Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Another email 12-23-13
I have never had a spiritual witness while exercising. . . haha! We don't have the December Ensign yet, we get them a month or 2 later, but we really don't have much time to read them. But we have watched the Christmas devotional about 7 times! It was really good! I haven't seen a picture of your boot. Love you!
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 Christy Smith wrote:
Have you ever had the Spirit bear testimony that God lives while you were exercising? I was at the gym today, riding the bike and reading the December Ensign. I had set a goal earlier in the year to read every article in the Ensign every month and I didn’t want the busy month be an excuse for me. Heidi was doing aerobics and I was alone in the big room. The article was “Come Let Us Adore Him.” You have to read it when it’s quiet and the Spirit can bear witness of the truth of it. I loved the section "O Holy Night". Somehow when I read that I was flooded with the Spirit, to think that He might regard me as a friend. I know I have lots of room to improve, but I truly want to get to know the Savior and have Him call me friend. I love the thought in “Liberty to the captives” too, because we all are captive to something and He is the only one who can set us free. I love my Savior with all my heart. I know He is real. I know He died for me. How grateful I am to be able to repent. I am so weak. Hope you get a chance to read the article. It is really beautiful. Love ya tons, MOM
p.s. The Good News of Repentance is also a great article. I kinda like being confined to the stationary bike. I can take things to study. It's usually quiet and it really helps my not watch how much longer I have to work. Did I send you a picture of my new shoe? (the boot) Ok, i could go on and on about different articles, but i will close with a scripture Mosiah 2:22-24 We can never even come close to our debt to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Email 12-23-13
we don't have much time to e-mail this week or next, but this made me cry, I love sub for santa so much, it is the reason Christmas is my favorite holiday. I am so glad you haven't been too stressed about it. And I am glad people are so generous! 2015 I'll be back to help shop for the left over angels:) we got to do a lot of service this week too, 5 hours of wrapping presents for this lady in the ward, it was insane! haha! I loved it:D I love you so much and I will talk to you on Wednesday:)
On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Christy Smith <tasmith64@hotmail.com> wrote:
Good morning! It is to me anyway. I know we get to talk soon but I know we will have so much to say and I wanted to share a few thoughts with you. It is Saturday morning and we are almost done with sub for Santa. A glorious part of the season, being done! It has been interesting as usual. One mom got to do shop with a cop in Roosevelt and still tried to get help here. The Krilacek family (he has a speech impairment and she is deaf) we help them yearly but this year they decided to wait until Dec 18 to turn in their application. Tracy Taylor (she is a druggie pretty bad) she has three kids and her boyfriend has three-makes 3000 a month, when I asked her about making that much money was just like ya and I have 6 kids! I just don't get it. Most of the people we help smoke and I think hello give up a pack a day and you could buy your kids things. Makes me think of the letter you wrote home about keeping the commandments and we could be so happy. I am not judging people, just frustrated with their use of their free agency. The chamber of commerce decided this year to send over 2000$ instead of the truckload of toys. Dana and her 24/7 dance company held a dance recital and donated all the ticket sales to sub for Santa. $792.00! People have been so generous this year with the gifts they buy to the donations received, so we are able to help everyone. So far we have had about $4100 donated. Maybe that's why I have been so happy and not stressed about late applications or how much they make. It's for the kids and they can't help the stupidity of their parents. I took Cassidy shopping with me yesterday for the leftover angels. We didn't have a lot. Most of it was two very late families and a few items to add to kids christmas. It was fun. I told her it was now her assignment until she leaves home. Helping me and Angella with the shopping. I missed you and remembered the fun we always had doing that. But life goes on and you all grow up and move on to other adventures. Kmart was really busy this year. It was hard to stop and check off our lists and decide what else we needed. It seemed like someone was always wanting to get by us. But people were not rude at all. The ladies at the register were so nice about our three carts of stuff. Then on the way out to the truck, the parking lot was full of slush from the snow they got a few weeks ago, and the carts were so full it was very hard to push them. I had water coming up over my foot with the boot on it and I didn't want my sock to get wet, there was a gentleman who stopped to help me pull it thru to dry ground then he headed over to help Cassidy with hers. Totally different feeling than when we shopped in salt lake. It was so cool.
Oh I forgot to tell you about Bob. He is a man that always goes into Zion's and takes the leftover angels and donates $100 for each kid then we go shopping. Well this year he took the last 12 and then shopped himself for them! Isn't that crazy? Like I said people have been so generous. I am very blessed to see the difference service to others makes. It really brings you closer to The Spirit. I love that you kids have grown up being a part of it all too. We had a ton of people help sort food last night too. The Brady's all came, the Verde's with Michaela and Lilly, and the Denney's. It was awesome. The fair board office was full and we had stuff on the carpeted side too. At first there weren't many people, but they showed up and all worked hard and fast to get the work done. Well I love you so so so so much and hope you continue to love the people and your mission. It makes me so happy that you are watched over and happy where you are. Remember how much we love you and pray for you daily. See you soon! Love, mommy ;)
Friday, December 20, 2013
Family letter 12-16-13
We were asked to sing a song in Karen at the ward party. So we sang Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It was pretty awesome. Then a sister taught us how to sing a song about the Love of Christ. It was a lot of fun. This week was an adventure. We went on exchanges so my companion for the day was Sister Smith. We taught a lady named Sheryl. She was super crazy. We definitely figured out that she was not fully accountable that day. We shared the first vision and she started crying and then said "That's happened to me twice" then she had a small freak out. I have never seen the fist vision create such a strange reaction. Anyway, we had a lot of awesome things this wee. But I'll talk about the Mormon Chorale. We went to the Friday performances and it was so good. It was long and I was tired, but it was still good. I think 1/2 the choir comes from my ward. :)
Emily sent home a sacrament meeting program and decided to narrate the program. The contacts on the back page for the missionaries still show the previous sister. She was kinda bummed, she has been there almost three months now. They should know her name. Also the Ward Family History consultants let her do family history at their house. She loves them. Of course she crossed all the phone numbers out. Not sure if she thinks I will call them or what. Oh well. It was funny.
Emily sent home a sacrament meeting program and decided to narrate the program. The contacts on the back page for the missionaries still show the previous sister. She was kinda bummed, she has been there almost three months now. They should know her name. Also the Ward Family History consultants let her do family history at their house. She loves them. Of course she crossed all the phone numbers out. Not sure if she thinks I will call them or what. Oh well. It was funny.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
letter home dated 12/16/13
In your letter you asked about the investigator who brought 9 people to church with her. She was suppose to get baptized on December 28, but she stopped meeting with us for a bit. The Karen Baptist church is really busy this time of year. They go around caroling for donations. But she said she still wants to meet after Christmas, so hopefully she will be baptized in January.
I have hardly started to read the conference Ensign. We are so busy studying PMG and the Book of Mormon. But I liked Robert D. Hales talk "Strengthening Faith and Testimony." I loved how he talks about how the church won't always be without persecution and there will be some things that take patience and faith. So many people give silly excuses for not living the commandments. It will be a challenge, it will require faith!
You don't have to be a certain age for mormon.org profile. It would be great for the YM and YW.
My companions grandparents use to live in Duchesne. Richard and Marie Spencer. Small world.
You asked about my schedule. We wake up every morning at 6:30. I don't have any callings in my ward. The ward is really good so they don't need us to do much more than be missionaries!
Now responding to the letter that was in the package: I loved the Thanksgiving notes, they really helped me out this week. I also loved the message ornaments. I miss Tiago so much. I loved to see his ornament. The Aida play program was totally inspired!!! I read Morgan's bio on a day I was really discouraged and I read his favorite quote and it totally gave me an "ah ha" moment. I have been fine ever since. ("The true test of a man's character is what it takes to make him quit") So thank you so much. Thanks for all you do. I am so glad to have such a great family. I know God is our Heavenly Father and this gospel is true. With Love, Sister Smith
I have hardly started to read the conference Ensign. We are so busy studying PMG and the Book of Mormon. But I liked Robert D. Hales talk "Strengthening Faith and Testimony." I loved how he talks about how the church won't always be without persecution and there will be some things that take patience and faith. So many people give silly excuses for not living the commandments. It will be a challenge, it will require faith!
You don't have to be a certain age for mormon.org profile. It would be great for the YM and YW.
My companions grandparents use to live in Duchesne. Richard and Marie Spencer. Small world.
You asked about my schedule. We wake up every morning at 6:30. I don't have any callings in my ward. The ward is really good so they don't need us to do much more than be missionaries!
Now responding to the letter that was in the package: I loved the Thanksgiving notes, they really helped me out this week. I also loved the message ornaments. I miss Tiago so much. I loved to see his ornament. The Aida play program was totally inspired!!! I read Morgan's bio on a day I was really discouraged and I read his favorite quote and it totally gave me an "ah ha" moment. I have been fine ever since. ("The true test of a man's character is what it takes to make him quit") So thank you so much. Thanks for all you do. I am so glad to have such a great family. I know God is our Heavenly Father and this gospel is true. With Love, Sister Smith
Monday, December 16, 2013
12-2-13 email
I LOVED the Christmas Tree! Thank you so much! we got it the same day Sister Riley got a package of Christmas presents and we were so happy :) When I realized i had been out for 5 months I had a small freak out! time is flying by! this is just way too crazy!
My Thanksgiving was great! you will get more details in the family letter but I tried to be good too. I am getting in the habit again of only having one helping of food which means I have to eat slow or else members will just keep piling stuff on my plate. It is really hard to loose weight specially here where our resources are very limited. I am gaining a lot of weight becasue our exercise is never very good :(
The voice recorder is something we would use to have the Karen members record stuff so we can practce saying it like them and also to record ourselves saying stuff every once in a while so we can see the improvement we are making. Using my camera is going just fine, I just do videos so you really don't need to worry about the voice recorder. It would basically be pointless after my mission anyway. I love you so much! Thank you! oh and I don't need tons of pairs of garments just a couple, whatever you send will be fine!
I love you too! thank you for all of the prayers! Talk to you soon!
