hours the other day. It was great, then she had ice cream with us then we left. I really liked her. Anyway, I will keep you updated on everything. I love you so much!
p.s. Sister Evers youngest brother lives in Altamont! She knows where Duchesne is. Cool huh!
It's okay that you don't know what you feel cause I don't know what I feel either. How I feel is constantly changing but everyone says that is normal so, I guess here goes 18 months of not knowing how to feel :/ jk after the first transfer, I've heard its good after that. I cry whether you tell me you miss me or not, there is no stopping the tears if they want to come! but I miss you too. I don't miss bagging ice though! haha!
I really like D&C 108 too! I love verses 6-8. I already do feel His help and His presence. One night I was praying and telling Heavenly Father that I can't do this on my own and i asked Him to send me help. Instantly I felt Great-Grandma there for me, guiding me. It may have been all in my head, but I know that grandma would be a great person to send to guide me. She was so sweet and really just a great person. And she already knows me and loves me physically and probably spiritually too if she is watching.
I actually did almost get ran over today by my companion, Sister Fink. If I do get really sick then I get to come home early. (wink) I am just kidding. I will be safe and careful in all my doings.
Mom, thanks for raising me in this church and for being the mom you are. I know I tell you that a lot, but I just really have great parents! Thank you for helping me and supporting me so I am able to serve the Lord.
I guess I will tell you about my area. I am in Waseka, Minnesota. It is a small town. We also cover Waterville, Elysian (said like A-Legion) and surrounding areas. Waseca is not as small as Duchesne, but probably a little smaller than Roosevelt. I will send a picture of our meeting house. It is TINY. but the branch is really small and the active members are very few. But we tract a lot and we have only had two people listen to us so far. We made appointments with both to come back, but one ditched and the other was drunk when we made the appointment. He really looked and seemed sincere, I hope he really listens. He even has 3 kids, full custody of 2 of them. I hope we can help him improve his life. There is no doubt that this is a hard area with not a lot of baptisms, which is okay. I will still do my best to find and teach, but mostly I like visiting the less active or inactive members and helping them come closer to Christ. Maybe my next area will be a baptizing area or maybe the Lord will prepare these people to hear the word and this will become a high baptizing area. If the members would invite their friends to learn that would be helpful!
Thanks for having the missionaries over at home, I know their moms are grateful for the members feeding their babies! We don't get a lot of member meals. Not yet anyway, but hopefully soon. Last week we were cleaning a members house for her. She has a family history room! It was awesome. She just has life stories/memorabilia EVERYWHERE. That will be you and me mom when we get old! We will have so much family history we will have to have a special room for it!! Anyway me and Sister Evers (the member we were helping) talked about family history for 2 hours the other day. It was great, then she had ice cream with us then we left. I really liked her. Anyway, I will keep you updated on everything. I love you so much!
p.s. Sister Evers youngest brother lives in Altamont! She knows where Duchesne is. Cool huh!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Day 1 in Waseca
This is out the back door of the meetinghouse! Trains everywhere
This is the new group of Elder and Sister Missionaries that arrived in Minnesota
This is the new group of Elder and Sister Missionaries that arrived in Minnesota
Fair time in Waseca, MN
They had lots of tractors on display at the fair
The water tower and trees, this is how green EVERYTHING is here!
They had lots of tractors on display at the fair
The water tower and trees, this is how green EVERYTHING is here!
July 29, 2013 emails
The Blessing really helped, I love the Priesthood so much and If people recognized the power that it is, and that we are the only ones that have it they would be flooding the baptismal fonts, I just know it. I am so glad the Priesthood has always been in my home!!! I love you and Dad so much, thank you for raising me.
I love Monday's too!! Sending the package to either address will do fine I don't care. I have received one letter from you. I believe you that you write often, I don't know why I am not getting all of the letters. I am excited to see Cassidy in her new dress and all fancied up! I don't even remember what her dress looked like! haha!
This month seemed to go by really fast. Looking back it seems like it was forever ago that I was home laying sod and what not but then it also seems like I haven't been here very long. I think Chad is going to go, he just takes some time I think. But hopefully they get brave and just do it!
I am so excited to see a picture of her and her baby!!! haha I am getting anxious from here!
I am doing well and I know Heavenly Father is watching out for me! I love you so much!
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