With Love, Sister Smith XOXOXOXO
My Thanksgiving was great! you will get more details in the family letter but I tried to be good too. I am getting in the habit again of only having one helping of food which means I have to eat slow or else members will just keep piling stuff on my plate. It is really hard to loose weight specially here where our resources are very limited. I am gaining a lot of weight becasue our exercise is never very good :(
The voice recorder is something we would use to have the Karen members record stuff so we can practce saying it like them and also to record ourselves saying stuff every once in a while so we can see the improvement we are making. Using my camera is going just fine, I just do videos so you really don't need to worry about the voice recorder. It would basically be pointless after my mission anyway. I love you so much! Thank you! oh and I don't need tons of pairs of garments just a couple, whatever you send will be fine!
I love you too! thank you for all of the prayers! Talk to you soon!
With Love, Sister Smith XOXOXOXO
picture from a member
All three of them taught a lesson to me to practice. They are darling. It's rainy today but more snow is coming and single digits on Thursday and Friday....brrr send them wool socks and warm leggings. Lots of love Sister Morse.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Letter to mom Dec 9, 2013
Thank you so much for the Christmas package full of cheeseball stuff and the tree decorating stuff. :)
I love the ornaments. It was so fun decorating our tree! I cried a little when you told me about great grandma's bell that you sent to me. I love the ipod. It is so nice to have it again! The music is great.
Today was madness trying to get Christmas packages off, so I really need to relax before I get a headache. I am sorry my letter won't be as long as I hoped it would be. In a package could you include a cool present for Sister Riley for me. I can't get her a gift, because she is always with me. Thanks, I love you!
I love the ornaments. It was so fun decorating our tree! I cried a little when you told me about great grandma's bell that you sent to me. I love the ipod. It is so nice to have it again! The music is great.
Today was madness trying to get Christmas packages off, so I really need to relax before I get a headache. I am sorry my letter won't be as long as I hoped it would be. In a package could you include a cool present for Sister Riley for me. I can't get her a gift, because she is always with me. Thanks, I love you!
Family letter Dec 9, 2013
I am so happy to be a missionary! We were teaching a lady who is Karen and someone knocked on her door and in came about 30 Karen carolers! So we got to be carolled to in Karen. I recorded it and tried to email it to you, but i was not able to so you will have to wait until that camera card gets sent home, I guess. But it was really cool!
This week we listened to sacrament meeting, translated into Karen. I basically didn't understand much but I did hear one part in English that I loved. It said, "When you don't get an answer to your prayers, thank God for trusting you. And I thought that was cool. I often just want answers to all my prayers like hts to do with certain investigators or how I can be better, but I guess God trusts me to do what is right for the investigator and people He has placed in my path. I love you so so much! With love, Emily
This week we listened to sacrament meeting, translated into Karen. I basically didn't understand much but I did hear one part in English that I loved. It said, "When you don't get an answer to your prayers, thank God for trusting you. And I thought that was cool. I often just want answers to all my prayers like hts to do with certain investigators or how I can be better, but I guess God trusts me to do what is right for the investigator and people He has placed in my path. I love you so so much! With love, Emily
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Emily's Christmas tree
We had so much fun making cheap decorations for her 3 ft tall tree. We didn't want Emily to have to worry about shipping a bunch of stuff home. So we made mice out of kisses and snowflake ornaments with yarn and popsicle sticks. Also some picture ornaments.
Email Dec 9
Thank you so much for the pictures! I have been thinking a lot about how I wanted to see more pictures soon so you read my mind! haha! I would love to be part of the gift exchange! I will send him something! I am excited! Thank you for sending his address because I don't have it. and I have jayson's but I am not sure if it was the mission home or the real address. If you could get me Nick and Braken's mission home address that would be great! I'm assuming that Megan is making another one of those calendars with everyone's pictures on it I definitely want one if she is making them again. . . :) I love seeing everyone and that way my companion can see every member of my family! haha! I love you! Don't worry too much about me my coat and boots are really warm. I wear lots of layers and President Clements doesn't make us go out if it is too cold. We just need to have appointments and stay inside as much as possible! I'm staying warm enough! Yeh Eh Nah Pah Doh!
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Christy Smith <tasmith64@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hello! Shelly sent me an email that Braken wanted to be part of the cousin gift exchange. So she wondered about you three missionaries exchanging gifts. I told her that would be fine. So you have Braken. My question is do you want to get him something yourself and send it or do you want me to do it? I don't know what you have time for. Shelly suggested a gift card to Taco Bell or chili's. I know he loves brownies. I have sent him brownie boxes before and he was very happy about that. Let me know what you want me to do. I think he has written you you should have his address. But maybe I will send it anyway.
1439 S. Marion
Martinsville, IN 46151
Thanks, let me know how I can help. Love you tons! Mom
Friday, December 6, 2013
Letter to mom dated Dec 2, 2013
I just wrote a long letter, so I don't have much to say except thanks for the Christmas tree. We love it and it makes us so happy. It's snowing here currently, but nothing is really sticking to the ground so it is not too bad...YET.
I wore my Karen skirt to church on Sunday and everyone LOVED it! It made me so happy. It was really expensive, but I figure it'd be worth it to buy such a great Karen thing ya know? I'll justify it I guess. It wasn't really too bad. IT was $40.00 which is way more than I would pay for any other skirt but oh well.
We get to be in the Ward choir. They normally don't have one, but I guess for the month of December they do. I just love singing. It makes me so happy.
I know I don't talk about the work going on here very often, but it really is going great! There are just so many names and I don't like calling them Brother____ or Sister ___ because it gets confusing. We are so blessed and watched out for. I love being s missionary and I wouldn't want it any other way, or to be anywhere else. I am so happy! I love this experience! I love you and everything I have learned from you and dad. With love, Em
I wore my Karen skirt to church on Sunday and everyone LOVED it! It made me so happy. It was really expensive, but I figure it'd be worth it to buy such a great Karen thing ya know? I'll justify it I guess. It wasn't really too bad. IT was $40.00 which is way more than I would pay for any other skirt but oh well.
We get to be in the Ward choir. They normally don't have one, but I guess for the month of December they do. I just love singing. It makes me so happy.
I know I don't talk about the work going on here very often, but it really is going great! There are just so many names and I don't like calling them Brother____ or Sister ___ because it gets confusing. We are so blessed and watched out for. I love being s missionary and I wouldn't want it any other way, or to be anywhere else. I am so happy! I love this experience! I love you and everything I have learned from you and dad. With love, Em
Friday, November 29, 2013
Dec 2, 2013 Family letter
My thanksgiving was great. Last week I told you about the first half of the day. After we got our Karen skirts and tried weird food, we went to Sister A's house and visited for a while and ate veggies. THen we sat down to have dinner. It was good. Just a normal Thanksgiving dinner. Then we said a little prayer and lit the Menorah. Then we played dreidel, which is basically a betting game. It was fun our money was called gimmel. It was fake chocolate coins with a Menorah on them. I lost., which was okay because I didn't really want a ton of gross chocolate coins. Then we had pie and went to work teaching people.
This week I studied Mosiah 5. I have been thinking a lot about verses 2 and 5 and how crucial it is that we keep the covenants we have made. The general authorities even talked about it in conference, and it was the main message of the Relief Society meeting. we need to keep our covenants and the baptism covenant is to always remember Him, and keep His commandments. As I am here, I have seen so many members and non-members not living the simple commandments like Sabbath day and they wonder why life is so hard, I know that the commandments are to help us, if we live them life won't be as hard. Even if we think we need to break commandments to make it. It's a test! I am so glad I was raised to live the commandments! That I have been raised to be willing to enter into a covenant. Thank you so much. With love, Sister Smith (love's first flower-her name from them)
ps. I had pictures printed at Target and left there with Kristine Smith's photos, not Emily Smith!!! lol I will send some home next week.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Dad's birthday
I forgot to post this cute package of stuff Emily sent to her dad for his birthday in November. Just found the pictures.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Email 11-25-13
I was glad to hear that Michelle Evans was Aida! She does have a good voice! The mic issues are so annoying! I love when they make sure that people can be in stuff! haha! Morgan's costume looked pretty cool in that picture you sent me :)
I loved the cozy coupe truck! He looks so cute in it!
We are going to both thanksgivings probably but the Hmong one we will probably just stop by and visit, not eat much and then really party at the Jewish one! hahah!
I felt like this week was really good! We had a lot of really amazing lessons. One specific was with Sister B. and she was a former investigator and we didn't have a lesson plan for her but we taught an incredible restoration to her where we said a lot of things we don't normally say but it ended up being really great and I really felt the spirit testifying through me! We had a couple lessons like that this week it was great! Then we went to pick up an investigator for church and she brought 8 other people with her! When something awesome like that happens the happiness you feel is really indescribable but it is awesome! It's the joy of bringing one soul unto him!
Sorry if there are a ton of spelling errors they key board I am typing on is not very good. It keeps leaving out letters so i have to push really hard. But I have been thinking and I don't know if you have already done a ton of shopping for me but I have just been thinking about a few things that you could get me for Christmas if you didn't know what to get:
1) a voice recorder (if you don't want to I can just use my camera and take videos no problemo!)
2) New Garments
3) Basically any warm clothes, specifically skirts I only have light skirts which is fine but I have to layer up underneath.
Please don't feel like you need to buy these things people just always ask for suggestions so these are suggestions. But whatever you do is fine! I love you so much! Also if you could throw in my YW's ribbons out of my scriptures and some Drill Pants in the next package you sent that has room or that needs padding that would be great! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sister Smith
I loved the cozy coupe truck! He looks so cute in it!
We are going to both thanksgivings probably but the Hmong one we will probably just stop by and visit, not eat much and then really party at the Jewish one! hahah!
I felt like this week was really good! We had a lot of really amazing lessons. One specific was with Sister B. and she was a former investigator and we didn't have a lesson plan for her but we taught an incredible restoration to her where we said a lot of things we don't normally say but it ended up being really great and I really felt the spirit testifying through me! We had a couple lessons like that this week it was great! Then we went to pick up an investigator for church and she brought 8 other people with her! When something awesome like that happens the happiness you feel is really indescribable but it is awesome! It's the joy of bringing one soul unto him!
Sorry if there are a ton of spelling errors they key board I am typing on is not very good. It keeps leaving out letters so i have to push really hard. But I have been thinking and I don't know if you have already done a ton of shopping for me but I have just been thinking about a few things that you could get me for Christmas if you didn't know what to get:
1) a voice recorder (if you don't want to I can just use my camera and take videos no problemo!)
2) New Garments
3) Basically any warm clothes, specifically skirts I only have light skirts which is fine but I have to layer up underneath.
Please don't feel like you need to buy these things people just always ask for suggestions so these are suggestions. But whatever you do is fine! I love you so much! Also if you could throw in my YW's ribbons out of my scriptures and some Drill Pants in the next package you sent that has room or that needs padding that would be great! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sister Smith
Email 11-18-13
Ya, I am not even gonna try to send Karen over the computer, I will just write it all out! ahahah! I am doing GREAT I love being here and I love my companion! Satan is sneaky and tries to get us down but we just have to tell him NO! I BETTER GET A GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT FROM ALLY! you tell her that! Have you helped with the play much? I am excited to hear all about it!
We have 2 people that have invited us over for dinner for Thanksgiving! One is a Hmong family and I do not want to go to that one. Hmong food is weird and not very tasty. then a lady that is from jewish descent and I guess Haunakkah overlaps with Thanksgiving this year so she has invited all of the missionaries over, (she has invited 20 people to her house for thanksgiving) and we are going to have a normal thanksgiving dinner and then do some jewish stuff. it will be really cool. Sister Riely wants to go to the Hmong one and I want to go to the Jewish one but they are at different times so we might go to both:) We will definitely be taken care of :)
I think I will be in St Paul for a very long time. you could send packages to either place:) you are so awesome for getting me another Ipod ready! man! did you put the hymns and Children songbook songs on there like the ones from the church that don't sound that great but sing each song? do you know what I am saying? I'm running out of time so I will write more answers in the letter to you today! Love you!
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 mom wrote:
I tried really hard to say hello or good morning in the Karen language, but it wouldn't let me do it. Too many unrecognized symbols for the computer I guess. How are you today? Hopefully things are going good for you. The play starts Friday. I am very excited. I think Morgan has some good lines. Merr and Deb Herron tell me how good he is doing. I guess we will see. Mona completely stepped down from the play. So Merrilli had to take over. Allyson's senior year ya know. She has a committee of moms helping her do everything. I'm sure it will be good.
So what do you do for thanksgiving? I know you don't have a way to cook a turkey? Do the members take care of you? I hope someone will. It worries me ya know. We are going to invite the Elders. They are really busy right now. We haven't even met the new elder.
So I don't know much about your companion. You can just write back in a letter if you don't have time to respond to this email. No biggie. Was wondering how your iPod got ran over? Weird. You would be proud of me. Got the other one going and have around 76 new songs. All hymns or primary. Motab. No beats. Even some cello and classical stuff. I prayed to know what to put on making sure it will be good. I think I will ship it out soon and you can let me know if there is a problem. I also burned Braken and Nic some CDs of your playlist. Braken actually asked his mom for some mission approved music. She didn't think he would ever listen to that. funny what a mission will do for people.
Do you think you will be in St. Paul for a long time? I am getting Christmas stuff ready and didn't know where to ship it. I know I still have time, just asking now.
I will try to fill you in more on the family history story about Annie and the cemetery in my letter this week.
I taught relief society today. Lesson was doing good to others. We had lots of people sharing stories and experiences. I shared your story about helping the man rake leaves. It was perfect. I am so glad you have a testimony of service. It truly brings us closer to Christ. Are you doing much teaching? I loved hearing about Christine. The picture of the Hmong village looked like so much fun. Can't wait for you to take me shopping there. So are you not allowed to teach the Hmong people. Do any of them speak English? Well I have asked enough questions for now. I love you so much. Please take care of yourself since I can't. Love, mommy!
We have 2 people that have invited us over for dinner for Thanksgiving! One is a Hmong family and I do not want to go to that one. Hmong food is weird and not very tasty. then a lady that is from jewish descent and I guess Haunakkah overlaps with Thanksgiving this year so she has invited all of the missionaries over, (she has invited 20 people to her house for thanksgiving) and we are going to have a normal thanksgiving dinner and then do some jewish stuff. it will be really cool. Sister Riely wants to go to the Hmong one and I want to go to the Jewish one but they are at different times so we might go to both:) We will definitely be taken care of :)
I think I will be in St Paul for a very long time. you could send packages to either place:) you are so awesome for getting me another Ipod ready! man! did you put the hymns and Children songbook songs on there like the ones from the church that don't sound that great but sing each song? do you know what I am saying? I'm running out of time so I will write more answers in the letter to you today! Love you!
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 mom wrote:
I tried really hard to say hello or good morning in the Karen language, but it wouldn't let me do it. Too many unrecognized symbols for the computer I guess. How are you today? Hopefully things are going good for you. The play starts Friday. I am very excited. I think Morgan has some good lines. Merr and Deb Herron tell me how good he is doing. I guess we will see. Mona completely stepped down from the play. So Merrilli had to take over. Allyson's senior year ya know. She has a committee of moms helping her do everything. I'm sure it will be good.
So what do you do for thanksgiving? I know you don't have a way to cook a turkey? Do the members take care of you? I hope someone will. It worries me ya know. We are going to invite the Elders. They are really busy right now. We haven't even met the new elder.
So I don't know much about your companion. You can just write back in a letter if you don't have time to respond to this email. No biggie. Was wondering how your iPod got ran over? Weird. You would be proud of me. Got the other one going and have around 76 new songs. All hymns or primary. Motab. No beats. Even some cello and classical stuff. I prayed to know what to put on making sure it will be good. I think I will ship it out soon and you can let me know if there is a problem. I also burned Braken and Nic some CDs of your playlist. Braken actually asked his mom for some mission approved music. She didn't think he would ever listen to that. funny what a mission will do for people.
Do you think you will be in St. Paul for a long time? I am getting Christmas stuff ready and didn't know where to ship it. I know I still have time, just asking now.
I will try to fill you in more on the family history story about Annie and the cemetery in my letter this week.
I taught relief society today. Lesson was doing good to others. We had lots of people sharing stories and experiences. I shared your story about helping the man rake leaves. It was perfect. I am so glad you have a testimony of service. It truly brings us closer to Christ. Are you doing much teaching? I loved hearing about Christine. The picture of the Hmong village looked like so much fun. Can't wait for you to take me shopping there. So are you not allowed to teach the Hmong people. Do any of them speak English? Well I have asked enough questions for now. I love you so much. Please take care of yourself since I can't. Love, mommy!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Why are you Mormon? email to Melanie
Mel wrote to Emily:
We had Stake Conference today. It was so full of being missionaries and working on family history work. President Young said, think of someone you would want to have sitting next to you, now write their name down, and go help them get here. I find that invitation exciting! I wish I could just shake people and make them come to church, but I know that just inviting someone and being a good example has to work for now. He also asked, "Why are you a Mormon?"
From Emily:
There is this family we are teaching right now that is really excited to be able to go to the temple! The Temple is the best place ever!! :DEverything is always about missionary work now! My Ward Mission Leader said this week "the war in heaven didn't end it just moved locations." I love thinking of myself as a warrior. we all are! get your war paint out this is a serious battle!!!! We are on the winning side as long as we keep the covenants we have made! I am a Mormon because I KNOW that the book of Mormon is true. As a result I know that the whole church is true because of this one book that is only 531 pages long. I know Joseph Smith restored the same church that Jesus had on the earth and I want to be part of Jesus' church! I know that the Priesthood is the Power to act in God's name and that our church is the only church that has that power, and I know that Temples are the House of God. Those and so many other reasons, If you ever want to strengthen your testimony study PMG chapter 3 especially lesson 1:)
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Email 11-11-13
On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 Christy wrote:
I laughed so hard at your last family letter. I can only imagine you gagging with a mouth full of food eating the Pho stuff. Did you ever learn what the meat was? So is the Hmong village run by the Burmese people? Isn't that what nationality the people are you are teaching? How is that going? I don't like district p days, but thank you so much for my note telling me you were ok.
So there was a huge typhoon In the Philippines. Macon is ok, but there is so much damage. They are just recovering from an earthquake. Makes me so glad you are in the states. I know things can still go wrong but you are not so much in Mother Natures destruction path.
I get to teach relief society on Sunday, my lesson is on doing good to others. I am going to share your story of helping the man rake the leaves. I am so glad you are gaining a testimony of service. It really does make you feel so good.
Dad was ready for a road trip, so he and I ran away to Logan. Haven't seen them forever. Of course Cooper was in bed when we got here, but I can't wait to see him in the morning. Linds tells me he is crazy jumping on everything thinking its a tramp. Dives off the kitchen chairs onto the love sac or the couch. Walks around talking all kinds of jibberish. I will get video for you tomorrow!
We got a new missionary. Elder Valdez left. The new one spoke at stake conference on Saturday night. He sounds like a real go getter. He wants to get to know everybody and get to work. He kind of reminds me of Nic. The way he looks and acts. Laughed a lot and has a similar smile. I am hoping to get your ensign tomorrow (or today now!) I have read thru sat morning session and am moving on. It makes a huge difference reading it every day.
Did I tell you we went to the salt lake cemetery to find Annie's headstone last week? The office was open this time and showed me on a map. So we went and the saddest thing ever. No headstone or marker of any kind. Makes me want to put something there. I wonder why? Did she outlive all the family and there was no one to take care of her? It was in 1985. Wish I would have known her then. It wasn't very long ago ya know. Somebody had to pay for the burial spot. I wish Annie could tell me.
I hope you are doing well. Be patient with yourself and the new language. Heavenly Father will bless you. Just be obedient in all things. Scripture for the day D&C 11:21. I love you so much. Christmas is only 7 weeks away. I'm counting down! Best Christmas present ever, a phone call!
Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo mommy
Emily wrote back:
haha! You are not supposed to laugh at me while I am throwing up in public places!!!! haha! I never did learn what the meat what but I will never forget what it looks like. Hmong village is run by Hmong people. The nationality of the people I am teaching is Karen. There is Karen people, Burmese people, and Hmong people but each nationality is from Thailand (or Burma then fled to Thailand). It is going well we are learning a lot it is just sometimes hard to see the progress I am making when I see how much I still have to learn but I just gotta take it one day at a time. We don't really know how to teach yet. we are still working on being able to introduce ourselves but we know certain words, just not how to form a sentence. Sometimes the sentence structure is the same to English and sometimes it is not.
I am glad to be in the states too:) Sometimes I don't feel like I am because I am surrounded by so much culture and diversity. Seriously almost everyone we tract into is Asian or African or Hispanic.
The computers here now don't let us watch videos but I would love to see pictures:)
I didn't know that you went to find Anne's headstone. That is pretty sad, do you have a lot of information on her? or did you need the information on the headstone?
I have a few requests:
1. can you sent me more vitamins? the Packets and the vitamin D if you have any.
2. Will you cancel my proactive, it is not doing wonders and I would rather just try something else.
3. This week my Ipod got ran over so if you could work on getting one ready for me to use that would be great! You could restore my yellow one to factory settings and just put the church music on, or I have that ancient white one that has the blue case I'm not sure where either are at but I just need some music!
the rules for music are:
A. Hymns and Children Songbook Songs (No BEATS)
B. Classical music composed before 1930 (Instrumental ONLY)
C. MOTAB (No Showtunes or popular music)
I had this CD on my last iPod called He Is Risen from Mark Gleason I think and I really Loved that one so if you could make sure that is on there that would be fabulous! I would also love all the children songbook songs and hymns. It doesnt' have to be too fancy and I know that is a ton of work and I am so sorry, I wish my last one wouldn't have gotten ran over, but it did. . . no rush on the iPod I understand that you are a busy person. I would rather have an iPod that I can listen to all the music on so take all the time you need to to make sure it is within the guidelines.
Thank you for all you do! Yeh Eh Nah Pa Do ( I love you SO much) <3 I really am sorry I ask for so much stuff. . . TTYL!
Nov. 1 letter to mom
We have district Pday today so we are just going to be with our district, so I don't quite have time to reply to your letter, but i wanted to let you know I'm doing great. We are teaching a lot of people so that's great! I will give you more details next week. Thanks for the package :) You are the greatest mom ever. This week was rough for me cause I was just discouraged about the language but it all worked out! I love you tons. I'm well taken care of here. With love, Emily
Silly girl, I love how she just slips in how the language was getting to her this week. Starts out "I'm great" and "we are teaching lots of people" and oh by the way it was a hard week. I'm glad she got things sorted out. Just needs to have patience.
Silly girl, I love how she just slips in how the language was getting to her this week. Starts out "I'm great" and "we are teaching lots of people" and oh by the way it was a hard week. I'm glad she got things sorted out. Just needs to have patience.
Nov 4, family letter and pictures
This week was fun. We all carved pumpkins for pday. I think that mine is the ugliest, but that's ok. We had a lot of fun carving.
This is me at the Hmong village. It is basically like Chinatown, except the people don't chase you down! There are little stores everywhere, clothes, movies, toys, fresh produce, real food, pretty much anything but it's all Hmong so there was all sorts of produce I have never seen before. I will send more pictures of the shopping area. It is really fun.
This is Pho (said Fuh). It is a Hmong food with 5 meats, noodles, veggies, bean sprouts and a ton of different sauces you add yourself. It was pretty good, except one of the meats caused way too much gag reflex and I almost threw up, but my mouth was full of food. It was kind of embarrassing, but I learned to not eat whatever meat that was. I don't know what it was, but I know what it looked like!
This week we went on exchanges, so I was with Sister Fawcett and we went to this street to tract. we saw a man around 80 or so raking the leaves out of the road. We decided to stop and help him. He was so glad that we stopped to help. He started telling us how he had been crying and that he was so lonely and he was so glad we helped him. Then he started telling us how when we are faced with adversity we need to let it surround us until we overcome it and it comes a part of us. It sounds kind of random on paper but this experience touched me. I was sooo happy that we were able to help and that we got to actually see how much he needed it. I know we have been raised doing service, but I really have a testimony of how much it can make the difference for someone. With love, Sister Smith
This is me at the Hmong village. It is basically like Chinatown, except the people don't chase you down! There are little stores everywhere, clothes, movies, toys, fresh produce, real food, pretty much anything but it's all Hmong so there was all sorts of produce I have never seen before. I will send more pictures of the shopping area. It is really fun.
This is Pho (said Fuh). It is a Hmong food with 5 meats, noodles, veggies, bean sprouts and a ton of different sauces you add yourself. It was pretty good, except one of the meats caused way too much gag reflex and I almost threw up, but my mouth was full of food. It was kind of embarrassing, but I learned to not eat whatever meat that was. I don't know what it was, but I know what it looked like!
This week we went on exchanges, so I was with Sister Fawcett and we went to this street to tract. we saw a man around 80 or so raking the leaves out of the road. We decided to stop and help him. He was so glad that we stopped to help. He started telling us how he had been crying and that he was so lonely and he was so glad we helped him. Then he started telling us how when we are faced with adversity we need to let it surround us until we overcome it and it comes a part of us. It sounds kind of random on paper but this experience touched me. I was sooo happy that we were able to help and that we got to actually see how much he needed it. I know we have been raised doing service, but I really have a testimony of how much it can make the difference for someone. With love, Sister Smith
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Email Nov 4, 2013
On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 Christy Smith wrote:
Well here we are into winter and it's wood hauling time. Morgan is so busy at play practice on Saturday's, so Cassidy and I had to go with dad to fill our dump trailer full of wood. We found a good spot and didn't have to move, but it was hard work. I was wishing for some young men to help load.
We had a great testimony meeting yesterday. One testimony in particular really got me. A new member of our ward got up and bore his testimony about the priesthood and how you use it for anything. Don't let the opportunities pass you by. He said they were hauling wood Saturday and he threw a log toward the truck so people could load it easier. He hit Connor Rowley in the leg a pretty hard hit. Later on Brandon gave him a priesthood blessing to help with the pain. He only remembered one time in his life when he received a father's blessing. All other times his father told him to buck up and be a man. I was so sad. We are so lucky to have many opportunities to have father's blessings in our lives. Then I thought about dad and how he never had the opportunity for a father's blessing either. That's when Heavenly Father puts worthy priesthood holders in our lives to help us. We are very blessed to have the priesthood in our lives every day. Our family is so blessed. Your sister's have great husbands who love and cherish them. Everybody is strong in the gospel with great testimonies, and you are out serving the people of Minnesota! I thank Heavenly Father everyday for such strong children. You are great examples to me and dad. I don't know what we did to deserve you guys, but we are very happy to be part of your lives. Have a great day. Love, mom
Emily wrote back:
We were hauling wood this week too! But we did have young men and it wasn't too bad:) I love the Priesthood too I just want blessings all the time and I have been luck to always have someone there to give me one, I have already had 2 on my mission so far and too many to count from Dad. I am just so grateful for the strength the Priesthood brings! I thank Heavenly Father all the time that my sisters found good men to be their husbands:) You are the greatest, and I am not sure what I did to deserve you. It even says in my Patriarchial blessing how amazing my parents are and how I need to be grateful for the Parentage that I have. . .You are incredible and I love you so much! Yeh Eh Na Pah Do! ( I love you SOOOO much!)
I'm not sure which questions I answered in my last letter but I did get my ballot sent out, I did it the day I got them! I did Spend money at the distribution center, I was needing some new garments and I wanted to try the thermals to see if they will keep me warm! I have been working on getting cash back as I have been buying more tights and winter stuff to keep me warm. So As I buy things I get cash back. I do still have to get $40 cash till I can have $100 for emergency so don't be too alarmed if you see another big purchase it will just be for my emergency money:) Hopefully I am set for winter wear now. . .
Morgan is so awesome! I hope that he will be able to loose weight I know it will make him feel better! Dad only has to be without Morgan for one more month so hopefully all will work out! The Play will be over soon! Does Morgan not like the play?? Why did he do it?
I made a Book of Mormon case to hold my little Book and I bought some velcro from Walmart but it really is terrible and I have already had to replace it multiple times so I just wanted a real piece of velcro that would get the job done and hold my flap down! I didn't know where to get it and I didn't want a ton. I knew Dad had some heavy duty kind so it all worked out! haha!
I love you So much!
Sister Smith
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Email Oct 20 and 21, 2013
On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 Christy Smith wrote:
The mail was very interesting this week. Got your postcard one day. A few days later got the family mail, then the next day got mail for me and Jennifer. I don't really care when they come, I just love it when they come. You should get your winter package today. Hope you aren't picking it up on your bike. It's huge. Cass did get her card and Rebecca Denney got hers at church today. You are so awesome.
I'm doing really good with my goal to read an ensign article every day. There really are some great stories and good counsel given. I'm so glad I decided to do it. Have you read any of the October articles? There are two great ones. How can I be a successful missionary, and hastening the work of salvation. The second article has a cool website, maybe you have been there. It is hasteningthework.lds.org. So I went and checked it out to see what it was about. So good. We really are all in the work together. This site just shows us all the ways we should work together and what our responsibilities are. I love the short videos, you can really feel the spirit watching them. Have you made a profile on Mormon.org or wherever it is? I know you told Jamie to and I see that Nic has made a profile too. I think I will have everyone do that for fhe tonight. I will send you a conference ensign as soon as they come out.
So Jerry (Gerald) Arkadis Smith our new relative and I are having quite the time exchanging info. I did send your our conversations with your winter package so you can understand it better, but Dan and Anna were divorced, and she remarried, which explains the name change for Nick's mother on some of the paperwork I have found. Jerry is very open with his life and stuff he has. I don't know what religion he is, but I will have to go there with him this week. If Nick's work needs to get done, Jerry will have to approve it. I did reserve it, but will wait to get permission for sure. Maybe this will be a great missionary opportunity for me, who knows.
I told our local elders if I could help fellowship any investigators to let me know. They jumped on it and are coming for dinner Tuesday. We were told to pray for them by name and their investigators, so I am following that council. We don't see them much like the elders before. I hate it when I have to start over with new missionaries. Just when we get to know them, bam they are gone. Oh well that's life right? I love you and hope you are doing well. I know Heavenly Father is watching over you and keeping you calm. I thank Him every day for that. Can't wait to hear from you. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox. Love, mommy
I love the Ensigns Sister Fink used to read them to me during meal times! We are all in the work together! yes I do have a mormon.org profile. But it is hard to find me because how many other Emily Smith's are there in the world? but you can find me by searching Emily Smith or by searching Sister Smith.
I am so excited about this Jerry Arkadis! I will pray that this will turn into a missionary opportunity for you!!!!
You are awesome! I was just going to tell you today in this e-mail to tell the Elders that you want to help them and to not just wait for them to ask. It makes it so you are on their mind and they know you are willing to help instead of just guessing but you are already one step ahead of me!!!! Do they only do Spanish work? They still are Spanish Elders right?
I am doing well and I get to go to the temple this Wendesday so I'm really excited to go there and hopefully recieve more guidance!
Your guess was closest about what my new companion looks like, the only thing different was that she has long blonde hair instead of short blond hair!
Thank you so much for all you do for me. I really don't know how I can show you how grateful I am to you, and for you.
Sister Smith
Thank You so much for my balance. So I just found out that we are supposed to have $100.00 cash for emergencies so could you put an extra 100.00 on my card so I can go to the ATM and have my money for emergencies? Thank You so much!
yes We do still need the GPS. I get SOOO lost in St. Paul. the only place I can make it to without the GPS is the grocery store, Aldi, and the church. The only other thing I can think that you could send is any long sleeve shirt you can find that is mine. It is SO cold here! Thank YOU so much for all you do. you really are the best.
With Love, Em
The mail was very interesting this week. Got your postcard one day. A few days later got the family mail, then the next day got mail for me and Jennifer. I don't really care when they come, I just love it when they come. You should get your winter package today. Hope you aren't picking it up on your bike. It's huge. Cass did get her card and Rebecca Denney got hers at church today. You are so awesome.
I'm doing really good with my goal to read an ensign article every day. There really are some great stories and good counsel given. I'm so glad I decided to do it. Have you read any of the October articles? There are two great ones. How can I be a successful missionary, and hastening the work of salvation. The second article has a cool website, maybe you have been there. It is hasteningthework.lds.org. So I went and checked it out to see what it was about. So good. We really are all in the work together. This site just shows us all the ways we should work together and what our responsibilities are. I love the short videos, you can really feel the spirit watching them. Have you made a profile on Mormon.org or wherever it is? I know you told Jamie to and I see that Nic has made a profile too. I think I will have everyone do that for fhe tonight. I will send you a conference ensign as soon as they come out.
So Jerry (Gerald) Arkadis Smith our new relative and I are having quite the time exchanging info. I did send your our conversations with your winter package so you can understand it better, but Dan and Anna were divorced, and she remarried, which explains the name change for Nick's mother on some of the paperwork I have found. Jerry is very open with his life and stuff he has. I don't know what religion he is, but I will have to go there with him this week. If Nick's work needs to get done, Jerry will have to approve it. I did reserve it, but will wait to get permission for sure. Maybe this will be a great missionary opportunity for me, who knows.
I told our local elders if I could help fellowship any investigators to let me know. They jumped on it and are coming for dinner Tuesday. We were told to pray for them by name and their investigators, so I am following that council. We don't see them much like the elders before. I hate it when I have to start over with new missionaries. Just when we get to know them, bam they are gone. Oh well that's life right? I love you and hope you are doing well. I know Heavenly Father is watching over you and keeping you calm. I thank Him every day for that. Can't wait to hear from you. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox. Love, mommy
EMILY'S reply to mom:
That is weird that the mail came on all different days! haha! The mail kept you on your toes! I got the package on Saturday but we didn't have time to go to the post office and pick it up yet so that is the next stop on our P-Day adventure! I felt so bad that I was late for Rebecca's birthday hers was one that I really really wanted to be on time for. Oh well, ya gotta put the past behind ya.I love the Ensigns Sister Fink used to read them to me during meal times! We are all in the work together! yes I do have a mormon.org profile. But it is hard to find me because how many other Emily Smith's are there in the world? but you can find me by searching Emily Smith or by searching Sister Smith.
I am so excited about this Jerry Arkadis! I will pray that this will turn into a missionary opportunity for you!!!!
You are awesome! I was just going to tell you today in this e-mail to tell the Elders that you want to help them and to not just wait for them to ask. It makes it so you are on their mind and they know you are willing to help instead of just guessing but you are already one step ahead of me!!!! Do they only do Spanish work? They still are Spanish Elders right?
I am doing well and I get to go to the temple this Wendesday so I'm really excited to go there and hopefully recieve more guidance!
Your guess was closest about what my new companion looks like, the only thing different was that she has long blonde hair instead of short blond hair!
Thank you so much for all you do for me. I really don't know how I can show you how grateful I am to you, and for you.
Sister Smith
Thank You so much for my balance. So I just found out that we are supposed to have $100.00 cash for emergencies so could you put an extra 100.00 on my card so I can go to the ATM and have my money for emergencies? Thank You so much!
yes We do still need the GPS. I get SOOO lost in St. Paul. the only place I can make it to without the GPS is the grocery store, Aldi, and the church. The only other thing I can think that you could send is any long sleeve shirt you can find that is mine. It is SO cold here! Thank YOU so much for all you do. you really are the best.
With Love, Em
Oct 21, family letter
Well tomorrow marks 17 weeks that Emily has been gone. She is growing so much and is so happy. What a great decision this was for her. Things have been a little crazy since the transfer to St. Paul. Their apartment wasn't ready when the got there so they lived with the English sisters for a week. Now we can get back on a schedule of letters and photos!
Sister P and her sister. Sister P is teaching us the new "Kuh ran" language.
We got invited to a Karen wedding. These were the flower girls. They loved us so we got our picture taken with them.
Sister P was a bridesmaid at the wedding. My companion Sister Riley was wearing a traditional Karen dress. That is so cool!
My first Karen meal! They like their food very spicy. |
I have a chicken foot on my fork!!! I even ate it. It just tasted like chicken, but there was a bunch of bones in it. ICK! |
I got to talk in sacrament meeting this week about reflections from General Conference. A theme I picked out that was super important is that we need to put God first in our lives. I loved Elder Ballard's talk about we need to stay focused on our ultimate goal which should be the celestial kingdom. I also loved D. Todd Christoffersen's talk for obvious reasons. It is always important to be reminded of the effect we can have on people. But it made me think of times when I have put God first and times when I haven't and the outcomes of both, and by far putting Him first ALWAYS yields better outcomes. I know as we put God first in our lives we will be blessed, because He knows what is best for us. With love, Sister Smith
Friday, October 18, 2013
Family Letter received Oct 15, 2013
What a crazy week! So sorry I'm still trying to figure everything out here in St. Paul so no pictures. :(
But you get a postcard! Anyway, I am working now with Karen people and English people. Karen is said Kuh-ran. The people are from a country called Burma and their government decided to go crazy and start killing all of their people. So they all fled to Thailand and then came to Washington State, Utah, and Minnesota. There is a branch of Karen people in Utah!! But right now I am trying to learn the alphabet. (From Christy: I wish I could somehow show you all what it looks like, but I don't think there is any way to type it. You will have to google it) Like I said in the post card the Karen members of the ward give all the missionaries a Karen name. There are four sets of missionaries in our ward. My name means love, special/good, first, flower. said Eh blu cho Paw! We are learning phrases but not much. We know how to say nice to meet you, my name is, how are you doing, Thank you, and yes. I can also count to 10!
I love it here. I feel so calm and peaceful. I know the Lord is helping me learn and He is protecting me from my own stress. I love you all! Be safe. Love, Sister Smith
But you get a postcard! Anyway, I am working now with Karen people and English people. Karen is said Kuh-ran. The people are from a country called Burma and their government decided to go crazy and start killing all of their people. So they all fled to Thailand and then came to Washington State, Utah, and Minnesota. There is a branch of Karen people in Utah!! But right now I am trying to learn the alphabet. (From Christy: I wish I could somehow show you all what it looks like, but I don't think there is any way to type it. You will have to google it) Like I said in the post card the Karen members of the ward give all the missionaries a Karen name. There are four sets of missionaries in our ward. My name means love, special/good, first, flower. said Eh blu cho Paw! We are learning phrases but not much. We know how to say nice to meet you, my name is, how are you doing, Thank you, and yes. I can also count to 10!
I love it here. I feel so calm and peaceful. I know the Lord is helping me learn and He is protecting me from my own stress. I love you all! Be safe. Love, Sister Smith
Email to Mom Oct 14, 2013
I love getting lots of e-mails, never apologize for that! I am so glad that Dan is done! I love chapter 4 of Preach My Gospel. I studied it this morning about prayer and how we can feel the spirit stronger in our prayers. I am so excited to go to the temple soon. I haven't gone yet but we will before the transfer is over definitely. I love the peace you get to bring home too. Thank you so much for always going to the temple. Your example always gave me the desire to go there myself one day and I see all of these converts who do not have a desire to go to the temple and it is so sad.
I did get the link for the website but I am not allowed to look at it because we can only go to like 4 websites and that is not one of them. Why did 16 boys end up at the genealogy library?
So I may be confused about the whole Dan Situation. . . Dan has a son named Nicholas who had a son who was adopted out and that is who you wrote to about his family? Is that correct? Do you have what you said to the one who was adopted out? I did see 2 messages that he wrote to you but none that you wrote to him. Did you write him first? Sorry I have tons of questions but this is a cool experience and I want to make sure I understand what is happening with it.
I love you tons Thanks so much for all you do. If you haven't sent my winter stuff out yet will you please do that ASAP! my new address is
55 Hyacinth Ave W. #305
St. Paul Minnesota 55117
It is getting pretty chilly here and I think it may snow this week and if not this week soon. Also do we have an extra GPS around the house that you could send to me Sister Riley's died and so we are borrowing Elder Newton's until we can get one for us to have.
I have lots of fun stuff to tell you in my letter. Also Sorry I have been taking so long to send the letters so they haven't been getting there on Saturday. Sister Riley and I are the first Karen Sisters so we are opening a new area and our new apartment wasn't ready for us yet so we were living with the English Sisters in North St. Paul but we moved into our new apartment last Tuesday and the letters I wrote on Monday got lost in the move until Thursday or Friday so they are coming soon! I love you!!!!!!!
With Love Sister Smith.
P.S. I want you and Cass to guess what my new companion looks like again! I will send a picture with this week's letter!
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 Christy wrote:
So for our anniversary I got dad to take me to the temple! It was fun. We finished Dan up. I am so happy. I figured you would be too. Anyway I was having a hard time feeling the spirit. I listened to conference talks on the way over, but apparently they didn't help me. Anyway so I said a prayer for Heavenly Father to help me feel the spirit. Then as Adam and Eve were leaving the garden, I was just thinking how grateful I am for their faithfulness. They had to do some hard things for us. Then when Satan was tempting them, all they wanted was more knowledge from Heavenly Father. You know Satan is real and he is right there so close waiting for us to mess up or have a weak moment. Then when Adam and Eve do get their messengers, none of them are afraid to stand up to Satan. They just give him those looks of total disgust. I want to be like that. Heavenly Father has given us messengers too. Especially with conference being last week, we have so much fresh stuff to study to stay strong. I'm so grateful for our devoted prophet and church leaders. I could feel my Heavenly Fathers love for me as I walked into the Celestial room and looked into His eyes. He knows ME! I am going to try so hard to have more meaningful prayers. I need Heavenly Father to know how much I love Him.
I hope you get to go to the temple soon if you haven't already. I love the peace I get to bring home. I just wanted to write you tonight while all this was fresh in my mind. Sorry for another email. It's midnight now so I'm going to turn in. Love you so much, <3 mom
I did get the link for the website but I am not allowed to look at it because we can only go to like 4 websites and that is not one of them. Why did 16 boys end up at the genealogy library?
So I may be confused about the whole Dan Situation. . . Dan has a son named Nicholas who had a son who was adopted out and that is who you wrote to about his family? Is that correct? Do you have what you said to the one who was adopted out? I did see 2 messages that he wrote to you but none that you wrote to him. Did you write him first? Sorry I have tons of questions but this is a cool experience and I want to make sure I understand what is happening with it.
I love you tons Thanks so much for all you do. If you haven't sent my winter stuff out yet will you please do that ASAP! my new address is
55 Hyacinth Ave W. #305
St. Paul Minnesota 55117
It is getting pretty chilly here and I think it may snow this week and if not this week soon. Also do we have an extra GPS around the house that you could send to me Sister Riley's died and so we are borrowing Elder Newton's until we can get one for us to have.
I have lots of fun stuff to tell you in my letter. Also Sorry I have been taking so long to send the letters so they haven't been getting there on Saturday. Sister Riley and I are the first Karen Sisters so we are opening a new area and our new apartment wasn't ready for us yet so we were living with the English Sisters in North St. Paul but we moved into our new apartment last Tuesday and the letters I wrote on Monday got lost in the move until Thursday or Friday so they are coming soon! I love you!!!!!!!
With Love Sister Smith.
P.S. I want you and Cass to guess what my new companion looks like again! I will send a picture with this week's letter!
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 Christy wrote:
So for our anniversary I got dad to take me to the temple! It was fun. We finished Dan up. I am so happy. I figured you would be too. Anyway I was having a hard time feeling the spirit. I listened to conference talks on the way over, but apparently they didn't help me. Anyway so I said a prayer for Heavenly Father to help me feel the spirit. Then as Adam and Eve were leaving the garden, I was just thinking how grateful I am for their faithfulness. They had to do some hard things for us. Then when Satan was tempting them, all they wanted was more knowledge from Heavenly Father. You know Satan is real and he is right there so close waiting for us to mess up or have a weak moment. Then when Adam and Eve do get their messengers, none of them are afraid to stand up to Satan. They just give him those looks of total disgust. I want to be like that. Heavenly Father has given us messengers too. Especially with conference being last week, we have so much fresh stuff to study to stay strong. I'm so grateful for our devoted prophet and church leaders. I could feel my Heavenly Fathers love for me as I walked into the Celestial room and looked into His eyes. He knows ME! I am going to try so hard to have more meaningful prayers. I need Heavenly Father to know how much I love Him.
I hope you get to go to the temple soon if you haven't already. I love the peace I get to bring home. I just wanted to write you tonight while all this was fresh in my mind. Sorry for another email. It's midnight now so I'm going to turn in. Love you so much, <3 mom
First letter from St. Paul
This will be short, because I only have 15 min of Pday left. I am adjusting so well and I am confident that the Lord is helping me so much. I could be so stressed out, but I am not at all. I love the area, I love the members I've met, I love trying to learn a language! I LOVE my companion.
I love you all so much. Thanks for all you do. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo ttyl. With Love, Sister Smith
I love you all so much. Thanks for all you do. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo ttyl. With Love, Sister Smith
Monday, October 14, 2013
Email to Jamie Oct, 7, 2013
They did talk a lot about missionary work in conference, because it is so important! We seriously can't do anything without members help. We can teach but no one will ever stay active without the members, most people will not even be baptized if we don't get members involved. I know that as you pray and follow the spirit you will know what to do. Even just introduce yourself to the missionaries in Duchesne. We often need people to go with us to teach so we can have the rule of 3. I am sure the elders there have the same predicament! Do you have a mormon.org profile? If not you should create one, and if you already have one you should go updated it or answer more questions. The Lord has put you through things for a reason, for you to learn and so you can help others learn and come closer to Him. There may be someone on mormon.org as well as one of your friends who needs to hear your testimony and your experiences. I know that missionary work often seems big and scary, but you can share in so many ways! Follow the promptings and you will be blessed!
I loved the focus on women and the power we have to affect the world for better or worse. It really made me think about how I act, things I say, and the goals I have for my life. Thanks you for your prayers. Sister Smith
I loved the focus on women and the power we have to affect the world for better or worse. It really made me think about how I act, things I say, and the goals I have for my life. Thanks you for your prayers. Sister Smith
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Email to Grandma and Grandpa Oct 7, 2013
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
I LOVE St. Paul. Normally when I leave Waseca I am nervous and scared and I feel so out of place but I never felt like that here. I instantly felt at home. I know the Lord is blessing me and helping me know that this is where I need to be, and Karen is the language I need to be speaking. We also do English work, we are kind of half and half, which is nice. We can still do some teaching while we are learning the language. Sister Riley and I are the first Karen Sisters in the mission so she doesn't know the language either.
I loved conference so much! We visited a less active member before conference and she is from Idaho Falls! So of course I was thinking about how much I love that place and then we started talking about how we have so many traditions of the General Conference weekend that I could probably tell you exactly what my family would be doing at what time this whole weekend. I was sad to be away but I also really liked being in the chapel. I was able to be less distracted and I didn't fall asleep at all!
With Love, Sister Smith
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Email October 7, 2013
Last week was total madness so I didn't write anyone except the family and you. But I am doing my best to write everyone that I can. I will write Cass back soon but I still haven't written Jenn back!
I did get to play bingo for conference I had one space left on both of my bingo sheets. I had Heaven left on one and Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy on the other. One person gave a talk completely about Sabbath day observance but he never said Keep the Sabbath day Holy. . . ugh! But I loved my bingo prize! I am so excited to go to the temple! I watched conference in the chapel at our meetinghouse. I can't believe I grew up in Utah and I have never been to a general conference session. That is a new goal of mine. I want to be there!
There was a really strong emphasis on families because so many people don't understand. My mind is blown about how many members here don't have a desire to go to the temple or how many people marry people of different relationships. We need to have people that are going to go to the temple!!!!! Families are important! The world needs to know that!
Mom, you are a great teacher! I have been there for your lessons before and they are always so good and you follow the spirit really well, don't let Satan discourage you! You are incredible!
Yes we are getting cold weather. I know I will be staying here for a long time so if you could send all my winter stuff (Boots, Coat, Wool Socks) that would be great! I want to be ready when it hits, I don't want to be in the snow without boots and a good winter coat. Mostly it is rainy but I don't think snow will be too far behind. . .
I do still have oils but the headaches have ceased once again. I KNOW that Lord is taking away my stress because I should be a total disaster right now. This transfer brought so many changes: Small town to big city, English to Karen, Sister Hansen to Sister Riley, branch to big ward, etc. Also there has never been Karen Sisters, so we are opening a new area, and both learning the language. But I know that this is where I am supposed to be and who I am supposed to be with and the Lord is blessing me A TON already. It is a huge blessing to be with Sister Riley, I love her already so far we get along really well. When President Clements gave me a blessing this week he did say that we will be together for a long time and we will be blessed to get a long well. I love North St. Paul. I immediately felt like I was at home as soon as I got to the area. This feels so right. I know that my Heavenly Father Loves me so much and he knows where I need to be, and what I can handle. I am excited to learn Karen and to learn to love these people. They are so great Mom!
I love you very much and I hope you get this e-mail. remember to send my mail to the mission office!
Sister Smith
I did get to play bingo for conference I had one space left on both of my bingo sheets. I had Heaven left on one and Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy on the other. One person gave a talk completely about Sabbath day observance but he never said Keep the Sabbath day Holy. . . ugh! But I loved my bingo prize! I am so excited to go to the temple! I watched conference in the chapel at our meetinghouse. I can't believe I grew up in Utah and I have never been to a general conference session. That is a new goal of mine. I want to be there!
There was a really strong emphasis on families because so many people don't understand. My mind is blown about how many members here don't have a desire to go to the temple or how many people marry people of different relationships. We need to have people that are going to go to the temple!!!!! Families are important! The world needs to know that!
Mom, you are a great teacher! I have been there for your lessons before and they are always so good and you follow the spirit really well, don't let Satan discourage you! You are incredible!
Yes we are getting cold weather. I know I will be staying here for a long time so if you could send all my winter stuff (Boots, Coat, Wool Socks) that would be great! I want to be ready when it hits, I don't want to be in the snow without boots and a good winter coat. Mostly it is rainy but I don't think snow will be too far behind. . .
I do still have oils but the headaches have ceased once again. I KNOW that Lord is taking away my stress because I should be a total disaster right now. This transfer brought so many changes: Small town to big city, English to Karen, Sister Hansen to Sister Riley, branch to big ward, etc. Also there has never been Karen Sisters, so we are opening a new area, and both learning the language. But I know that this is where I am supposed to be and who I am supposed to be with and the Lord is blessing me A TON already. It is a huge blessing to be with Sister Riley, I love her already so far we get along really well. When President Clements gave me a blessing this week he did say that we will be together for a long time and we will be blessed to get a long well. I love North St. Paul. I immediately felt like I was at home as soon as I got to the area. This feels so right. I know that my Heavenly Father Loves me so much and he knows where I need to be, and what I can handle. I am excited to learn Karen and to learn to love these people. They are so great Mom!
I love you very much and I hope you get this e-mail. remember to send my mail to the mission office!
Sister Smith
Monday, October 7, 2013
Letter to mom Sept 30, 13
Great goal, to read the Ensign every day! They are amazing! Emma the girl we found on the short street, had us over for one appointment but it was not a restoration lesson it was more of us answering her questions. She didn't want to learn more, but the Spirit was so strong, it is just not her time yet.
Family history is tricky, especially when you are trying to teach it to someone who doesn't know how to use a computer!! That's what we have been doing. What an adventure! Brother N is a member. We got him signed up finally and he has gotten going. We always pray before we start. I am going to miss working with him. He just got ordained to a priest, and he has a calling teaching the Gospel Principles class. He really is incredible.
President Clements won't be my mission president for my whole mission because they serve for three years and he has already been out for two. He will be my mission president for a year of my mission.
The baby announcements ended up very cute! I am carrying it around showing it to everyone!!!
News of transfers is so crazy! The feeling is so weird. I am so excited, confused, nervous, stressed, and faithful. North St. Paul, Karen speaking, Crazy!!! Well I need to go pack. TTFN, XOXO Sister Smith
Family history is tricky, especially when you are trying to teach it to someone who doesn't know how to use a computer!! That's what we have been doing. What an adventure! Brother N is a member. We got him signed up finally and he has gotten going. We always pray before we start. I am going to miss working with him. He just got ordained to a priest, and he has a calling teaching the Gospel Principles class. He really is incredible.
President Clements won't be my mission president for my whole mission because they serve for three years and he has already been out for two. He will be my mission president for a year of my mission.
The baby announcements ended up very cute! I am carrying it around showing it to everyone!!!
News of transfers is so crazy! The feeling is so weird. I am so excited, confused, nervous, stressed, and faithful. North St. Paul, Karen speaking, Crazy!!! Well I need to go pack. TTFN, XOXO Sister Smith
Sept 30, 2013 family letter
No photos this week. The printer was down. This week was the General Relief Society Broadcast. I was so excited to go. Last week I was having those bad headaches again-like the ones I had before my mission. Not good. We are working with a less active member who is struggling a ton right now and I have been thinking a ton about how I can help her. The ward fed us dinner before the broadcast and there were Dove promises on the table before hand that I shoved into my bag. Then I started my fast and forgot all about the candy until ending my fast. When I opened them they said, close your eyes and relax" and "Do what feels right" I thought it was ironic that they said that because I need to relax so I won't get headaches. And Do what feels right...follow the Spirit, which was the revelation I received during my fast. I know fasting can bring great revelation if we do it and focus on our fast not on how hungry we are. I am so excited for conference. This is my last letter from Waseca....Here I come North St. Pau! I love you all! With love, Sister Smith
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Pictures September 27, 2013
Found this super AWESOME old car that I love Paint it up nice and that is a sweet ride! |
Me posing in New Richland |
First Minnesota souvenir |
Things are going really well for me. This morning I got a call from President Clements telling me that I am being transferred to St. Paul, Karen Speaking. . . he told me that He felt it was right and that I will be able to do this. and I can go to the temple again! I am terrified and calm all at the same time it is a weird feeling. . . But I am excited none the less! So SEND MY MAIL TO THE MISSION HOME!! I WILL NO LONGER BE IN WASECA!!!!!!!
A lot of people here are sick too, I have been taking my vitamins like crazy, I do not want to be sick! But yes I do love Sister Hansen as well I learned a lot from her. I needed her positive attitude specially now that I am learning a language, i will need to be positive about that!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Family history
So we have been working with Brother N and teaching him a lesson about family history. He is usually emotional during our lessons because the spirit is so strong. But this time he was really emotional and he kept looking over his shoulder. Toward the end of the lesson he said, "I can feel my mom here telling me I need to do this NOW!" So we set up another appt to do family history. It took three appointments and prayer to know what to do, but we finally got him signed in. His family goes back to the 1700's". I looked at his 9 gen fan chart, his dad's family is full all the way back 9 generations. His mom's side however, goes back to his grandparents. Sister Hansen and I instantly understand why his mom was telling him to get to work. We were all crying and covered with chills at this point. She really was there telling him to find her family. There were green arrows everywhere, so what was found needed work done.
We may not have as many lost family members as this brother, but we do have lost family. Mom can't do it alone. President Kimball on pg 164 of PMG said "Genealogy IS temple work" it IS missionary work. We are saving souls and introducing them into the temple and providing them a way to make it to the celestial kingdom. Just like brother N felt guidance, we can have similar experiences. We can see miracles and be closer to our family that has gone before us. We will be brought closer to the Spirit of the Lord as we do family history. I PROMISE!
We may not have as many lost family members as this brother, but we do have lost family. Mom can't do it alone. President Kimball on pg 164 of PMG said "Genealogy IS temple work" it IS missionary work. We are saving souls and introducing them into the temple and providing them a way to make it to the celestial kingdom. Just like brother N felt guidance, we can have similar experiences. We can see miracles and be closer to our family that has gone before us. We will be brought closer to the Spirit of the Lord as we do family history. I PROMISE!
Letter to mom 9-24-13
We have been having some pretty bad rain, but mostly it comes in the night when we are sleeping. Except one day we were out and had to sit in the rain for an appointment. The rain looked and felt like snow but it wasn't white. Weird. Other than that September days are beautiful. So sunny, no humidity, a slight breeze and just flawless temperatures for being outside. Until the sun goes down around 7:30, then it cools off.
My mission is a lot out of my comfort zone and a lot of change, but there is no where else I would rather be right now. I love Waseca. I love the gospel and want so badly to help people come closer to Jesus Christ, to get people to the temple to partake of temple blessings. I love being a missionary!
Brother P is doing great! We left one Sunday and he was in 2 Nephi 17 when we came back the next week he was in Jacob 1 which is huge for an old man who refused to read the Book of Mormon for 30 years. He always asks great questions like "what is the doctrine of Christ" and "What is baptism of fire?" He is still concerned that he hasn't received an answer to his prayers. Maybe he just needs to come to church before that happens.
There was a part member family that moved away from Waseca. We were tracking in the town they moved to, but didn't know their address. We had his moms address and figured we would stop by later in the day. So we started tracting and the first door we knocked on had their last name on it! They weren't home but later when we stopped by his mother's she told us it was the right address. We were amazed. Heavenly Father totally guided us to be there so we could get their address and still be in contact with the family. "Miracles happen once in a while, when you believe"
My mission is a lot out of my comfort zone and a lot of change, but there is no where else I would rather be right now. I love Waseca. I love the gospel and want so badly to help people come closer to Jesus Christ, to get people to the temple to partake of temple blessings. I love being a missionary!
Brother P is doing great! We left one Sunday and he was in 2 Nephi 17 when we came back the next week he was in Jacob 1 which is huge for an old man who refused to read the Book of Mormon for 30 years. He always asks great questions like "what is the doctrine of Christ" and "What is baptism of fire?" He is still concerned that he hasn't received an answer to his prayers. Maybe he just needs to come to church before that happens.
There was a part member family that moved away from Waseca. We were tracking in the town they moved to, but didn't know their address. We had his moms address and figured we would stop by later in the day. So we started tracting and the first door we knocked on had their last name on it! They weren't home but later when we stopped by his mother's she told us it was the right address. We were amazed. Heavenly Father totally guided us to be there so we could get their address and still be in contact with the family. "Miracles happen once in a while, when you believe"
Monday, September 23, 2013
Tender mercies
9-16-13 letter
Last week we had a pretty awesome miracle. In our nightly planning we had an hour where nothing was planned, so we looked at where we were going to be after that and just looked at the map and choose a street nearby. The next day we go to this street and it is the shortest street I have ever seen. All the houses were facing another way. We were worried we now had nothing to do. Then we saw the one house on the street. So we knocked on the door. I was halfway expecting no one to be home because it was 12:30 in the afternoon. But a 20 year old girl opened the door, and she totally listened to everything we had to say! She wanted to learn more about our religion! We are going to see her again tonight to teach her a real, sit-down lesson. I am so excited! 2 Nephi 26:13 if we have faith in God he will show us many miracles. Look for the miracles in your life daily, because as long as you have faith that they will be there, they will be! I love you all and I love being a missionary. This is the greatest blessing! With love, Sister Smith
Last week we had a pretty awesome miracle. In our nightly planning we had an hour where nothing was planned, so we looked at where we were going to be after that and just looked at the map and choose a street nearby. The next day we go to this street and it is the shortest street I have ever seen. All the houses were facing another way. We were worried we now had nothing to do. Then we saw the one house on the street. So we knocked on the door. I was halfway expecting no one to be home because it was 12:30 in the afternoon. But a 20 year old girl opened the door, and she totally listened to everything we had to say! She wanted to learn more about our religion! We are going to see her again tonight to teach her a real, sit-down lesson. I am so excited! 2 Nephi 26:13 if we have faith in God he will show us many miracles. Look for the miracles in your life daily, because as long as you have faith that they will be there, they will be! I love you all and I love being a missionary. This is the greatest blessing! With love, Sister Smith
Pictures 9-21-13
For pulling weeds with Brother Tom, he carved these rocks for the girls. Emily's is the one above her name tag.
Emily gathered rocks and sand at Clear Lake for an object lesson.
You have to put the gospel first in your life or else there won't be time for everything.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Letter home 9-9-13 Spirit of Contention
This week was so weird. We had maybe 2 appointments the whole week. I have never felt the spirit of contention in me as much as I did this week (while on my mission) and I was irritated a ton. Looking back on it , it was a really good week. I had a lot of time to discipline myself and to work on improvement. There was a lot of the adversary there to push me away from the spirit, but it never did go away no matter how often I prayed or how much scripture I read until I prayed for the right thing; charity and opportunities to serve my companion. After I began having a willing attitude I began again to be happy and to feel the spirit strong again! Similarly, Brother P is praying to know of God is there. He has been doing that for around three weeks and I think he is getting frustrated that he doesn't get an answer. (He has received them but I don't think he recognizes them) anyway, yesterday when we saw him he had a different spirit. He had questions and he really wanted to know the answers. I have faith that he could be baptized soon if it is the Lord's will, but I feel like for him it will be a long, slow process. But he is progressing!! I know he is coming closer to Christ and as he prays with the right attitude, he will receive undeniable answers!!
I know God is there. Love, Sister Smith
I know God is there. Love, Sister Smith
Testimony of Joseph Smith and temple work. 9-9-13
Sunday school here is so good. We had a lesson about Joseph Smith and how many things this gospel has because of him. We talked quite a bit about Hymn 29 "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" because it was sang the day the prophet died. I am amazed by verse 7. I got chills when we were talking about how this verse relates to the temple and also the last 3 lines how the things we do to others are the things we do to Christ. Then this morning in study I read from PMG a quote by Elder Dalin H. Oaks "We do not preach and teach in order to 'bring people into the church' or to increase the membership of the church. We do not preach and teach just to persuade people to live better lives...we invite all to come unto Christ by repentance and baptism and confirmation in order to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to the sons and daughters of God." Joseph Smith made us able to do the temple work, without him where would we be? I know that some of the most important work to be done is to encourage and strengthen those members who have not yet made it to the temple. I'm trying to help people here in Waseca prepare for the temple, and the celestial kingdom. I told Brother N the other day I will see him there! I know that is the best place to be. I encourage you to reflect on the blessings you have received from the temple and to set goals of what you can do to either prepare yourself to go to the temple (for Morg & Cass) or for everyone else, who and how can you help to receive those ordinances (living or dead) : ) We have been given temples because of many prophets who were willing to do what God asked. Don't let the temples go unused!!!! I know Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. I love you all! Sister Smith
Mail to grandma and grandpa 9-15-13
Helen Park wrote:
Dear Sister Smith,
How are you doing? I am glad you are enjoying tracting. The bugs sound crazy. I would probably go to bed and hear the buzzing in my sleep. When Dennis was in Georgia on his mission they had tons of cockroaches. He would send us a tape (it was in the olden days you know) and after every few words you would hear them smack a cockroach. They kept track on the wall how many they killed. At least you don't have them in your house (I hope). You probably have the same lesson as we do in Relief Society but there was a thought I really liked and it reminded me of you. It was about when the Savior asked his apostles to "Feed My Sheep". They said "Go forth with your whole heart, be devoted wholly to my cause. These people in the world are my brethren and sisters. My feelings are exercised towards them. Take care of my people. Feed my flock. Go forth and preach the gospel. I will reward you for all your sacrifices. Do not think that you can make too great a sacrifices in accomplishing this work." That is exactly what you are doing and you will definitely be blessed for your sacrifices. I think we all need be better at taking care of our brothers and sisters whether we are in the mission field or not. We can all be missionaries. Keep up the good work and your Heavenly Father will watch over you and help you as you go through each day. We love you and you are always in our prayers. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
Sister and Elder Park,
I am doing great! How are you? We have never found any of those bugs in our apartment. We found a cricket in our apartment 2 nights ago though and I almost had a heart attack until I realized what it was! haha! it was funny But Sister Hansen had to kill it for me because I am a baby.
We actually don't go to Relief Socitey, because I am the Primary Pianist in the branch so I am excited to hear this relief society thought! . . . It was really good. We really are all missionaries. It says so many times in Preach My Gospel that missionaries can not do it on their own. The members have to help. the more time I am out here the more I realize how important it is that we are all missionaries! The way that our members care for each other is what draws a lot of people to our church anyway. it is really important to show that we care about each member of the congregation. I love you too!
With Love, Sister Smith
Dear Sister Smith,
How are you doing? I am glad you are enjoying tracting. The bugs sound crazy. I would probably go to bed and hear the buzzing in my sleep. When Dennis was in Georgia on his mission they had tons of cockroaches. He would send us a tape (it was in the olden days you know) and after every few words you would hear them smack a cockroach. They kept track on the wall how many they killed. At least you don't have them in your house (I hope). You probably have the same lesson as we do in Relief Society but there was a thought I really liked and it reminded me of you. It was about when the Savior asked his apostles to "Feed My Sheep". They said "Go forth with your whole heart, be devoted wholly to my cause. These people in the world are my brethren and sisters. My feelings are exercised towards them. Take care of my people. Feed my flock. Go forth and preach the gospel. I will reward you for all your sacrifices. Do not think that you can make too great a sacrifices in accomplishing this work." That is exactly what you are doing and you will definitely be blessed for your sacrifices. I think we all need be better at taking care of our brothers and sisters whether we are in the mission field or not. We can all be missionaries. Keep up the good work and your Heavenly Father will watch over you and help you as you go through each day. We love you and you are always in our prayers. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
Sister and Elder Park,
I am doing great! How are you? We have never found any of those bugs in our apartment. We found a cricket in our apartment 2 nights ago though and I almost had a heart attack until I realized what it was! haha! it was funny But Sister Hansen had to kill it for me because I am a baby.
We actually don't go to Relief Socitey, because I am the Primary Pianist in the branch so I am excited to hear this relief society thought! . . . It was really good. We really are all missionaries. It says so many times in Preach My Gospel that missionaries can not do it on their own. The members have to help. the more time I am out here the more I realize how important it is that we are all missionaries! The way that our members care for each other is what draws a lot of people to our church anyway. it is really important to show that we care about each member of the congregation. I love you too!
With Love, Sister Smith
Emily on her bike |
Just chillin in the apartment waiting for laundry to dry. |
Tracting in Waterville this week. Butterflies everywhere. |
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Email to Mel. Great message for all
HI!!! I love freezer corn! and the corn here is sooo good. It would be great to have freezer corn to save for later! I miss homemade jam too! haha! all these things I used to have time to do. Oh well, I will have time later in life:)Has it been raining a lot in Duchesne? I guess that would be good, last I heard there was a ton of fires over that way. . . I know I have already been gone for 2 months. . . can you believe it?
I am doing great I have not been transferred. I am still here in Waseca but my companion went home and I got a new one named Sister Hansen who has been on her mission for 9 months. She is nice :) We only have 1 investigator right now but we have a lot of less-active people we are working with to help them come back to activity. I love so many of the people here! It is incredible!
GO DO FAMILY HISTORY!!!!!!! seriously that is so important to missionary work it is incredible! Doing family history is like serving a mission for the dead people. There are so many who have died and cannot progress until their work has been done. They will be stuck in Spirit Prison until we do their work! Mel, The temple is the greatest place ever. So many blessings are there and I know that as you do family history and prepare them for baptisms, you can continue to prepare yourself and one day prepare all those people in your family tree for endowment and sealing as well :) You can do it!
I am doing great I have not been transferred. I am still here in Waseca but my companion went home and I got a new one named Sister Hansen who has been on her mission for 9 months. She is nice :) We only have 1 investigator right now but we have a lot of less-active people we are working with to help them come back to activity. I love so many of the people here! It is incredible!
GO DO FAMILY HISTORY!!!!!!! seriously that is so important to missionary work it is incredible! Doing family history is like serving a mission for the dead people. There are so many who have died and cannot progress until their work has been done. They will be stuck in Spirit Prison until we do their work! Mel, The temple is the greatest place ever. So many blessings are there and I know that as you do family history and prepare them for baptisms, you can continue to prepare yourself and one day prepare all those people in your family tree for endowment and sealing as well :) You can do it!
I love you tons and I am excited to be in the temple with you one day! With Love, Sister Smith!
Email 9-16-13
Well, maybe we don't have pictures because it is usually either Me or You holding the camera? it is sad that we don't have more but I know we have some. Does Linds or Megan not have any either? Does McCoy have to come home or is he sticking it out there? It is super funny that Elder McLaws posted that on Facebook. I really was thinking about it a lot recently! Way to go! we are connected, maybe it's a message that the Lord is reminding to all of his missionaries to remind others who they are! I loved that thought from grandma it was so good. People definitely need to remember who they are, and that their Heavenly Father is there for them ALWAYS. No matter how damaged or dirty they may be. As far as I know I am allowed to watch the video of Cooper and I loved it! he is so big! WOW, my little buddy can walk! This is a picture of Clear Lake (the clean lake in Waseca) it makes it kind of easy to not get in the water when it is this color! :D On Mon, Sep 16, 2013, Christy Smith wrote: Hello! I was just wondering why you and I don't have any pictures of us together. I'm so sad about that. Just found out McCoy young is really sick something he got from mosquitoes. Well I just wanted to say a quick hello today. I wrote a good letter to send out today so hopefully you will get it fast. Love you so much. Keep up the good work. Prayers and hugs. Mom Remember who you are. |
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